Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 92: : After the championship

For the friends of Akagi Middle School, the years after winning the national championship were like a dream.

It\'s as if they themselves are the center of the world, around which everything and everyone revolves.

The parents are as happy as flowers every day, facing the envious and jealous eyes of the neighbors, and saying polite and humble words.

"Your child is really good, unlike our little **** who knows to play around every day."

"There, there, he\'s not at home all day long, and he doesn\'t know what\'s crazy?"

"I\'m really envious."

"There, there..."

Dialogues like this happen from time to time around Akagi\'s friends.

After returning from Tokyo, everyone felt that everything around them seemed to have changed.

Even going to the grocery store in the small town to buy things, the stingy boss took the initiative to give small gifts.

Changed, everything changed!

Floating, floating like a dream.

Not only the environment around them, but also the relatives at home, even they themselves are wrapped in incomparable vanity.

Originally, a group of friends gathered together to play games and cards.

At this time, someone suddenly came to the family.

"Axin, why are you still playing? A reporter has come to interview you at home. Why don\'t you go home to my old lady and treat me well."

So, in the envious eyes of his friends, Ashin stood up, turned and left gracefully.

Then he murmured a few more words: "It\'s so annoying, come again!"

Think about it, this little B outfit needs to be more high-end and elegant, and it will be more high-end and elegant.

The whole summer vacation, the little friends of Akagi Middle School spent in such a dreamlike scene.

That championship trophy, in their view at that time, had no special meaning except to be exciting. Unexpectedly, in the days to come, it will affect them so much.

So that, until after they graduate, to participate in the work.

When colleagues and leaders knew that they were once national champions, there were still envy and surprise in their eyes.

As the team\'s ace, four-bar and coach.

Sawamura encounters these things ten times as often as ordinary friends.

During the time when I got home, my relatives, my parents\' friends, my grandpa\'s friends, and my elementary school students all came to visit. That\'s all, Sawamura is a person who likes to be lively. Whether it is relatives or friends, he is willing to get together and chat.

But every day there are reporters coming to interview, which really annoys Sawamura.

"Why don\'t I go out and hide for a while?"

Unable to bear it any longer, Sawamura thought to himself.


Then he was greeted by his grandfather\'s iron slap full of love.

"You give Lao Tzu a little bit of current affairs. People have come all the way to interview, so can\'t you be polite to me? How can you run away just because you avoid the interview?"

During this time, the old man was very excited, and he was about to be praised by those reporters.

In addition to reporters, there are advertisements.

Because Akagi won the national championship, many local small businesses are looking for them to shoot advertisements. Especially in the Nagano and Kanto regions, the advertising appointments are even more scary. (No way, in this place, Sawamura and Akagi are more popular.)

Although Sawamura himself didn\'t care too much about these, for the development of the baseball club, for the personal money of his friends, and for himself to go to Tokyo to visit senior Chris and the others from time to time.

Sawamura still received some advertisements.

Among them, there are three advertisements with Akagi as the main body, and there are two private advertisements by Sawamura himself.

These five advertisements alone have wiped out the ten or so days of Sawamura\'s summer vacation.

Here I would like to thank the Grandland child. Because of his relationship, Grandland Group has no friends from Taikeng Chicheng, and the price given is relatively fair. Unlike other advertisers, it\'s obviously cheating. Even so, in the past ten days, the little friends have made a lot of money.

Sawamura took the money and excitedly figured out whether it would be better to go to Tokyo once a week or once every two weeks.

Unexpectedly, the banknotes in his hand were confiscated by his mother before they were hot.

"How can a child take so much money? I\'ll save it for you first."

Mother was holding Sawamura\'s favorite red bean rice in her hand, smiling brightly.

Sawamura knew that if he refused, the person who talked about this issue would have to be replaced.

In desperation, he had to hand over most of his income.

Fortunately, his family did not have the genes of shrewdness and ability, and they did not take too much responsibility for the part of the income that Sawamura concealed.

In the midst of this commotion, the school started.

At the opening ceremony, Sawamura, as a student representative, stood on the rostrum and recited a manuscript written by Principal Takata himself.

Sawamura didn\'t remember what he said specifically, but it was nothing more than a cliché like \'study hard and make progress every day\'.

After that, Coach Takata was very excited to announce that the town finance would allocate funds to help Akagi renovate the school building. Construction will start next fall, after Sawamura retires from the baseball club. During the construction process, the school was temporarily relocated to the west of Akagi.

"The school is finally saved!"

This incident made Sawamura very happy.

At the beginning, he just wanted to help Chicheng Middle School keep its name, but he didn\'t expect such a result in the end.

In this way, Principal Takada doesn\'t have to retire, and Sano doesn\'t have to worry about finding a new job...

Although there is less of a legend, Sawamura is also very happy that the people around him can live well.

After school started, Oda Bensheng and Feng Xiang Ouichi retired from the baseball club one after another.

For these two seniors, Akagi Middle School Baseball Club held a grand farewell party.

The two were also very moved, Oda cried a lot, and Feng Xiang shed a few tears.

Everyone got together very late, until it was dark, and the little friends dispersed.

It was Wakana and Fengxiang who left the last to accompany Zecun to clean up the mess.

It was all over, and the three of them walked on the road of the campus.

"Have you decided where to go?"

Sawamura asked Fengxiang easily.

After winning the national Feng Xiang received more invitations. Even the Qing Dao, which they visited before, also sent an invitation to Feng Xiang. But instead of inviting him to be a catcher, he was invited as a hitter.

"To be honest, with your talent, it\'s hard for us to give you the position of catcher. But your strike is really good, and you have the potential to become a strong hitter. If you are willing to change the position of defense and accept the challenge. Then I represent Qing Dao, you are welcome."

Rei Takashima is as simple and direct as ever.

In the middle school softball league, there are very few who can be favored by Qing Dao just by hitting.

Feng Xiang is one of those rare phoenixes.

Sawamura also knew that Fengxiang should have a yearning for Qing Dao. Anyone who really likes baseball will have a hard time resisting Qing Dao\'s temptation.

"I\'m still thinking about it!"

Feng Xiang smiled bitterly and said, "He was also poached to high school and invited me to follow him to his school."

Sawamura opened his eyes wide in surprise and looked at Feng Xiang in disbelief.