Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 83: : Eternal Demon King (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!


"Akujin, you have done a great job!!!"

The TV Tokyo commentator roared excitedly.

In the case of an out, the island team is about to lose.

Fans in the stands, fans in front of TV, fans in front of online media...

They are all despairing, believing that the island team has lost their way.

They are lost!

The reason why fans have such a feeling is that on the one hand, the situation of the team is not good, and on the other hand, it is because of the analysis of those commentators.

The commentators also had a premonition that the situation was not good, but they stood firm and must be on the side of the island team.

At this time, they have already begun to analyze the reasons for the loss of the island team.

There are various sayings. In a word, the players of the island team are still proud even though they are defeated.

This has always been the personality of the island nation.

If the opponents crush the island team to the ground, they will be convinced.

For example, hit them 10:0, 20:0.

The islanders will convince you to take you to the throne.

But if the gap between the two sides is not big, then the situation is completely different. The island team will definitely advocate for himself, and you will never die.

And the current situation of the island team is like this.

The total score is 3:2. Even if this game is lost, the island team is still honored to be defeated.

After all, they are going to challenge the most powerful team in the world, North America, with a half-team lineup.

To be able to achieve this situation is already very, very remarkable!

Under the hint of the commentary, the fans of course also think that the island team has no hope.

At this time, some people even couldn\'t bear to watch it any longer, so they turned off the TV.

What they want to see is for the island nation to become the champion, not for the North American team to take the throne.

Just when everyone on the island team, including the fans, thought the end was set.

Akutsu, who had been terribly good before, suddenly broke out.

With a mediocre hit, he was the first to run to the bases.

The situation became, one out, one man at first base.

An average hit, in normal times, neither team would mind.

Hits like this, they\'re getting too many and they\'re basically not a threat.

But now, it is this hit that makes the situation on the field tense.

In the previous time, the island team had no hope.

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for them to play the line, and it is impossible for Sawamura to turn, and they lack the most critical factor for counterattack.

And the ball just now, just made up for this shortcoming.

As the second best Akutsu, at this critical moment, he hit the ball out.

He ran to first base himself, which is already a big threat to the North American team.

And that\'s not the most important thing!

The most important thing is that with the emergence of this hit, the island team\'s line of play has also extended down by one.

In other words, it will be Sawamura\'s turn to hit the line again.

"God will not kill me!"

Many fans in the stands shouted excitedly.

They were very surprised.

Originally, they also thought that this game would not have any hope. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, it turned around...

As soon as Sawamura hits a home run, the score is reversed in an instant.

"Don\'t be too optimistic, haven\'t the North American players already started recommending Sawamura?"

Reasonable fans are not optimistic about the future.

This is not to say that they do not trust Sawamura Eijun\'s strength, of course they believe in the strength of the Great Demon King.

Not to mention hits, it\'s not impossible to hit a home run in a head-to-head matchup.

In fact, Sawamura scored two home runs in the previous three duels.

What people worry about is whether the players of the island team will face off against Sawamura?

When they faced off for the third time before, because of the situation of the team, didn\'t North American pitcher Li Weide once recommended Sawamura?

Now, for the final victory of the North American team, will Levid do it again?

Honestly, it\'s very possible.

If the North American players are shameless, in fact, the outcome of this game is still very clear.

The island nation\'s hopes are not high.

"A glimmer of hope is better than no hope at all!"

Other fans, it is not that they do not understand this truth.

But things have developed to this point, what else can they do but do this?

I can only hope that the players of the North American team will be able to make some face.

Although they thought so in their hearts, most of the fans of the island nation team did not hold out much hope.

Comparing their hearts, they replaced themselves, and chose one between personal face and team honor.

I dare not say 100%, at least 99% will choose the latter.

They have chosen this way themselves, how can they hope that the players of the North American team are selfish.


Although they knew this truth in their hearts, the players couldn\'t help but look forward to it in their hearts. They were looking forward to a miracle.

Under this ardent gaze, the game continued.

The players of the North American team were also forced out of real fire.

At this point, no one can retreat.

Li Weide, on the pitching mound, tried his best.

Although this guy has been entangled with a lot of **** before, he has plenty of physical reserves.

At the end of the game, there was not much exhaustion.

The third team of the island team, the psychological pressure is very high.

The current island team has reached a critical moment of life and death, although his exit does not directly determine the life and death of the team.

But if he doesn\'t play well, the island team is really over.

When he hit the court, he told himself over and over again that it didn\'t matter if he didn\'t play well, but he definitely couldn\'t play a double play.

As far as his current situation is concerned, this is undoubtedly his most important task.

The island nation team has already had one out. At this time, if he plays a double play, the island nation team will be completely over.

So not playing double play has become his bottom line.

The strength of the batter, if you want to hit Li Weide\'s ball, it depends on a bit of luck.

Now that there are so many concerns, he acts even more timidly.

The batter tried to strike several times, but was unable to make up his mind.

In the end, I watched the baseball helplessly, flying past my eyes again and again.

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

The young man did not make a move in a row, and the final outcome is self-evident.

His approach is not beneficial for the entire island team, but the risk is indeed greatly reduced.

At the very least, the wiring is secured and handed over to Sawamura.

It\'s just that his personal future is inevitably covered with a layer of dust.

With such a timid personality, I am afraid it is difficult to play in a professional baseball team with a carrot and a pit.

