Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 8: : The Strongest Spear (2 in 1)

"Today\'s game is too unfavorable for the attacking side!"

People watching this game will basically come up with such an answer. They come to such an answer not to make excuses for anyone, but a fact.

Why do you say that? In fact, the reason is very simple. When a team is temporarily put together, when it comes to fielding, it mainly depends on the effectiveness of the pitcher and catcher.

In case they make any mistakes, when other players fill their positions, because of their solid foundation, all their performances are actually commendable as a whole.

But not attacking!

It stands to reason that if a team wants to score offensively, in addition to the main attacker, they also need auxiliary personnel, but if the adjacent two are a team, then who knows which is the head and which is the tail?

The first is that everyone lacks trust, and the second is that they do not understand each other\'s characteristics.

They don\'t know what their teammates can do? Which step can be done?

How can we cover and cooperate?

All in all, this is a very troublesome thing.

Unless you are lucky, the attacking side is actually very difficult to get points.

This is not a joke, but a harsh reality.

They must face it, and must come up with a solution as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once the time is dragged down, it will only become more and more unfavorable for them.

The game continued, in a direction no one had thought of, and continued.

Originally, everyone thought that the game would continue to stalemate like this. At most, it was to let people see how capable the pitchers of the two teams were.

There is another very important reason why people make such speculations, and I have to mention it.

That\'s because the ace pitchers on both sides are just too good.

It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to find flaws in them in a short period of time, and then get hits and points.

It is because of this that people make that inference.

At this moment, an accident happened.

Narnomiya Naruto, whose strength is recognized only under Sawamura Eijun, did not show his perfect strength as everyone imagined.

But from the very beginning, it was faced with great challenges.

The first person to stand on the strike zone was Soichiro Mima from Hakuryu High School in Gunma Prefecture.

I don\'t know how the other party\'s lineup was put together, but Mei Ma was ranked first.

Not to mention, he really fits the position.

First of all, he has comprehensive skills, careful observation, and fast speed.

Once you get him on base at the start, he\'s probably going to be one of those particularly tough opponents in no time.

Its difficult level, I am afraid it will exceed...

Faced with such an opponent and challenge from the very beginning, Narutomiya couldn\'t help but burn up.

For his partner with Kazuya Miyuki, Narumiya Ming is still very confident. He thinks that the combined power of the two of them is even more powerful than that of the old partner Sawamura and Miyuki.

Just kill each other in one go!

Feeling Nagiya Ming\'s will to fight, Miyuki Kazuya had no intention of pouring cold water.

To be honest, the two of them feel good together.

It\'s not just Narimiya Naruto who thinks so, Miyuki also thinks the same way.

Just like that, let\'s get rid of the opponent in one go!

There is no need to suppress your power any more. In this moment, your power is fully released.

Miyuki Kazuya\'s guidance is very strong, he is like an unknown black hole, attracting everything in front of him.

That feeling is as if the pitcher\'s pitch is being sucked into it firmly.

Cheng Gong Ming secretly cried out in his heart.


Although Ashu also worked very hard, the progress during this period was also very fast.

But he still had to admit that this thing deserves to be thrown away.

Compared with Miyukiichi in front of him, Ashu\'s gap is really too big!

The two are not comparable at all.

Even though I feel a little sorry for my old partner, I still have to say it.

This shot is so cool!


From the very beginning, Naruto Nagiya threw a ball speed of more than 150 kilometers.

This fully shows his current state, absolutely hot.

As an opponent, Soichiro Mima on the strike zone didn\'t seem to see such a pitch.

In the position of the catcher, Miyuki took the ball steadily.


While taking the ball, he glanced at the opponent beside him with the corner of his eyes.

Completely indifferent...

Did you give up the ball in that direction? Or make up your mind, don\'t swing the bat for the first ball.

After all, they haven\'t played against Bai Long for a long time.

As for the thoughts of Bai Long, the number one star, I am really confused.

What exactly does he want to do?

Just as Miyuki was pondering the other party\'s mind, his own mind was also being pondered by others.

In the rest area of ​​the other regions, Akutsu looked at Miyuki Kazuya thoughtfully.

What is this guy thinking about?

He couldn\'t guess at all, and it was precisely because he couldn\'t guess at all that he was even more curious.

Today\'s game was a bit of a surprise.

When everyone was not ready, it started in such a hurry.

But to say that everyone was unprepared would be an exaggeration.

In fact, people with a little brains must have had a hunch before joining this training camp.

They are bound to be pulled out for a walk.

Through actual combat, to test their strength and characteristics.

This is the logical thing to do.

Generally speaking, this kind of test is placed in the later stage of the training, and the candidates are directly determined through the test results.

What they didn\'t expect was that at the beginning of the training camp, there would be such an opportunity to find out the strength of the opponent.

This is really unexpected.

Didn\'t expect it to be so early!

But smart people, I am afraid that they have already started preparations when they received the invitation.

Take Akutsu, for example.

He is such a wise man.

Although he didn\'t get a specific list, since he was invited, he could basically guess who the organizing committee wanted to invite.

It is no longer the players of the past, that is to say, what they want to invite are players who have performed well in the high school Koshien arena.

Although there are not many players like this, if you really want to count them with your fingers, it is not impossible to count them.

Akujin had already done a good job of targeting, especially for such a competition, he thought about it for a long time.

Narnomiya Ming, there is no doubt that this is one of the top pitchers in the country, and in terms of comprehensive ability, he is second only to Sawamura Eijun.

But this player, he also has a very obvious weakness.

As long as you study carefully, this weakness is not difficult to find at all.

Before the game, though Superintendent Takeda wanted to coach them.

