Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 7: :Chance! (Salute to Xiao?)

In the 14th final of the Tokyo Spring Competition, Qingdao High School played the old rival City Junior High.

For this game, Superintendent Kataoka attaches great importance to it.

In the Tokyo competition last fall, it was the city junior high school that ruined the road from Qingdao high school to Chunjia.

If you have revenge, you are not a gentleman!

Now that he meets the third high school in the city, Kataoka will of course bring his own disciples to avenge the initial revenge.

"Don\'t say anything extra, the other party has just returned from Chunjia, which is the time when the spring breeze is proud. Then we will let them come to experience the fighting spirit of those of us who failed to make it into the Jiaziyuan team!"

Before departure, Kataoka specially gave instructions to the players.

"Formed, the old rules come once."


The formation nodded, and then the small partners of the first army all formed a circle.

Jieyung pointed to his chest with his thumb and asked, "Who are we?"


All the friends around shouted in unison.

This huge shout directly stunned the first-year friends.

This Nima is so handsome!

Jin Wan looked at it in confusion, and the little friend of Qingdao First Army said, "I came to Qingdao because I worship this voice."

More than him, Qing Dao hadn\'t entered Jiaziyuan for five years. It can also attract a lot of good seedlings who have achieved good results in youth clubs. Why?

This team has an indescribable attraction.

Sawamura\'s face darkened.

It is a lie to say that he has no regrets at this time. If he hadn\'t woken up late, he might be among the people who can shout slogans together now.


While Sawamura secretly blamed himself, the slogan of the First Army continued.

"Who sweats more than anyone else?"


"Who sheds more tears than anyone else?"


"Ready for the challenge?"


"Swear by the dignity of the school, we have only one goal: No. 1 in the country! Go!"


All the fingers of the first army pointed to the sky.

As if at this moment, they are the protagonists of the whole world.

"Do you want to watch the game with you? You can take the bus."

In the baseball department, Minister Ota arranged for two buses, one for the first army and one for the cheerleaders. Look at this tyrant!

Xiaogu Xiao didn\'t want to go, but was pulled by Sawamura.

"One piece to go!"


Akatsuki Fukugu looked at Sawamura in confusion.

"Go and see how cruel the Tokyo competition area is."

This sentence successfully moved Xiao Gu Xiao, and he followed him on the bus.

"Tokyo Spring Competition, quarter-finals, Qingdao High School\'s competition in the city\'s junior high school, officially started."

At the beginning of the game, Qing Dao attacked.

Qing Dao hit the first ball, Kuramochi, and hit the ball from the city junior high school with the first ball, and then used his unparalleled speed to hit the base.

Next, Ryosuke Kominato cooperated with Kuramochi to let Kuramochi steal first base to second base, and then Ryosuke Kominato chose four bad bases.

No one out, there are people at first and second base.

The third stick, Jun Isashiki, hit an infield rebound.

Ryosuke Kominato and Kuramochi each advanced one base.

At this time, it was the turn of the fourth bat, and he hit a beautiful double, which directly sent Ryosuke Kominato and Kuramochi back to home plate.

Qingdao leads 2:0.

Then Masuko hit the fifth.

As soon as he was out, there was someone at first and third base, and it was Miyuki\'s turn at the sixth base.

After tangled up with a few balls, two good **** and two bad balls, Yu Xing was chased.

After chasing Miyuki, the catcher of the third high school in the city gave Zhenzhong the winning ball and the slider from the outside corner.


This ball was guessed by the insidious Miyuki and flew directly out of the court.

Three-point home run, the total score extended to 5:0!

The audience cheered.

Sawamura glanced at Yugu Xiao who was beside him, and said, "See if you see it, this is Qingdao\'s line."


Jiang Guxiao was shocked and speechless.

"Even with such a bold lineup, Qingdao has not entered Koshien for five years. It is conceivable that the opponents they encounter are what kind of monsters. On the pitching mound of Qing Dao, then imagine how you would respond when the opponent was them. Your erratic fastball alone may not work.”

"I\'m not going to let someone hit my ball."

Xiao Gu Xiao said firmly.

Sawamura glanced at him and smiled bitterly in his heart, the boy still didn\'t know the sky was high.

High school is an era of strong play, and it is not easy for a good pitcher to perform well.

In the first game, Qing Dao scored a full eight points, making the first game a super big game.

It seemed that there was no reason for Qing Dao not to win, but the subsequent games did not develop that way.

The ace Danbo, who had been performing well this spring, suddenly collapsed in the second game and lost four points in a row. Then he dropped another three in the third inning.

Ace Danbo, was substituted.

Substitute Kawakami came on the court and stabilized the Only lost two points and withstood the luxurious lineup of the city\'s junior high school.

In this game, Qingdao scored 13 points, and the city junior scored nine points!

With an eight-point lead in the first game, Qing Dao was almost overturned by the city junior high school.

"I\'m going, it\'s really hard to win!"

"The opponent\'s attack is so ferocious, it feels like it\'s hard to get rid of the opponent\'s pursuit."

"The city\'s three high schools are well-deserved."

There were such exclamations from the surrounding friends.

"The bigger problem lies with us. We are eight points ahead, and we are being chased like this?"

Kominato Chunichi looked friendly, but when commenting, he was very strict. Even if the other party is a senior, no strength means no strength.

Qing Dao still played so embarrassed after scoring 13 points, because the ace\'s pitching was unstable.


Sawamura looked at Danbo, who had walked away in a decadent manner, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

With Danbo\'s character, it is difficult to deal with such a situation.

Thinking, Sawamura stood up and prepared to leave.

"Are you going?"

Minato asked a question, and also stood up.

Xiao Gu Xiao didn\'t say anything and stood up.

"By the way, Sawamura-san, you haven\'t said your thoughts yet."

Minato looked at Sawamura curiously.

"I\'m very worried about the senior in the third grade. He missed his pitch and he was probably uncomfortable."

Sawamura sighed.

Minato looked at Sawamura stupidly, he really didn\'t expect Sawamura to have such a side. He also thought that Sawamura would be the more determined kind of person.

"I\'m sorry to Tamba-senpai, but for us, this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Sawamura is a friend of who will never give up the position on the pitcher mound as long as there is a chance. You can search for "" to find this site as soon as possible.