Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 69: : The other side of Sawamura (2 in 1)

()pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!


The second batter on the North American team, after Sawamura pitched, put the bat back and hit it again.

He used cheating!

As for the purpose of his use of cheating?

That\'s for cover, of course, Francis, who is now running frantically to second base.

It looks like these players on Team USA are crazy, they are desperate to move forward regardless of the consequences.

In the past, players from island countries looked at players from North America, although they thought their personal strength was very strong. But in my heart, no one in the island country thought they would lose.

The strength of the North American team players is very strong! But their overall cooperation seems very immature.

It\'s not that the players of the island team are boasting. From their own feelings, it is not very difficult to solve such an opponent.

Sing well.

One chopstick was lightly broken, and ten chopsticks were firmly held in a ball.

The players of the North American team seem to have the meaning of the first half of the sentence. Even if the players of the island nation team are weak in terms of personal strength, as long as they can unite, they will definitely be able to find the opponent\'s flaws and break through.

Almost all the players of the island team thought so in their hearts. Even in the official game, they were a bit ruthless by the opponent\'s routine, so that the situation was weak.

However, the vast majority of players on the island team firmly believed in it.

It must be them who can win in the end.

Compared to the North American teams fighting individually, they are a whole. Even if the strength of the individual is not as good as that of the opponent, as a whole, their strength is absolutely superior to the opponent.

The players of the island nation never imagined that when the players of the North American team were being chased, the state of their entire team would also undergo earth-shaking changes.

They no longer fought individually, but quickly united as a whole.

With this overall strength, to compete with the island team.

Even those proud and arrogant sons of the sky have now put down their stature and have begun to learn to cooperate.

This time, the players of the island team were really caught off guard.

Father, like son.

As the island country\'s small partners of the authorities, many have not been able to react to what is going on?

In the stands, those guys couldn\'t help it anymore.

"Idiot, can\'t you see people?"

Naruto scolded in anger.

To be honest, seeing these guys making consecutive mistakes on the court, Naruto Naruto couldn\'t bear it.

But there is no way, he has lost the qualification to play, no matter how much resentment in his heart, he can only hold back now.

In fact, this is not necessarily a bad thing for those players in the stands.

As the indispensable main force of the team, there is one thing they must learn. That is to keep a cool head at all times and never be sent off.

Otherwise, if you can\'t even control this emotion, what big things can you do?

This is a rare opportunity for all the players who were sent to the stands.

Whether it is useful or not, if they can truly master this ability, it will be very helpful to their future.

There are two flowers, one on each side.

What kind of torment and experience did those players who were sent to the stands go through?

Let\'s leave that aside.

As for their growth, that\'s another story.

Let\'s just talk about the game.

With the baseball being knocked out, the situation changed dramatically immediately.

The players of the island team tried their best to stop the ball.

However, they were obviously underprepared before, and they miscalculated the actions of the North American players.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

Coupled with the fact that many players are not familiar with their defensive positions, facing the sudden appearance of the ball, their response is very hasty.

As a result, the players of the North American team took advantage of the loophole, and the ball really jumped out.

At this time, Francis, who was one step ahead, had also jumped over second base.

This guy is very good at speed. He didn\'t stop after passing second base, but quickly ran to third base.

Not only did they learn to cooperate, but they also brought their own characteristics into full play.

North American players are particularly good at taking chances.

As soon as the opportunity arises, these guys go after them like flies.

This is the situation now. The players of the North American team have not let go of any negligence of the island team.

Once such negligence occurs, they immediately catch up.

In the stands, as the main force who once expedition to North America, few people know the style of the North American team better than Kuramochi.

In his original impression, the players of the North American team like to go straight. They are good at playing to their physical strengths, using their upright strength to bring their opponents to their knees.

As for the application of skills and tactics.

Although the players of the North American team, everyone is trying.

They also hope that their tactics can be richer and more powerful.

But this is obviously not an overnight thing, no one can do it easily.

Especially since this is not the style of the North American team, it is even more impossible for them to grasp it easily.

As for the players of the island team, although they are not on the same team.

But this style of baseball has been integrated into almost everyone\'s blood.

When they usually train, this is one of their most important training items.

Therefore, even in a team that was put together temporarily, the players of the island team can carry out this style.

The players of the North American team also cooperate, but their cooperation is relatively rough, and few of them really make people feel bright.

But now, things have changed a lot.

The players of the North American team not only learned how to cooperate, but also in terms of tactical application, they are not at the same level as they were before.

This sudden change made Kuramochi a little suspicious. Is the team playing against the island nation team on the court really the North American team?

How could he be so unbelievable?

To this point, Fujio, a senior reporter for Baseball Kingdom Magazine, answered quite well.

He saw this clearly and gave a very fair answer.

Why did the North American team\'s players, or the North American team\'s style, change so much?

In fact, it was forced.

If conditions permit, the players of the North American team certainly hope to implement their previous style to play.

That style is familiar to them and that all their players like.

But now, their style has clearly not worked.

In this case, the North American players have to change whether they want to or not.

Fight in a different way to find a breakthrough.

In a short period of time, let the players of the North American team think of a style that can compete head-on with the mature style of the island team.

This is obviously unrealistic.

Even if the players on the North American team are geniuses, their coaches are not simple people.

It\'s impossible to do that.

