Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 7: : Variation ball of straight ball system

"Negative six points, out!"

Although he was very interested in Matsumoto, Sawamura showed no mercy during the duel.

In the first half of the six innings, Matsumoto hit the ground and scored six points and was eliminated.

With him out, the last catcher finally appeared.

When the young man came on stage, there was a feeling that everyone was looking for her thousands of times, but that person was in the middle of the mountain fire.

Everyone was looking forward to his performance, but unexpectedly, the young man made a mistake in connecting the ball after he came on the court, and he quickly scored six points.

In the second half of the sixth inning, the game could not go on.

The score was fixed at 25:0.

After Komaki came on the field, he dropped a total of seven points, but also dealt with six batters. Without the cooperation of the catcher, his performance is not bad. As a pitcher to replace Sawamura, he barely qualified.

"I\'ll announce the qualified contestants, Xiaomu, Pu Chun..."

Sawamura announced the six places, then looked at everyone, and added: "I know that many of you come to Akagi for the baseball team. It\'s not fair that we just get rid of you in one test. We are not gods, and naturally we are not qualified to decide your life or death. But in fact, a team needs 18 people, and we have done our best. We can\'t let these old players who have worked hard for the team for a year, for the sake of You make sacrifices. So, if you are willing, we will have another tie-breaker two months before the start of the summer competition, and you are free to challenge these six first-year students who have already been selected. As long as you win, then you will play Swap. Other than that, we\'re not adding new people unless someone voluntarily quits."

"Do you understand?"


Sawamura\'s words were very clear. Although the concept of the Second Army has not been put forward, everyone has automatically placed themselves in the position of the Second Army.

The six newcomers of the first army stayed and trained together. Other small partners who are not selected will be disbanded in situ.

"If you want to follow the training, it is not impossible. You can run with a morning exercise, or you can use the baseball field. But it cannot affect the official training of the baseball team."

The conditions given by Sawamura are very good. People who really like baseball will not care about these restrictions. Some people come to join in the fun and pursue fame, and there is no shortage of people who quit. They like being on the baseball team, but they don\'t like being a sparring partner and caddie for the baseball team.

Sawamura doesn\'t care about this.

He just gave a step to let those who were not selected quit by themselves. In this way, they have grievances against themselves, not the baseball team.

It\'s not that we didn\'t give you a way out. You can\'t blame others if you didn\'t persevere.

"Can\'t that kid?"

After those who were not selected left, Fengxiang asked Oda and Yamaguchi to direct the training of the new players. Then he came to Sawamura himself and asked.

For his successor, Feng Xiang has a heart. To be honest, he really didn\'t have enough time with Sawamura and Akagi\'s friends. He also wanted to see how Sawamura would look when he reached the third grade. Let\'s see if Akagi can really stir things up.

After all, there are only three months left before the start of the summer competition.

Fengxiang felt more and more that time was running out.

On the one hand, he rejected someone to replace him and partner with Sawamura. On the other hand, as Sawamura\'s confidant and eldest brother, he also hoped that someone would pick up Sawamura\'s ball after he left.

That boy Matsumoto, don\'t say anything else. The technique of catching the ball should be very solid.

Sawamura was noncommittal.

A catcher, it doesn\'t mean that you only have the ability to catch the ball.

As the commander on the court, the catcher has many responsibilities, observing the situation, dispatching the garrison, dealing with the batter...

Not to mention tactical things, even personal skills must be excellent. Catching, passing, pinning, stabbing, each requires practice.

There is a saying in high school giants that it takes at least two years to develop a qualified catcher.

This is just a pass. An excellent catcher cannot even be cultivated by training alone. This also requires the catcher to have talent.

Although Matsumoto has shown extraordinary talent in receiving the ball, it does not mean that he is a good catcher.

Of course, this kind of thing also depends on who he is partnering with.

For Sawamura, Matsumoto is really a good partner. Judging from his talent, after being familiar with and honing, it should be no problem to catch Sawamura\'s ball. And Sawamura, unlike all pitchers, just needs a catcher who can catch his ball.

As long as the catcher can catch Sawamura\'s ball, Sawamura can unlock more ball paths, and even his pitching posture can be changed accordingly...

Sawamura is now partnering with Fengxiang, and the pitches he throws are not all of Sawamura\'s pitches. If nothing else, the changing **** of the Sawamura straight ball system are definitely not just two kinds of straight **** and ordinary straight balls.

There is an essential difference between using a soft ball and a hard ball. Therefore, many of Sawamura\'s original ball can not be used, and can only be re-studied. But Sawamura was unwilling to waste two or three years learning some ball paths that were not useful to him.

You must know that even if he plays hardball in the future, it does not mean that all the changing **** in Sawamura\'s previous life can be copied. He still needs the same kind of practice.

The size of the palm, its own strength, the power of the ball, and the speed of the ball are different, and the changing **** that are naturally thrown are also different.

Sawamura started regular practice three years earlier than in his previous life. His body, palms, strength and ball speed must also be different from the previous life. Therefore, all the ball paths, he has to practice again, in order to master.

Of course, with the experience of the previous life, the speed of his learning and mastering must be much faster than that in the previous life.

Variation **** are not universal, and naturally there are some universal ones. A variation ball that can be used whether it is a soft ball or a hard ball.

For example, like the change ball and change-up ball of the Sawamura straight ball system.

Before, Sawamura used the changer. But in addition to the change-up, there are actually many other changes in the straight-ball system, such as Sawamura\'s quirky ball.

Like the change-up ball, the quirk ball is common to both soft and hard balls, and you can start practicing in advance.

To sum up, for Sawamura, Matsumoto was recruited into the team. It\'s very good for him and the Akagi baseball team.

But even so, Sawamura still unceremoniously eliminated him.

"The rules are set by us, and we naturally have to abide by them. And that guy has only played baseball three times in total, and no one knows if he is hot for three minutes. We can\'t force others because of ourselves."

In his heart, Sawamura is also extremely proud.

"Furthermore, if he really likes baseball, he won\'t give up so easily."
