Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 86: : step by step

I have to say that Supervisor Kataoka really worked hard for the pitchers of Qingdo High School. 【】

Take the match with Musashi High School, for example, Director Kataoka made a completely different arrangement for the four people.

First and foremost is Xiao Gu Xiao. When he played yesterday, he was a blockbuster!

Relying on that incomparably terrifying pitch, he won a reputation no less than Sawamura Eijun. At this time, Xiao Gu Xiao can be used as a deterrent-level weapon, and there is no need to continue to show up. Instead, placing him in the rest area can cause greater psychological pressure on the opponent.

When the two teams played, the opponent always thought that in the rest area of ​​Qingdao, there was still a pitcher no less than Sawamura.

The feeling in their hearts, one can imagine, is absolutely unbearable.

Of course, this is only one aspect. On the other hand, Xiaogu Xiao has too many loopholes. The more competitions there are, the more such loopholes are exposed. It could have been used as a secret weapon killer, but once someone caught the flaw, it was likely to become a living target.

All things considered, putting Xiaogu Xiao in the rest area at this time is more cost-effective than letting him play.

And for Xiaogu Xiao himself, it may not be a good thing for him to accept the blow when he just entered school. The environment that Xiao Gu Xiao was in before made him not have much experience in baseball games at all. Taking this opportunity to bring him back to the fire, it is a good thing for Qingdao High School and for himself.

I believe that when Kougu Xiao wants to stand on the pitching mound again, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

As for now, the audience has expectations no less than Sawamura for Akatsuki. The problem is that Akatsuki Fukugu is not as strong as Sawamura. Expectation and strength are not proportional, then it will become an extremely heavy pressure

Can Xiaogu Xiao be able to withstand such a lot of pressure?

Director Kataoka is also not clear on this point.

However, as a guide, it is very beneficial to temporarily hide Jianggu Xiaoxue at this time.

After talking about Xiao Gu Xiao, let\'s talk about the arrangement of the other three people, which is also very interesting.

Here, Tamba Koichiro is the starting pitcher, and he is also the current ace. There is no problem with letting him start. And Kawakami plays the role of a relay pitcher. Whether it is this session of the Kanto Conference or the subsequent summer competition, Kawakami is an important relay force and can share the pressure for the ace pitcher.

In the end, it was Sawamura Eijun. At this time, Kataoka no longer thought about how to hide the existence of Sawamura. Since others have already discovered it, hiding it again will arouse more suspicion from others.

Rather than that, it would be better to put Sawamura out in an open and aboveboard manner.

After all, Sawamura\'s pitching is not experienced by standing on the strike zone, you can\'t feel that he is strong there.

Although Tanba Koichiro is the ace starter, but with only three innings, Kataoka can replace him without hesitation. From this point of view, it is not difficult to see that in the mind of Director Kataoka, Danba is not an indispensable existence.

The real ace will never walk off the court when the game is not really clear.

For example, Sawamura, even if he is not on the mound, he must be in a position where he can return to the mound at any time.

A reporter once predicted that in the current Qingdao High School. Even if Sawamura didn\'t wear the number 1 number in the end due to various reasons, he was still the real ace of Qingdo High School.

From the point of view that Kataoka never let Sawamura end, the reporter\'s prediction was true.

Sawamura is already the de facto ace of Qingdo High School!

It\'s just that it\'s hard to say whether he can take the number bib number one and serve as a legitimate ace.

After all, Danbo is a third-year ace pitcher anyway, and his No. 1 jersey has a special meaning for Qingdo.

This is what Chris and Miyuki think of the battle for the trump card, and it has officially started.

Logically speaking, as long as Danbo doesn\'t make any big mistakes, he\'ll have no problem taking the ace back. Tamba, who has been honed at Sedo High School for more than two years, is more representative of Sedo\'s position than Sawamura, who has just joined Sedo.

For Sawamura, although everyone has recognized his pitching, it is hard to say whether his pitching can represent Qingdao.

The semi-finals begin.

Qingdao High School took the lead.

Kuramochi, Kominato, Kiesei, Sawamura, the four of them worked together in a row to help the team score two points in the first game, but it was only two points.

The second half of the game.

With the help of Chris, Danbo performed very well. Although he was hit with a single hit, he successfully got three outs and ended the first inning.

Although Qingdao High School had two hits in the second inning, it failed to score.

Musashi High School showed good defense skills.

In the second half of the second inning, when Qingdao High School was on the defensive, Danbo dropped another hit, but under the strong guidance of Chris, he quickly regained his form and scored three outs!

Danbo\'s state is not very good today. If it wasn\'t for the help of Chris and the garrison, Danbo would have had a hard time not losing points.

In the first half of the third inning, Qingdao High School attacked.

Once out of the game, form a top base.

Formed on base, it was Sawamura\'s turn to strike, and Sawamura was recommended.

After that the augmentation was resolved.

With two outs and someone at first and second base, it was Chris\'s turn to hit.

Chris hit a hit to help Qingdao score another run.

The total score is 3:0!

In the second half of the third inning, Musashi High School attacked.

Danbo finally got stronger, with one strikeout and two outs, leaving Musashi Middle School with three hits and three hits.

In the final tally, Danbo had 0 hits, 37 pitches, 2 hits, and 0 runs.

When the state is not very good, this achievement can be considered as an account of the past.

In the first half of the fourth inning, Qingdao High School attacked.

Failed to score!

In the second half of the fourth inning, the pitcher of Qingdao High School was replaced by Kawakami.

This is the first time Kawakami has partnered with Chris.


"nice shot!"

After Kawakami threw the ball, I heard a good voice coming from Chris\'s gloves

It\'s a nice sound, it makes him feel like he\'s pitching, and it works well.

"I\'m in good shape today!"

With this feeling, Kawakami\'s pitching became more relaxed and comfortable. Not only did he control the ball and the speed of the ball was good, he even threw a few changing **** very sharply.

In the second half of the fourth inning, he first used the ball to strike out Musashi\'s third bat.

Then was hit by the fourth.

Next, rely on the fishing ball to make the fifth stick fly high.

Then repeat the old trick for the sixth, allowing him to hit the infield grounder.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In the fourth game, Qing Dao still did not lose any points.

In the first half of the next five rounds, Qingdao High School attacked, and it was Qingdao High\'s turn to play the second line, the demon Ryosuke Kominato.