It stands to reason that these star players of the island team are basically one in a thousand.

Among the players of the same age group, they definitely came to the forefront.

Players like this, if they participate in the draft, can be selected 100%.

The first two rounds are more intense, and in the next few rounds, they will definitely be coveted by professional teams.

But this third rod, the situation may not be so optimistic.

Technology can be exercised, but character can\'t make up for it. Especially players who have reached this age group have developed their personalities for more than ten years. In this case, it is too difficult to expect to reverse their personalities.

Two outs in the second half of the ninth inning.

As long as the North American team takes the last outs, they can take home the championship trophy.

For the island national team, although it is Sawamura\'s turn to play the line, in the current situation, everyone is probably not able to recover.

Sawamura stood on the strike zone.

At the scene, those supporters who specially came from the island country roared one by one.

They are there to cheer Sawamura on, but also to stimulate North American pitchers.

Although most of them don\'t think North American pitchers are going to die with Sawamura at this point.

Levi\'s performance in this game today is very good. So far, except for Sawamura, that is, Akujin, who has scored one hit.

Next, as long as they guarantee Sawamura, basically winning is guaranteed.

Under such circumstances, how could a North American player risk a head-to-head confrontation with Sawamura?

It doesn\'t make sense!

Despite this thought in their hearts, the fans of the island nation team are still working hard.

What if, what if the other party has a convulsion?

In case the opponent\'s brain is out of breath and confronts Sawamura head-on, wouldn\'t the chance for the island team come?

Besides, this North American team player is just a young man after all.

A young man in his teens!

It is the age of the blood and energy, and the talent is good.

Such people are hard to bear.

Being so stimulated by them, the players might choose to fight head-to-head.

Although the fans of the island team also know that this kind of hope is not very big.

But for them now, hope is better than no hope.

Nothing is better than sitting still.

So even if there is a slight chance, they will never give up, absolutely not!

Sawamura on the strike zone was very moved.

To be honest, if Sawamura\'s judgment was correct in the previous walk, Li Weide should not have done it on purpose.

That is to say, the North American supervisors should not have given a mandatory order to let them walk themselves.

Li Weide himself and his partner did not mean that.

Their original plan was very clear, intending to attack after three bad balls.

It\'s just that in the end, the horse stumbled, and this allowed himself.


From this point of view, the probability that the North American pitcher will face off against Sawamura in the end is actually quite high.

Of course, Sawamura was not 100% sure.

Although the North American players performed very clearly before, the situation has changed after all. No one knows whether the North American players can maintain their own style?

For the current Sawamura, the only thing he can do is to increase the possibility of his own attack.

If the players of the North American team are determined not to face off.

Then Sawamura had nothing to do.

Fortunately, players in North America should not be so determined.

Li Weide, who was on the pitcher mound, was stunned for about ten seconds after he hit the field.

This guy should be thinking about his own strategy against the enemy.

Thinking about how to solve Sawamura.

He should not have thought about how to walk.

If he wanted to walk, he wouldn\'t have to work so hard at all.

The guarantee is very simple, whether you want a cheeky guarantee or a completely disregarded guarantee, it is not too difficult.

Now that the other party is stunned, it means that he does not want to escape.

Li Weide, who was stunned for about 10 seconds, didn\'t know, what was in his mind?

In the end, his eyes were firmed, and then facing this side, he did everything he could.

I saw Lividra take a stance and threw the ball fiercely.

In the process of pitching, he subtly put the weight of his entire body on two fingers.

In this way, even if he thinks that he himself is not using much strength.

The baseball also flew out like a rocket in the blink of an eye.

So fast!

Sawamura on the strike zone was slightly stunned.

After all, he has played against Li Weide a lot.

Or is it the first time to discover that this guy\'s ball speed can be so fast?

This is not true ball speed.

Levi\'s pitching, as if there is life, seems particularly spiritual.

Sawamura grabbed the bat in his hand tightly, and slammed it out against the flying baseball.

Sawamura\'s momentum was strong, but his bat failed to touch the white ball.

The two crossed in the end, no one was able to meet the other.


"nice shot!!"

In fact, this ball deviates from the strike zone.

If Sawamura didn\'t choose to swing, then the ball was a bad ball, no doubt about it.

But it\'s a pity he swung the bat and hasn\'t been able to touch the ball yet.

Then naturally it\'s a good shot.

Sawamura\'s ball count is behind!

The fans in the stands were heartbroken.

Those supporters of the original island national team believed that Sawamura was omnipotent.

Now it seems that they think too much.

The big devil they thought was just a teenage boy after all, he was just like ordinary people.

When under great pressure, it is possible to perform better, or to be completely crushed.



Even the commentator was a little overwhelmed when he saw Sawamura like this.

He worked hard to organize the language, and wanted to introduce the current situation to everyone.

But after organizing for a long time, I couldn\'t find a suitable adjective to describe everything that happened in front of me.

He could only babble for a long time without spitting out a complete sentence.


Now it seems that they think too much.

The big devil they thought was just a teenage boy after all, he was just like ordinary people.

When under great pressure, it is possible to perform better, or to be completely crushed.



Even the commentator was a little overwhelmed when he saw Sawamura like this.

He worked hard to organize the language, and wanted to introduce the current situation to everyone.

But after organizing for a long time, I couldn\'t find a suitable adjective to describe everything that happened in front of me.

He could only babble for a long time without spitting out a complete sentence.