Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 70: : Kuramochi! (happy National Day)

In the quarter-finals of the Kanto Conference, Nishitokyo Seodo High School played against Narita Industries, Chiba Prefecture, the night before the match. 【】

Sawamura, who was lying on the top bunk, couldn\'t fall asleep no matter what.

This is not stressful. Based on Sawamura\'s previous game experience and psychological quality, he has never experienced any scenes. A small Kanto conference was naturally impossible to make any ripples in his heart.

The reason Sawamura couldn\'t sleep was because of Kuramochi in his lower bunk. Tonight was strange too, Kuramochi, who was usually inattentive, turned over the bed.

Having said that, we have to talk about the structure of the dormitory in Qingxin Liao.

The dormitory arranged by Qingdo High School for the baseball club players is a mixed dormitory for each of the three grades.

In addition to the necessary living facilities, the dormitory also has a TV, a study desk, and two large beds. Two queen beds, one single and one bunk.

If there is no accident, this single person is usually reserved for the seniors of the third grade. This is not to say that everyone should be polite and respect seniors. However, from the perspective of first come, first served, it is also the seniors who choose first. You can\'t force the senior to move the bed as soon as your junior enters the school, right?

The lower bunk is reserved for the seniors of the second grade, and the younger brother of the first grade sleeps in the upper bunk. (Actually, some people like the bottom bunk, and some people like the top bunk. But in Qingdao High School, almost no baseball player really likes the top bunk. Crazy training has already drained all their physical strength, this It was very tiring even when I was afraid of climbing the bed.)

As a first-year junior, even if he was already the actual team ace, Sawamura could only sleep on the top bunk.

Now, Kuramochi kept turning over on the bottom bunk, and Sawamura\'s top bunk swayed.

Although Sawamura himself is the kind of careless person who doesn\'t care about anything, it\'s also very uncomfortable, isn\'t it? He\'s not the kind of kid who grew up sleeping in a shaker

Sawamura wanted to get out of bed and teach the dishonest Kuramochi a lesson.

But seeing Kuramochi\'s sad face, he couldn\'t bear it anymore. For Kuramochi, who was laughing and giggling all day, he rarely showed such an expression. Now that it\'s exposed, it shows that he really has something on his mind.

Sawamura thinks about it, he has to spare people and spare others, and take a step back to the sea, sky and sky (mainly because he can\'t beat them.)

"Anything on your mind?"

Masuko has not come back yet, even if tomorrow is the day of the game, he has not relaxed his training. (This is Masuko\'s last year. On average, each additional training is an hour later than Kuramochi, and much later than Sawamura, who trains a madman.)

There are only the two of them in the dormitory now, Sawamura asked directly.

With another shake, Sawamura knew that Kuramochi in the lower bunk had turned over for the seventeenth time.

"If there is, please tell me about it."

Sawamura tried his best to control his voice and not gossip. (Because if you behave too gossip or gloat, you are likely to be cut.)

Kuramochi may have been under pressure for too long, and it was difficult for him to let go. He wanted to talk to someone, but he really opened his mouth.

"Naruto Industry is the school I wanted to go to most."

Hearing Kuramochi open his mouth, he didn\'t jump into a rage as usual, and Sawamura realized that this school was very special to Kuramochi.

Then why didn\'t you go?

As soon as this question appeared, Sawamura pressed it down. In fact, he knew why Kuramochi didn\'t go.

Sawamura opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn\'t know what to say.

Kuramochi in the lower bunk opened his eyes and fell into memory.

Narada Industries did not specifically recruit Kuramochi at that time, but the middle school that Kuramochi attended has always had a relationship with Narita Industries to recommend admission. At that time, Kuramochi was recommended to Narita Industries by the school selection because of his baseball expertise.

As for Kuramochi, the person in charge of recruiting from Narita Industries, after doing a survey, is also very satisfied.

This thing is almost a done deal.

If, not for the violence that followed. (As mentioned earlier, Kuramochi beat up the city senator son in order to stand up for his friends.)

Nakuramochi Hachikachi is now a player of Narita Industries!

But because of the violent incident, Narita Industry immediately decided to give up the thorn in Kuramachi. Not only Narita, but several other high schools also chose to refuse Kuramochi\'s admission for this reason.

Kuramochi, who loves baseball so much, almost ruined his baseball career.

Strictly speaking, Narita Industries is not wrong about this matter.

Although Kuramochi has a strong personality, he is not the kind of person who does not distinguish between right and wrong. He also knew that it was no wonder Naruto Industries, so there was no resentment against Naruto in his heart. He only blamed himself, blamed himself for being unkind. (He was tricked by his so-called \'brother\' into being a gunman.)

Now that he is going to play against Narita Industries, Kuramochi\'s mood is inevitably complicated.

For the first fourteen years of Kuramochi\'s life, Narita has always been his dream!

Now that he has to compete with his childhood dream, Kuramochi has many twists and turns in his heart.

Beside his pillow, there is a brand new shortstop glove.

This glove is already a bit worn out, but Kuramochi has been cherishing it. This was the gift he received at the most disappointing time in his life. Although he did not know who sent the gift.

Like Ao Dao, this glove has become Kuramochi\'s spiritual sustenance.

After a long silence, Sawamura\'s voice suddenly came from the upper bunk.

"If Narita and Qingdao invited you at the same time, where would you choose to go?"

Kuramochi was startled.

To be honest, he never thought about this question.

"Probably, I\'ll still go to Narita."

If it weren\'t for not being able to play baseball in his hometown, he would be double-whammed by a friend\'s betrayal. Kuramochi really may not have the determination to come to Tokyo to play.

"Then let\'s prove it tomorrow. It\'s better for you to choose now, or it\'s better to stay in Mingtian!"

Sawamura\'s voice was a little distant: "If you want to make yourself not regret it, then prove it to yourself. You who entered the Qingdao are definitely no worse than in Narita, or even stronger!"

Prove it to yourself!

Even if it is the arrangement of fate, I will never regret choosing Qingdao.

Kuramochi laughed Although he was comforted by Sawamura, it made him a little uncomfortable. However, the knot that had plagued him for a long time was resolved.

"you smelly"


Before Kuramochi could finish speaking, Sawamura\'s slight snoring could be heard from the upper bunk.

Apparently, he fell asleep.

Kuramochi, who had opened his mouth to teach Sawamura a lesson, suddenly closed his mouth and went back to his bed.


The sound is so soft that you can hardly hear it.

On the top bunk, Sawamura opened his eyes.

The next day, the friends from Qingdao High School got ready early in the morning, got on the bus and headed to the competition venue.

They will be there, competing with Narita Industries for the throne of the final Kanto semi-finals.