Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 9: : Acting 'coach'

Seeing Sawamura standing up, all the freshmen of the first grade, you look at me, I look at you, many people have dissatisfaction on their faces, what is the meaning?

Although many people were unconvinced, none of them stood up and said anything.

In fact, they also know that what Sawamura relies on, of course, is based on strength!

During this time, everyone is training together.

It is precisely because they are close to Sawamura that they can feel the gap between them and Sawamura more.

On the baseball field, strength is respected!

Sawamura is undoubtedly the number one freshman, and when he said these words, it was difficult for others to say anything.

"You mean we\'re all going to listen to you, don\'t you?"

Jin Maru\'s tone was a bit unpleasant.

Among the freshmen who hope to become leaders, there are three in total. In addition to Sawamura, there are Tojo and Jinmaru from Songfang Shaobang. Others are either due to character or lack of strength.

There is no potential to be a leader.

"Don\'t get me wrong, we are comrades in the trenches in today\'s game. How can I just think about being in the limelight? Acting coach, we can run. I declare in advance that I must run. Anyway, I I also worked as an acting coach in Akagi."


Kanemaru looked at Sawamura, both angry and helpless.

You have brought this out and said, who can compete with you.

As a player and coach, he led the average Akagi Middle School to win the national championship.

Let me ask, with such qualifications, how can others compete with Sawamura?

"Who else wants to run for the election?"

Sawamura looked left and right, and found that no one stood up.

"Don\'t do this. Anyone who wants to run for election will come. It feels like I\'m bullying people."

Sawamura set his sights on Kanamaru, Tojo, Akatsuki Kogutani, Takajin, and Haru Kominato, these powerful people.

Kanemaru subconsciously avoided Sawamura\'s gaze, but he was a little unwilling.

Tojo looked nervous, apparently thinking about what to throw next.

Jiang Guxiao swayed his head, with a completely unconcerned attitude of hanging up high.

Minato was very enthusiastic and looked at Sawamura seriously.

Come on, come on!

"Okay, if that\'s the case, then I\'ll do my part."


Sawamura slapped twice, signaling everyone to get together.

The little friends were obedient, and formed a circle with Sawamura in the center of the circle.

"First of all, everyone must understand the meaning of this game."


Sawamura\'s first question managed to attract everyone.

"This game is mixed in the quarter-finals and semi-finals of the Spring Series. In terms of timing, it is definitely not the normal orientation game timing. That means that this game is not an orientation game at all, but a The special recruitment assessment of the first army. In this game, if you perform well, you may even have the opportunity to be supervised and directly promoted to the first army."


"Really, I\'ve never heard of that."

"You\'re not just guessing, are you?"

Friends are surprised.

"Trust your coach."

Sawamura is serious, pretending to be like a big-tailed wolf.

"I understand the meaning of this game, then, let\'s talk about the factors that are unfavorable to us. First, the opponent is a teammate who has been with us for one to two years, and the tacit understanding is far more than ours. Second, the opponent\'s The average strength is also higher than ours. Don\'t underestimate them because most of them have not entered the first army. Qingdao\'s second army is also very strong! Third, for the third grade, this is almost the last one they enter. The army has a chance, and their fighting spirit is not comparable to us..."

"do not talk!"

Kanamaru was quite motivated at first, and although he was a little nervous, he thought he should be able to show his strength when he arrived on the court.

As a result, after being told by Sawamura, he suddenly felt as if he had no confidence at all.

"What I said is not the most cruel, the most cruel is our own lineup, we say it ourselves."

Sawamura ignored Kanamaru and continued: "The arrangement of the lineup is made by the coaching staff. We don\'t know how this arrangement is arranged. But it is nothing more than that, whoever performs poorly will be replaced."

"How can we play the game when cooperation, strength, and morale are not as good as the opponent\'s?"

"Or to put it another way, how do we think about this game?"

All the little friends, influenced by Sawamura, began to fall into their own thoughts.

Before they could finish thinking, Sawamura gave the answer.

"It\'s actually very simple. What we need to know is what this game means to us."

"Work hard to show your best self! This is what this game means to us. But here\'s what we want to say. The best self is not just about showing off, cooperation, and fighting spirit. These things are also very important. Our first One goal is of course to be selected into the first army. Even if you cannot be selected into the first army, it is not unacceptable to be promoted to the second army. At the very least, you must show your own for supervision Leave a good impression. There are a hundred of all our members. If the first impression is not good, it may be difficult to have a chance to succeed in the future. Understand?"

In the beginning, when Sawamura was the acting coach, some players who were born in juvenile baseball were still a little unconvinced in their hearts!

As we mentioned earlier, if the hardball is a professional, then the softball league in middle school is equivalent to the amateur group.

You ask the people in the professional group to follow the orders of the people in the amateur group, and they will have some opinions in their hearts.

If it weren\'t for Sawamura\'s outstanding achievements, his own strength would be significantly higher than theirs. I\'m afraid Sawamura didn\'t become an acting coach so easily.

I just didn\'t expect that Sawamura would say something after becoming an acting coach. These juvenile players who came from the club felt that every word he said was precious.

The analysis is so reasonable!

These players from the youth club are not really stupid!

They also vaguely guessed that Kataoka was supervising the purpose of holding the orientation competition at this time.

But even if they guessed it, they were reluctant to tell others about it.

If they talk too much and others are serious, they are likely to outperform them. Then maybe it was someone else who entered the first army, not themselves. (People are selfish after all.)

Sawamura is different!

He can analyze all the details he knows very thoroughly. He hopes that these little friends on the same team as him can perform well.

Honesty is an expression of confidence!

The reason why Sawamura was so candid, without any scruples, and without reservation, told everyone the real purpose of this game.

It just shows that he has absolute confidence in himself being selected into the first army.

At the start of the game, Jin Tian was the first to get on the mound.