Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 94: : The Legend of the Great Demon King (End of this volume)

The last summer of Sawamura Middle School happened to be the 100th National Wild Ball Competition.

In this summer, Akagi Middle School has become the most beautiful scenery.

In the just-concluded Bunchen Cup, Akagi Middle School regrettably lost to Qingzhu Middle School in Hokkaido. Of course, Qingzhu Middle School did not reach the end. They lost to Kanagawa Yokozuna Middle School, the runner-up in the Kanto Conference.

The national hegemon of the Bunchen Cup is the yokozuna.

In the competition between Qingqi Middle School and Akagi Middle School, many people thought they had found a way to attack Akagi Middle School.

The terrifying Akagi Middle School may be more fragile than everyone imagines. If nothing else, just say their catcher, with that diversion speed, as long as the runner who steals bases is faster, they are very likely to score points. And once you get the score, it will be even less difficult to suppress Akagi Middle School\'s lineup!

After all, Akagi Middle School is a team formed with Sawamura as the core! Their defensive ability is indeed second to none in the country. But speaking of their offensive power, there are definitely not a few who can suppress Akagi. At least, many teams thought so at the time.

Holding such a mentality, those strong teams began to challenge Akagi Middle School one after another.

The result is, of course, tragic.

The premise they had in mind was very beautiful, but to achieve that premise, you have to have someone on base.

As a result, when they played against Akagi Middle School, they realized that it was so difficult to get on base.

Even if someone hits the base occasionally, if you want to take advantage of the base steal, you have to pay attention to the timing.

If all these conditions are met, you will be targeted by Akagi Middle School!

Until the final of the Kanto Conference, there was no team that could completely tear apart the defense of Akagi Middle School and score points.

On the contrary, it was the little friends who joined the Akagi Middle School baseball team from the very beginning. After two and a half years of training by Sawamura, they began to show their striking strength.

Yamaguchi, Ashin, Fengliang, and Hirota all turned into strong hitters, madly hitting the ball and getting hits.

Hard work pays off!

According to the most scientific and formal method, Sawamura helped his little friends to exercise for two and a half years, and their strength finally began to explode little by little.

There are many competitions in Akagi Middle School, and they are all won by big scores.

With the increase in strike strength, the team\'s advantage is also relatively large. Sawamura often swaps places with Komaki, taking turns to rest.

In this way, the Akagi Middle School baseball team made it all the way to the national competition.

After entering the national competition, Akagi Middle School did not stop. They fought and won all the way, and defeated strong competitors one after another.

In the end, in the semi-finals, he defeated Qingqi Middle School and avenged the Wenchen Cup.

In the final final, Akagi Middle School defeated Yokozuna Middle School and won the national championship for the second time.


This national championship is too important for Akagi Middle School!

When Akagi Middle School won the national championship for the first time, it was not a small voice to say that Akagi Middle School was a fluke.

In fact, it is no wonder that they will be criticized. Simply speaking of strength, the Akagi at that time was not the strongest team in the country.

In the whole country, there are at least three or five teams that can completely suppress Chicheng Middle School.

If it wasn\'t the first time that Akagi participated in the national competition, and Sawamura kept failing again and again, it would be very difficult for Akagi Middle School to reach the end and win the national championship.

But this time Akagi Middle School won the national championship, you can\'t say it was a fluke.

They really did rely on their own strength to crush all their opponents all the way and successfully won the national championship.

Of course, the influence of Sawamura itself is too great here.

Without him, simply based on the strength of the other small partners in Chicheng Middle School, it would be a level of elimination in the second and third rounds of the country.

In fact, this reality is even more amazing than Akagi winning the national championship twice.

You must know that these little friends from Chicheng Middle School are not geniuses. When they first joined the baseball team of Chicheng Middle School, they were all novices.

Now he has become such an outstanding player!

After winning the national competition this time, several of the people who were about to graduate from Chicheng Middle School received invitations from famous high schools.

The most popular among them is Ken Yamaguchi!

The defense skills are relatively solid, and the most important thing is the strength of the attack.

In this national competition, from the qualifiers in Nagano to the end of the national competition, Yamaguchi scored eight home runs.

Now he is no longer the chubby duner or otaku that was looked down upon in the legend, but a well-known strong beater in Nagano Prefecture and even the entire Kanto region.

Although Ashin and Feng Liang are not as strong as Yamaguchi, they have also received invitations from famous high schools.

Since last year, Sawamura has made it clear that he wants to go to Qingdao.

"Although I also hope that in high school, I can continue to play baseball happily with everyone. But my dream is the major leagues. In the future, I am afraid that I will devote all my energy to baseball, and I can no longer play with everyone. "

The little friends are not at all surprised that Sawamura has such lofty ideals. As friends, they were very supportive of Sawamura\'s decision.

Deep down, they also longed to continue playing baseball with Sawamura.

But they will not hinder Sawamura\'s future because of this selfish thought in their hearts.

Their good brother Sawamura is going to become a baseball star in the future.

Influenced by Sawamura, Yamaguchi, Ashin, and Feng Liang all decided to accept the invitation of the famous high school to challenge their own possibilities.

The other friends also have their own places.

Everyone has their own life and no one has the right to say anything.

The smash hit Akagi Middle School baseball team sent off their most brilliant class of players this summer.

This baseball team was founded by Sawamura Eijun. As for where it will go in the future, even the founder of Sawamura does not know.

Eijun Sawamura left, and the Akagi Junior High School baseball team ushered in a new beginning.

The Wenchen Cup and the 101st National Wild Ball Competition are also in full It seems that as this summer passes, the whole world has fallen silent.

Of course, this is not the case. Although Sawamura has left, legends about him have been circulating in the middle school wild ball competition.

A legend about the great devil!

In middle school, he had 324 strikeouts and 25 home runs in two years.

Hit rate: 613%.

Hit rate: 70% to 41%.

A single game record, a single record...

The holder of all records in the National Junior High School Wild Ball National Championships is Sawamura Eijun.

He is the super devil who will be handed down in the middle school wild ball national competition!

Demon King Sawamura! ! !