Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 91: : Their dreams!

After changing equipment from the locker room, Qing Dao\'s friends pushed open the door and entered the stadium. 【】

As soon as they entered the stadium, fans and supporters who supported Qingdao began to open their mouths to cheer on their favorite players. Here, Sawamura, Kose, and Miyuki cheered the loudest. Miyuki is now a star player in Qingdao, an important person in offense and defense. Jicheng is the captain and a key figure in professional baseball, Qingdao\'s four sticks.

The two of them are relatively famous in Qing Dao, and their popularity is a matter of course.

It is said that Sawamura has just joined the team not long ago. Qingdo\'s supporters shouldn\'t be so quick to put Sawamura on the same level as Miyuki and Yusei.

But there is no way, Sawamura\'s reputation is already great, and he has shown good strength when he enters the green road. The most important point, Sawamura also makes up for the weakness on the green road\'s pitcher mound.

This made all supporters of Qingdao quickly accept the existence of Sawamura.

Qingdao supporters who are eager for Jiaziyuan, too hope to have a reliable ace pitcher!

Sawamura made up for their desire in an all-round way, so those who supported Qingdao were very welcome to Sawamura.

Now Sawamura\'s status seems to be on a par with Yucheng and Miyuki.

After the three, Ryosuke Kominato, Jun Isafu, Toru Masuko, these third graders, began to receive sporadic support. There are thousands of people and thousands of tastes, and there are people who like what kind of players. It\'s just that compared to the voices of support obtained by Yucheng, Miyuki, Sawamura, and others, the voices of support are much smaller.

Next, as usual, it is the turn of the warehouse!

Before anyone who liked Kuramochi could speak, a cheering sound like a small earthquake sounded.

"Sawamura! Sawamura!!!"

"Demon King, Demon King!!!!"

The Brotherhood of Brotherhood and the Demon King\'s Praetorian Guards began to act. They were like a huge torrent, and the other scattered cheers were completely wiped out.

Kuramochi, who raised his hand and waited to greet his fans, immediately changed his face.

He stared fiercely at Sawamura and asked, "You did it on purpose!"

This is not the first time, there was another time before, when those people were either a little early or a little behind, and they were cheering him on, the two brainless fans of Sawamura acted suddenly.

Sawamura looked innocent.

Does he have time to do such a boring thing?

"Brother, you are wronged!"

In fact, this has something to do with Sawamura. Sawamura and Kuramochi understood the friendship built during the fight, Sawamura understood, Kuramochi understood, and so did the surrounding teammates. Dormitory No. 5 has always had such a tradition of falling in love and wanting to kill! Even Masuko would sometimes attack Sawamura because he stole his pudding jelly.

They are used to fighting together, so they don\'t take it seriously.

Fans of Kezawa Village don\'t know!

Every time they watched Kuramochi treat Sawamura viciously, they automatically made up a lot of pictures of evil seniors bullying their juniors.

So annoying!

Thinking that the big devil in his family is polite and doesn\'t care about the seniors, the seniors can bully them even more, what is it?

At that time, the little friends discussed and taught Kuramochi a lesson!

This is easy to say, but difficult to do. No matter what, Kuramochi and Sawamura were teammates on the same team, so they couldn\'t cheer Kuramochi when they were cheering.

Isn\'t that helping the enemy fight against his family Sawamura?

This kid Miyamoto is also a ghost, he quickly thought of another countermeasure. He found that Kuramochi enjoyed the fans cheering him on, and this was a great opportunity!

So he planned that when the audience cheered Kuramochi, they would cheer for Sawamura together.

Among Qingdo\'s supporters, there were only a dozen or so who could come from Tokyo to support Kuramochi. Even in Tokyo, this number is not many, dozens of them died.

How could their momentum be an opponent of the three or four thousand Demon King\'s Guards?

That\'s why the current situation happened. When it was time to refuel Kuramochi, there was a roar around him. When they\'re done roaring, you won\'t be able to cheer up Kuramochi any more.

This is not the first time. After the last time, Kuramochi took the opportunity to have a good exchange with Sawamura about the close friendship between the senior and the junior.

Unexpectedly, Sawamura\'s fans did not converge, and they even intensified.

Kuramochi was immediately angry.

Sawamura is really wronged, and it has nothing to do with him. If it hadn\'t been beaten, he would have tapped Kuramochi\'s head and asked, "Have you grown your brain?"

Of course, this can only be a good wish.

Whether it was in the past life or the present, Sawamura was far from Kuramochi in terms of combat effectiveness in personal fights.

"You better be careful with me!"

Kuramochi glared at Sawamura, Sawamura acted like a boss again and again, I\'ll listen to you. Such a cute baby.

On the other side of the court, people from White Dragon Academy also came out.

Looking up, two big flags fluttered in the wind.

The small one is theirs, the big one is the Brotherhood of Brotherhood.

This is nothing, considering the size of the cheerleading team, Qing Dao and Bai Long are not the most luxurious among the top giants in the country. They don\'t care too much about who is stronger than the other.

But what the **** are those occupying the third base stand?

From a distance, there are two big characters.

\'Demon King\'!

Mima frowned and looked serious.

I really miss this feeling.

When he was in middle school, he had met Sawamura\'s fans and various works.

The methods they come up with are always bizarre.

But no matter how strange it is, it is not as loud as this time!

That\'s all it takes to get uniform clothes. Who needs the money to buy clothes. But how did you draw the line uniformly?

How much terrifying organizational power is required to do this?

In fact, Meima thinks too much! It\'s not as difficult as he thought. Just use a computer to make a floor plan in advance, and then separate the red and white!

The hardest thing about this is not doing, but people.

You\'d be hard-pressed to find 3,000 idlers, in uniform, to do that.

That is, the Demon King\'s Guards, mainly students. This amazing thing can only be done on a rest day.

At this time, Kuramochi also saw it.

His greedy larks are about to flow out.

"Damn it, did you spend money?"

Sawamura rolled his eyes at him: "If these students work they will cost at least 1,000 yuan a day. There are thousands of people. How can I be so stupid?"

If you really want to spend money to organize such a fight, it will cost millions to say the least.

Sawamura could only do this unless he was mentally ill.

This point, Kuramochi also knows, these people must come voluntarily.

But he just didn\'t want to believe it.

On weekdays, as a dormitory roommate, he spent a lot of time with Sawamura. How did he not know what was so special about Sawamura?

He couldn\'t figure out the charm of Sawamura.

Without really experiencing, Sawamura led Akagi to win the national hegemony. Just listening to the words that Sawamura won the national hegemony twice, it is hard to understand that Sawamura did a great thing in middle school.

Then it is even more impossible for you to understand the true thoughts of the fans of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood and the Demon King\'s Praetorian Guard.

Sawamura has their dreams!