Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 73: : Stupid 2 people group (pay tribute to the little chubby)

"Ito, the opponent\'s pitcher, usually gives the impression of being stupid. But he is actually a very good speedball pitcher, and his control of the ball is not stable, which makes it difficult to guess the path of the ball. Because the ball is fast, the ball is powerful, and it is not a short shot. Good choice. Once you get to the strike zone, I suggest you tangle with him for a while, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

Before Kuramochi went to the strike zone, Miyuki gave him an idea.

"Hip-hop, haha! You can\'t play, come to me to find a sense of existence?"

Miyuki looked at Kuramochi in amazement, and finally smiled bitterly.

Although he doesn\'t mind competing with Chris for the position of the main catcher. But seeing other people standing in the position of Qingdao High School\'s catcher, his mood was still very complicated.

Everyone has an obsession that cannot be seen by others.

Miyuki Kazuya\'s obsession is the catcher area, and he is absolutely unwilling to give that position to anyone. Even if that person is the senior Chris he respects, it won\'t work.

During the Qing Dao competition, sitting in the rest period to watch the game, this feeling made Miyuki very uncomfortable, and even at a loss.

This is also the reason why it is very rare for him to take the initiative to give Kuangchi an idea.

"This guy, observe really carefully."

Miyuki glanced at Kuramochi in surprise.

I don\'t know if it\'s because of the skills I learned from fighting and fighting in the streets since I was a child. Kuramochi has a unique talent for observing details and understanding the enemy\'s next move.

If such talent could be incorporated into his baseball skills, Kuramochi would certainly be a tough hitter for opponents.

Miyuki felt this faintly, but he didn\'t tell Kuramochi.

With his own insight and practice intensity, if he could easily incorporate these things into his own baseball skills, he would have done it long ago. Since it has not been done, it means that it is not so easy.

This also needs to be polished by himself.

"Maybe, this guy will become a powerful player who makes the enemy extremely difficult in the future."

Miyuki looked at Kuramochi, lost in thought.

"What, did I say it? Senior Chris is doing so well, your main catcher position is really in jeopardy. Instead of worrying about my blows, it\'s better to worry about yourself? Although you are catching the ball, Not worse than Senior Chris, but Senior Chris also has his own characteristics. Even if there is no one on the base, Senior Chris can get consistent hits. This is a huge difference between you, a Squib.”

Kuramochi Yoichi said.

I don\'t know if he said this to remind Yuyuki, or if he wanted to see Yuyuki\'s joke. All in all, very sincere.

"Come on!"

Miyuki didn\'t say anything more and watched Kuramochi come on the field to strike.

In the second half of the game, Qing Dao attacked. The first striker is the first stick that will not move for ten thousand years, Kuramochi Yoichi.

"Naruto Industries!"

Even after a night of psychological counseling, when he saw his opponent, Kuramochi\'s mind still had the scene from his middle school days.

At that time, if he hadn\'t gotten into trouble, he might have already been a player of Narita Industries.

If he really joins Narita Industries, what kind of life will he lead?

Kuramochi can\'t think of it!

"Although there are all kinds of unwillingness in my heart, if I were to do it all over again, I would resolutely choose to come to Qingdao. It was here that I completed the most important growth in my life."

Let the past pass, now I am the No. 1 club at Qingdo High School, Kuramochi Yoichi.

bring it on!

The moment he stood on the strike zone and saw the pitcher, Kuramochi\'s heart no longer had any ripples. He just stared straight at the opponent, waiting for the opponent to throw the ball.

The catcher of Narita Industries is called Sanjo. Don\'t look at the surname, it\'s like a joke. But Sanjo is the kind of very stable person.

Tall and chubby, it looks like an honest, honest and very reliable feeling.

The pitcher of Narita Industries is named Ito.

The two are honest and honest, and the other is goofy and looks like a duo of goofs. But the combination of these two people is very terrifying. If it weren\'t for them, Narita Industries would not be able to enter the Kanto Conference from Chiba Prefecture.

It seems that Santiao, who is honest and loyal, actually has good academic performance and a bright mind. He is a good hand in collecting and sorting out information. If he was replaced by a pitcher with a relatively high level of ball control, he might have already made a name for himself!

But unfortunately, his partner is not the ball-handling type. Even to a certain extent, the meaning of matching the ball has been disintegrated. (When the ball is allocated by the catcher, you can\'t throw it at all, then the allocation of the ball will lose most of the meaning. Note that most of the meaning is not all, the catcher can guide the pitcher, etc. Wait.)

Even if you study the other party\'s data, it may not be useful. But Sanjo, still earnestly, carefully studied all the batters in Qingdao High School.

Kuramochi, the unstoppable number one at Qingdo High School!

The speed is excellent, and once you get him on base, it\'s bound to evolve into an extremely tricky role.

However, Kuramochi is not a very powerful hitter. It\'s not very difficult to get the outs out of him.

With an idea in mind, Sanjo decisively gave Ito a secret signal. Although he played the secret signal, he didn\'t know if the ball would fly over according to the trajectory he Santiao. But even if he didn\'t know, he still wanted to do it. Who made him the catcher on the team?

"Come on! Use your speed and power to force the first out."


There was a low growl from the pitcher mound, and Ito threw his first pitch.


The small white ball, like laser light, flew towards the catcher\'s glove.

On the strike area, Kuramochi\'s expression suddenly turned ugly.

Although I have seen Ito\'s pitching in the video, but actually standing on the strike zone and watching it, there will still be a different feeling.

The ball is so fast!

And, not only fast, but savage!

Yes, it\'s savage.

This ball is like a rampaging little beast, making it impossible to guard against.


"Bad ball!!"

The ball was good, and Kuramochi was taken aback, but unfortunately it didn\'t stop in the strike zone.

"Good cast!"

Sanjo with a simple face, with an expression on his face as if they were going to shoot like this, he gave Kuramochi a calm look while passing the ball back to Ito.

For the ball just now, Kuramochi didn\'t want to swing at all.

Did you see something? Or did you not plan to swing the bat in the first place?

These three items are unknown.

What a shame, it would have been nice to have the ball in the strike zone so he could play with the ball more flexibly.

Now that there is a bad ball, it is obviously not appropriate to entangle with the bad ball.

Need to get a strike count first.

Thinking about it, Sanjo gave Ito a password for the second time.


"nice shot!"

"Bad ball!"

"Bad ball!"


"The outside world!!!"

Ito and Sanjo, who had thought the battle would end soon, were inexplicably entangled with Kuramochi.