After all, the style is not so easy to change, especially the style of a national team.

In this case, the most time-saving and labor-saving way is of course to learn the enemy\'s strengths and make up for their own shortcomings.

Combine your own characteristics to form a new fighting style.

The players of the North American team have now made such a realization. They put down their airs, learned to be assistants, and learned to cooperate with teammates to attack.

Compared to learning a new style, it is obviously much easier and simpler to just let go.

And North American players, now doing, is just such a thing.

They let go of their persistence and arrogance, and work hard just to win the game.

So this scene appeared, and the North American team succeeded in successive raids.

Originally, it was not a very good opportunity, but it forced the North American players to develop into a good opportunity that was enough to score points.

The baseball went through the 1st line of defense and was stopped by the outfielder at the 2nd line of defense.

After the outfielder receives the ball, he prepares to pass directly to third base.

Crossing two bases in one go, Francis\' performance was insane.

The players of the island team intuitively thought that this little white face should be taught a lesson.

Be sure to let this little white face know that baseball is not such a simple sport.

It\'s not because he\'s handsome that he can do whatever he wants.

Just as the outfielder was about to pass the ball, Sawamura, the pitcher, suddenly spoke up.

"Second base!"

At this time, he did not let the foreign aid pass the ball directly to the third base, but to the second base.

Meanwhile, Sawamura himself fell back to second base.

Why go to second base?

In fact, it is very simple, because the speed of the guy in charge of the attack is also no trivial matter.

In a very short time, he has already crossed first base and rushed to second base.

It stands to reason that Francis, who is about to advance to third base, is undoubtedly a more threatening existence.

After all, he\'s about to push to home plate.

And judging from the current situation, if the ball is passed to second base at this time, then Francis is definitely going to hit home plate.

Sawamura is like giving up this point!

On the field, things change rapidly.

It\'s hard for someone who doesn\'t really understand baseball to see the mystery.

Even if you can find something, I\'m afraid it\'s just a few skins.

There will never be more than 100 people who can really analyze it thoroughly.

In this, there is Fujio.

Akiko Owada\'s nervous heart almost jumped out.

In her opinion, passing the ball to second base at this time is simply killing it.

Completely incomprehensible!


She just shouted two words, her eyes had already sold out what she wanted to express.

What she wanted to ask was why did Sawamura do this?

In Owada Akiko\'s original impression, Sawamura has always been very calm.

It can be said that it is a representative of young and old!

It was hard for her to imagine that Sawamura would make such a mistake.

Could it be that Sawamura thought that it was impossible for them to stop Francis at this time.

Even keeping Francis at third base, there\'s no way to stop Francis from scoring.

So just give up this point and focus on the number of eliminations that can be taken cleanly.

In Owada\'s view, this may be the only reasonable explanation.

If it wasn\'t like this, she couldn\'t imagine what Sawamura\'s purpose was.

The outfielder for the Islanders, though wants to pass the ball straight to third base.

But he also knew that passing the ball in the past had little meaning.

At Francis pace, getting to base is 100 percent.

This is still in the case of passing the ball and receiving the ball successfully. It is necessary to know that the distance between the two is at least 40 to 50 meters.

At this distance, pass errors are also possible.

Once the pass is wrong, then the loss is 100%.

Since it is equally dangerous, it is better to win the game steadily.

While this is not a winning formula, it is the best defensive strategy.

The island team is now ahead of its opponents.

It\'s not impossible to use the best defensive strategy.

The outfielder, in the end, had no intention of disobeying Sawamura, and passed the ball to second base obediently.

The North American runners who are desperately trying to kill second base are originally responsible for the bait.

So instead of returning to first base, he went straight to second base.

By this time, the North American team\'s plans were already clear.

Now their most important task is not to recover many points in one go.

Rather, score points first.

At this point in the game, the players of the North American team have not yet scored a point, and they are obviously in a hurry.

If you want to beat the island team, the prerequisite is to be able to score points from Originally, everyone thought that everything should end here.

The island team got their second outs at the cost of one point.

At the same time, the threat of third base is gone.

By that time, although the score had become 2:1, the runners on the base bag were also eliminated.

The island national team solved all their hidden dangers with one point.

As the saying goes, take a step back and open the sky, which is probably what it means.

Almost everyone who understands thinks so.

Even those who knew Sawamura thought that Sawamura might make such a choice.

Sawamura is very considerate of the overall situation. If the situation requires it, it is not difficult for Sawamura to temporarily try his best.

But just when everyone thought so, Sawamura opened his glove and asked for the ball.

Faced with a runner who is about to reach second base, the number of outs is at your fingertips.

Sawamura ignored it.

After catching the ball, he used his soft body to pass the ball powerfully.

A fast pass of more than 150 kilometers, even if it is more than 30 meters away, is the blink of an eye.

The baseball appeared in the catcher\'s glove.


Lianji was already prepared and took the ball steadily.

Francis, who has left third base, is now five or six meters away from home plate. Now he has done all the acceleration, and the speed is equivalent to 100 meters in 10 seconds.

That is, in one second, he can run about 10 meters.

This distance is 0.5 seconds of time duel.

For Lianji, this challenge is not small at all.

But he is confident.

Now that Sawamura has set the trap, the other party has honestly taken the bait.

He can\'t drop the chain halfway!