But actually arranging tactics, Takeda didn\'t help at all.

In Tokyo, the players themselves arranged it. Naturally, it is more suitable for players to arrange themselves.

If Director Takeda really got involved in this matter, he would look down on himself.

But there are few players here in Tokyo, if he still pulls a side during the practice game...

That is too much to say!

Supervisor Takeda did not intervene too much, and the command right here naturally fell on Akutsu.

Compared with the disunity in Tokyo, the atmosphere here is actually better, because they all have common opponents and enemies.

In order to be able to defeat Sawamura, they did not hesitate to temporarily unite together.

As the person with the highest IQ among them, Akujin is willing to follow his advice.

Soichiro Mima is in such a state now, and he didn\'t shoot the first ball.

Then aim for the second ball to attack.

"Is there any trick?"

Soichiro Mima went to ask Akutsu at that time.

"There is no special routine, it\'s just a matter of probability. If the first ball is in a particularly good state and the opponent is helpless. The probability of Narunomiya\'s second ball hitting a straight ball exceeds 47%!"

This probability is nearly half!

"Is such a probability worth betting on?"

"Definitely worth it, think about the odds of us getting a hit out of the opponent\'s hands. It\'s good to have a 1/2 chance of hitting the ball."

Will the next ball be a straight ball?

Soichiro Mima asked himself in his heart.

To be honest, don\'t look at Akujin\'s hype, but in his heart, there is no confidence at all.

A match against Tokyo or simply against Eijun Sawamura.

They are temporarily united together, but their alliance is actually very fragile, just like Akutsu\'s leadership.

It would be fine if Akutsu guessed right, but if Akutsu guessed wrong this time.

Then in the following games, it is difficult for anyone to trust Akutsu as much as he does now.

If things do turn out that way, they\'ll be a mess of sand again.

Soichiro Mima is also unwilling to accept the leadership of others, but he has to admit that if there is a leader in the team.

The winning percentage of the game will undoubtedly increase greatly.

Once the lineup becomes a mess, no matter how strong the players in each position are, the final result will be a complete defeat.

Then see if God is on your side?

Their luck was good, or Amaterasu didn\'t abandon him.

Next, Cheng Ming\'s pitch was a straight ball.

Miyuki Kazuya, who was in the catcher position, felt that the ball path was a bit monotonous when he saw this ball.

Not tricky enough!

But he doesn\'t think it\'s a big deal.

Good rhythm, plus the speed of the ball is so fast.

Even Mima Soichiro, it is definitely not easy to hit such a ball.

He knew very well that Mei Ma had very good dynamic vision.

But no matter how powerful dynamic vision is, it takes time to react.

150 kilometers of super fast ball, flying 18 meters, the total time is only 0.4 seconds.

In such a short period of time, even if he saw the path of the ball clearly, it would be difficult for him to get the ball out.

Unless he\'s aiming for a straight ball to hit in the first place.

But how is that possible?

What is the probability that the first ball is a straight ball, and the second ball continues to be a straight ball?

Not to mention the issue of probability, the batter will also subconsciously avoid it when he strikes.

They don\'t aim for one kind of ball drop all the time.

Once this is the case, it is very likely to be tricked by the other party.

Just when Miyuki was full of confidence, when he thought he could solve his opponent.

The white ball was hit suddenly.


Without any warning, the bat in Soichiro Mima\'s hand roared out.

And then hit the baseball and hit the baseball out.

Miyuki felt that his little heart was lifted into his throat all of a sudden.

Got it!

He knew too well what would happen once Mei Ma was on the base?

So under the circumstances that it is possible to prevent it, he is absolutely unwilling to let such a thing happen.

"Third baseman!"

The Royal Fortune Alliance calls for rescue.

But the current third baseman here in Tokyo is a nerve knife. When he is strong, he is stronger than anyone else. If there is a problem, it will be a bigger problem than anyone else.

Now is the stage of the nerve knife, and the thunder city made a side attack, looking like it was going to stop the ball.

But in fact, he didn\'t even touch a hair on the ball, and he watched helplessly as the baseball hit the ground and bounced into the outfield.

"Go through!!"

At this time, the rest area was already excited.

Soichiro Mima was like a white lightning bolt that instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and in a blink of an eye, he was close to first base.

So fast!

Although everyone had expected it before, but seeing such a beautiful horse Soichiro, I still shivered subconsciously. I didn\'t expect this guy\'s speed to be so fast!

Is this guy really human? ?

Everyone couldn\'t help but have such doubts in their hearts.

It\'s not over yet, the outfielder just picked up the ball.

It was found that he could no longer stop the opponent\'s stealing base.

Just when the outfielder was about to give up, he suddenly discovered that the opponent was going crazy and attacked second base.

This is too disrespectful!

First base can\'t stop it. Your old speed is inhuman, and we sigh.

But now you\'re trying to get ahead and run straight to second base?

It just doesn\'t know how to live or die!

"Stop looking down on people!"

The outfielder picked up the ball and made a quick pass to second base.

At this time, the position of second base has also been accepted.

The person who responded was Bai He.

This guy\'s acuity is first-class, and when he sees a dangerous approach, he runs to second base non-stop.

Ready to catch the ball!

The white ball, two galloping players, ran to second base at the same time?

This is a stunned confrontation, and it is also a confrontation that makes people unable to take their eyes off.

No one can guarantee what the outcome of their fight will be.

People can only pray, praying that the final result will be exactly as they imagined, and there will be no accidents.

At this time, everyone can only think like this in their hearts, thinking that baseball is round, everything is possible, and they just hope that the result will be towards them.


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