Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 77: : Years in arrears

The fierce red and white battle is a characteristic of a prestigious school like Qingdao High School!

Like when Akagi had just formed the club, the entire team, including Wakana, was only ten people. It is impossible for such a rotten grass-roots team to hold a red-white battle anyway. You can\'t even gather the number of people you need for a red-white battle. How can you hold a red-white battle.

For an ordinary team, even if the number of players is sufficient, if the gap between the main force and the substitute is too large, the red and white battle is meaningless.

Only when a giant like Qingdao High School, the main force and backup are all four clubs and trump cards from various middle school teams and even the youth baseball, can the red and white battle be fierce.

For Qing Dao, the gains from a fierce red and white battle are not even worse than a practice match of the same level.

Now that the third grade has just retired, and the first and second grades are competing for a place in the first army, such a red and white battle has a different meaning.

In the second year, Toshinoku led the luxury line. In the first year, Chris was the catcher, Danbo was the ace, Kyo became the first baseman, Ryosuke Kominato was the second baseman, and Toru Masuko was the third baseman.

For Sawamura, there were a few new faces he didn\'t know in the second grade, and the first graders looked around, all of them were acquaintances.

There is no doubt about their strength as seniors.

Sawamura doubted that these old seniors in the second year of high school would form a rival to the seniors?

In Sawamura\'s impression, they are very strong when they form seniors!

Really strong! ! !

The blow is formed, Chris, Ryosuke Kominato, Masuko, Jun Isashiki. The pitcher is Danbo-senpai, and the catcher is Mr. Chris.

Such a luxurious lineup, just thinking about it, makes people terrified.

Among these people in the second grade, the senior Dongqingguo had some strength later on.

As a result, Sawamura\'s jaw dropped to the ground as soon as the match started.


In the first shot, Sawamura didn\'t know the second-year senior of the high school, so he was just a bombardment!

Home run!

Danbo\'s ball was knocked out.

The score is 10.

Chris quickly called a timeout and ran up to the pitcher mound to give Danbo some psychological counseling.

Specifically, Sawamura and the others stood far away and did not hear it.

However, after that, Danbo\'s performance stabilized.

The second bat hit the ball to the area where the second baseman was in charge of guarding, and Ryosuke Kominato, who looked very petite, stepped forward to catch the ball and passed it to the first base.

After that, the third bat was struck out by an ordinary straight ball for some unknown reason.

Two outs, no one on base.

During this process, Sawamura, Fengxiang, and Miyuki have been watching the game on the dam surrounding the baseball stadium.

Just listened to Yu Xing\'s broken thoughts.

"As expected of Senior Chris, he\'s really smart. Hee hee, but sooner or later I\'ll grab your position as the main catcher."

Feng Xiang\'s ears were very sharp. He heard Yu Xing\'s muttering to himself, and couldn\'t help but ask, "You just said that it was the catcher\'s credit for solving the hitter?"

Miyuki is always in high spirits when it comes to baseball. He had no reservations at all because Feng Xiang was a catcher.

"Of course it\'s a catcher! That senior pitcher has a ball speed of less than 130, and he has only straight **** and ordinary curve balls. Such **** are not enough to deal with those second-year monster hitters. The reason why they can solve the problem And strikeouts, because the catcher captures the batter\'s psychology and habits with precision."

Psychology and habits?

Fengxiang looked back at Sawamura in disbelief.

Even if he is also a catcher, he listens to Miyuki just like listening to a book from heaven.

Sawamura nodded solemnly, motioning to Feng Xiang, what Miyuki said was true.

Actually, even though Sawamura has more than ten years of baseball experience, listening to Miyuki\'s words is like listening to a book from heaven.

Sawamura\'s two worlds together are 30 years younger, but he still feels that he and Miyuki and Master Chris are not playing the same sport. Some people say that IQ has nothing to do with age. Sawamura didn\'t believe it before. He used to believe that **** is old and spicy, and wine is Chen\'s fragrance. It now appears that his previous conviction was probably wrong. Twenty-eight years in the previous life plus two years of travel.

However, he would not doubt what Miyuki said.

Shizawa Village partnered with Miyuki for two years before, and he knows his abilities too well! That guy can really count on the ball to get outs.

With Sawamura\'s confirmation, Feng Xiang gave Miyuki a deep look, and then looked at Chris on the court, and suddenly felt a little ashamed of himself.

Originally, he thought that he had won the national championship, and he had seen the pinnacle of this country. Now it seems that before he, he seems to be sitting a little while watching the sky.

This world is far bigger than he imagined!

The game on the field continued, and after two outs, it was Dongqingguo\'s turn.


Another home run!

Four hits, two home runs.

The horror of Qing Dao\'s current second-year line play is unimaginable for ordinary people.

The first game, 2:0.

In the second half of the game, the first-year hits were quickly resolved.

The second-year pitcher didn\'t look very good, but when the first-year hitter played, he just couldn\'t play well.

In the following games, almost all the second-year seniors were pressing and forming them to fight.

It wasn\'t until the fifth inning, with the cooperation of Cheng Cheng and Chris, that the first grader got back a point.

Then in the ninth inning, a

The grade lineup broke out a bit, starting with Ryosuke Kominato, Chris hits, and then Juncheng scored two timely hits.

Sawamura and the others watched this nine-game red-and-white battle. The first-year players were crushed by the second-year players.

The score is 113!

In the first grade, only catcher Chris, first baseman and second baseman Ryosuke Kominato barely caught sight of them.

Others behaved like weak chickens.

"how do you feel?"

Rei Takashima didn\'t seem to care about the result, and turned around to ask Sawamura and the others what they thought of this red-and-white battle.


Feng Xiang\'s heart was shocked.

After watching the scene, I have a deeper understanding. Not to mention those terrifying second graders, many of those first graders also have the top strengths in the country. That\'s a softball league standard, not a junior baseball standard.

Especially the catcher!

Although the team lost 11 points, that was mainly the responsibility of the pitcher. This pitcher was too fragile, he cried at every turn, and his physical strength was poor. Otherwise, with that catcher leading, the first-year players may not be able to compete with the second-year players.

Simply speaking, the strength of that As far as Fengxiang is concerned, he is the strongest among all the people he has ever met.

Of course, the fourth batter is not bad, and the second baseman

These three people are almost stronger than those so-called twelve heavenly kings.

Although the others didn\'t seem to show much, they were all good players in terms of their defenses and actions.

The reason why they lost so badly is not because they are really weak, but mainly because their opponents are too strong!

For Fengxiang, the line-fighting team led by Dongqing Kingdom was already strong to another dimension.

Especially for those first graders, after only half a year in Qingdao, is their strength so terrifying?

Fengxiang heard that Qingdao hadn\'t been in Jiaziyuan for several years in a row, and now it\'s hard for him to imagine how the team in front of him could not be in Jiaziyuan?

"Are these high school seniors all star players in their middle school days?"

Feng Xiang couldn\'t help but ask.

Takashima Rei was taken aback by the question, and then showed a strange smile.

A star player!


Forming them this year, but Qing Dao\'s lack of harvest!

What is a harvest year, that is, a year without harvest.

When they were just entering school, except for Chris, everyone else had no actual performance in middle school.