Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 74: : National hegemon (pay tribute to Xiao Xiaopang)

The timing that Coach Qingfang was looking forward to did not appear in time, and their own trump card fell first.

In the first half of the sixth inning, Chicheng Middle School had just started to attack, and Benxiang threw a few shots and fell into a coma.

The place is in chaos~

Worried, Sawamura ran forward to help.

"It\'s alright, it\'s just heatstroke, you should be fine after a rest."

The doctor\'s words put everyone at ease.

Sawamura also let out a long sigh of relief. Even though he was holding back his strength just now, this time he was going to hit Benxiang\'s ball, but he was still startled when he saw Benxiang fall.

Falls on the pitch are scary.

In his more than ten years of professional career, Sawamura has never seen anyone fall and never wake up again. But after the fall, it was not for nothing that bid farewell to the stadium.

Sawamura would probably feel guilty for the rest of his life if Hong Kong ended up dying prematurely because of his competition with them.

After all, if it weren\'t for him, the future of this town would still be brilliant.

Fortunately, others are fine!

Once the hometown falls, there will be nothing to say about the game.

Sawamura also lost his interest in entanglement with Qing Fong. Instead of refreshing strikeouts, he relied on defense to get the number of eliminations.

In the final match, the score was still 2:0, and Akagi became the new national hegemon.

"In the 99th Middle School Wild Ball Competition, the Akagi Middle School baseball team won the championship. Let\'s congratulate Akagi!"

As soon as the commentary fell, the audience of 20,000 people stood up and applauded excitedly.

It was established only two years ago. In the first year, it was attacked by the three kings of Nagano Prefecture. In the second year, it won all the way and entered the national competition.

Nagano Champion, Kanto Champion, National Champion! ! !

Scenery! What a sight this is.

When the game just ended, because he was under the protection of Sawamura, the little friends of Akagi Middle School didn\'t feel how.

It was not until they returned to Nagano Prefecture and their hometown that they realized what a remarkable thing they had done.

Sano breathed a sigh of relief.

This is just great!

The mayor of Akagi, and the prefect of Nagano, will never open his mouth to let Akagi join the school.

With such glory, I don\'t believe that those two are unmoved.

In the future, when everyone recalls this time, they can\'t help but smile.

That was the best memory in their life.

Including Fengxiang, including Oda, including Yamaguchi, including Ashin, including Fengliang, including Wakana, including Yamazaki, including Komaki...

Even Hirota and Matsumoto, who didn\'t play, will never forget this day.

Although at the time, they didn\'t feel that way.

After the game, when the awards were presented, the little friends were frightened by the long stick-like thing as soon as they came on stage.

What the hell?

It turned out to be reporters, and they were all holding long-handled microphones.

In the national competition, the secret work of Chicheng Middle School was even better than that of the giant middle school. For the news of Akagi Middle School, they have never interviewed.

Although Sawamura is the biggest star of Akagi Middle School!

Although 80% of the news is about Sawamura.

But during this time, Sawamura\'s information has almost been disclosed. Next are Sawamura\'s family and his classmates.

In interviews, interviews with family members, classmates, and teachers are also very important materials.

Only in this way can Sawamura\'s character design be complete.

Besides, how is the relationship between Sawamura and his friends?

This is also important.

Of course, it would be best to interview Wakana to confirm the rumors and see if the two are in a relationship?

This is all important.


What is this for?

The little friend who was guarded by Sawamura under his wings was frightened when he saw this battle there.

"Come one by one!"

Sawamura is very calm, the game is all over, the next step is to be happy.

If you want to be arrogant, you will be arrogant. If you want to be interviewed, you will be interviewed.

It doesn\'t matter!

"Excuse me, Yamaguchi-san, how did you join Akagi?"

"Wakana-san, I heard that you and Sawamura-san are childhood sweethearts, are you a couple?"

"Student Fengxiang, I heard that you have been invited by a famous high school. I don\'t know which high school it is?"

"Nakagawa classmate..."


One by one, the microphones were handed to Akagi\'s little friend.

I don\'t know if I don\'t do interviews. Once interviewed, these reporters really found a lot of interesting things.

For example, Akagi Middle School was founded by Sawamura.

For example, it turns out that Sawamura is the real coach of Akagi Middle School.

For example, how Sawamura gets along with everyone on weekdays.

I don\'t know if I don\'t ask, I\'m startled when I ask.

He created a team with nothing and recruited a group of students who didn\'t understand baseball at all. Then after hellish training, we all dominate the country together.

You don\'t dare to make up a comic book like this, right?

Unexpectedly became a reality!

The Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun.

Someone called it that before, but other than the iron fans of Sawamura, few others would recognize it.

Now with the media reports, Akagi Middle School is fully presented

in front of the audience.

Everyone just realized how great Akagi is, and how great is Sawamura.

After busy dealing with these reporters, and then presenting the awards.

The most impression I left with my friends that day was that they were busy. Just like getting married, they were fiddled with and fiddled with. By the time everyone was done, it was already late, and Chicheng Middle School didn\'t have a dedicated bus, so they had to stay in the hotel for one more day.

When we got back to the hotel, the little friends were all tired and lay on the bed and didn\'t want to move.

Wada and Sano discussed whether to take everyone on a tour in Tokyo.

Because of the limited funds, the two agreed to only play for one day.

In this way, everyone will have enough time to bring gifts to relatives and friends in their hometown.

Otherwise, if you come to Tokyo and bring nothing back with you, it\'s really unreasonable.

At this time, Sawamura suddenly came to the room of the two of them.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

Wada and Sano looked at each and told Sawamura of their plans.

"Going for a shopping trip!"

Sawamura sighed with emotion, and then said: "I have something to do tomorrow, you can go. I have a place I have to go to."


Sano shook his head like a rattle: "No, you are going to Qingdao tomorrow!"

Go to Qingdao!

Sawamura looked at Sano dumbfounded. In this life, he never mentioned Qingdao to anyone. How could Sano know that he was going to Qingdao?

Could it be that he has always underestimated his teacher, who has the ability to read minds.

Sano\'s words were vague, and Wada couldn\'t listen anymore, so he helped to explain.

"Qingdao High School, do you know? Their admissions officer said they invited us to visit. We want you to go with Fengxiang. Of course, if you are afraid, I can also accompany you..."

Visit Qingdao!

Sawamura looked at Hetian stupidly and smiled inexplicably.

He really had a relationship with Qing Dao, but he didn\'t expect to be able to visit now.

That night, Sawamura didn\'t sleep well, and many people in Akagi couldn\'t sleep because of excitement.

National champions, how can they calm down their excitement?

Sawamura wasn\'t excited because of the national championship. He mainly thought that he could go to Qingdo tomorrow, so he couldn\'t sleep.