Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 81: : Partner with Miyuki (pay tribute to the webmaster)


The white ball is soaring into the sky!

Home run! Sawamura\'s pitch was hit by a home run.

Since Sawamura\'s rebirth to the present, this is the first time he has been hit with a home run.

"Well done, formed!"


"Don\'t think that two middle school students can stymie us."

"Is Qingdao also a place where you can go wild?"

After Yucheng hit a home run, Aoshima\'s players finally breathed a sigh of relief. Otherwise, if Sawamura and Fengxiang really let Sawamura and Fengxiang show off their power from here, Qingdao\'s face would be completely lost.

At the end of the first round of blows, Sawamura took the initiative to approach Fengxiang: "Boss Fengxiang, you have a normal straight ball on your first ball, there are too many! The first two are just normal straight balls, so why is the third batter making the first ball? Can it be matched with a normal straight ball?"

Feng Xiang was taken aback by Sawamura\'s question, and when he thought about it carefully, he seemed rather stupid to play the ball like this.

But he didn\'t think so during the match just now.

"The first batter didn\'t swing to the first ball, and the second batter also didn\'t swing to the first ball, and then when the third batter came, the catcher subconsciously thought that the batter still wouldn\'t swing to the first ball. Great. It\'s a very simple mental trick, inertial thinking!"

Miyuki analyzed from the side.

As he said that, he also glanced at Chris on the opposite side.

This little trick should also be what Chris-senpai thought, right?

Sawamura was taken aback by Miyuki\'s words. He simply thought it was not good to throw ordinary straight **** against the seniors, but he didn\'t think so much.

The root of the original problem lies here.

"As expected of my master, it\'s just unusual."


"Next, it\'s our turn to play."

In the first round, three batters, one strikeout, one block and one home run.

The two sides basically considered a draw. Of course, if it was an overall duel, it must be that Sawamura and Fengxiang lost. After all, they lost points. The opponent scored one point within three dozen seats.

After that, it was Miyuki\'s turn to partner with Sawamura.

"Can\'t we use change **** in this game?"

Before playing, Miyuki suddenly asked Sawamura.


Sawamura nodded affirmatively.

Since he wanted to let Feng Xiang know that the gap between him and the top catchers in the country, he naturally wanted to let him compete fairly with Yu Xing. It would be unfair to Feng Xiang if he favored one side.

"But your ball path has been exposed just now. Although those **** are good, the second time you use them, I\'m afraid it won\'t work well."

Yu Xing was reasoning, and he suffered a loss in this duel.

Sawamura looked at Miyuki in surprise. In his impression, Miyuki was a black belly. But in baseball, it\'s not someone who cares about things, how can they be today?

Thinking about it, Sawamura turned his head and glanced at the three people who were fighting against them.

It was so!

In his previous life, he had vaguely heard the conflict between Master Chris and Miyuki. It seemed that Miyuki didn\'t want to lose to Chris in this game.

"In the current game, intelligence investigation is also an important content, you should just leak the intelligence ahead of time."

Miyuki looked at Sawamura in surprise, what does that mean?

Such a cute and genuine Miyuki makes Sawamura more interesting.

"Didn\'t you also see the opponent\'s swing? The opponent stole our pitching information, you haven\'t seen the opponent\'s swing, there is absolutely no fair match in this world. But we are like this, generally It should be fair to say.”

Sawamura explained in a leisurely manner.

This answer left Yu speechless.

"All right!"

"Don\'t you want to be a blockbuster in Qingdao?"

Miyuki asked suddenly.

Sawamura chuckled: "Now is the time for you to perform, and the moment for me to perform is in the fourth round."

so stable?

Miyuki looked at Sawamura with a wry smile, wondering why Sawamura was so confident?

In the second round, Ryosuke Kominato was the first batter in Qingdao.

Taking him as the first bat is not only because of his excellent hitting skills, but also because he has a pair of vicious eyes. He first observes the pitcher\'s pitching, and can also provide information to subsequent hitters.

Sawamura on the pitcher\'s mound didn\'t say anything special, as if he was a qualified pitching machine, and would only act when he received an order.

This point, these Qingdao players on the sidelines have not noticed. However, Takashima Rei, who served as the referee, vaguely discovered it.

She gave Sawamura a strange look, but said nothing.

Miyuki glanced at Sawamura, feeling a little awkward in his heart.

The pitcher is so unwilling, he really is not good with the ball.


Miyuki called a timeout with Takashima Rei, and then stepped onto the pitching mound.

"What\'s wrong?"

Sawamura didn\'t know why.

"Pitching that I admire is a work of art created by a catcher and a pitcher, not a pitching machine. It doesn\'t matter if it\'s just a straight shot, understand, mate?"


These two words set off a storm in Sawamura\'s heart.

Miyuki, it really is Miyuki.

"I see, mate!"

This sentence, Sawamura is sincere.

On the surface, Sawamura\'s cooperation with Miyuki seemed unfair to Fengxiang. But in fact, the communication between the catcher and the pitcher is also part of the catcher\'s job.

At this point, Feng Xiang did not do well.

This is also the reason why Sawamura found out that there was a problem with Fengxiang\'s ball distribution, but did not express his opinion.

After restarting, Miyuki could clearly feel the momentum in Sawamura.

Head-to-head battle!

Haha, interesting!

In the face of Ryosuke Kominato, who has excellent striking skills, choose a head-to-head duel!

Sawamura\'s choice made Miyuki extremely excited.

Why do you want to do this?

Ryosuke Kominato, who has excellent striking skills, may not be able to directly hit the super-speeding straight and high-floating balls, but he can use his superb skills to entangle with Sawamura.

As long as he can keep hitting the ball out of bounds.

It is extremely difficult for others to do this, but if Kominato Ryosuke is concerned, it might be possible.

In order to avoid leaking more information, it would be more beneficial for them to use fewer **** to solve Ryosuke Kominato at this time.

The first ball: the speeding ball in the middle!

The pitcher and catcher were in the same mind, and the momentum of Sawamura rose up.

His fingers were tightly hooked on the Sawamura raised his right foot high, and then slashed his right foot on the ground like a battle axe. With this power, Sawamura shifted his center of gravity, swung his arm like a whip, and threw the small white ball out.


The ball, like an accelerated rocket, kept advancing, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Ryosuke Kominato.

On the strike area, Ryosuke Kominato\'s face suddenly tensed.

The ball is on the center!

Originally, he didn\'t plan to swing the bat for the first ball, but now he won\'t be able to swing the ball even if he doesn\'t.

When playing games, how can you give up harvesting the remains of blood?

How can a good hitter miss a good shot in the middle?

Holding the bat tightly in his hand, Ryosuke Kominato swung the bat decisively in the face of this strike.
