Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 63: : NA Team Public Enemy (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!


Sawamura Eijun was not at all surprised by the treatment he was getting now.

In the past few years, with his experience and strength far beyond his peers, he has often been a Demon King-level existence.

What is a Demon King?

That is naturally the existence that can bring despair to the opponent, so that they can\'t have any resistance.

The former Sawamura, especially him in middle school.

This is the feeling it brings to my peers.

At that time, the gap between him and his peers in terms of strength and experience was unimaginable.

Otherwise, he would not be able to drag a team like the Akagi Middle School baseball team to win the national championship, and more than once.

You must know that even if a professional player is transferred, they may not be able to play the record of Zhecun.

After all, if you want to win the championship, it is not just about strength.

Sometimes luck is also important.

If the luck is not good enough, then even if the strength is reached, the final result will not be perfect.

At that time, Sawamura Eijun\'s strength far exceeded that of the same class, and luck was also good.

The end result is that he has created a miracle that no one can replicate.

To be honest, after Sawamura entered high school, the probability of encountering professional players increased.

Compared with his peers, Sawamura\'s advantage is actually not as good as at the beginning.

Generally speaking, although Sawamura Eijun\'s progress is also fast, the gap between him and the top peers in the country is constantly narrowing.

Especially in experience!

With the rich experience of Sawamura Eijun today.

I want him to improve in this regard.

That\'s almost an impossible task.

It\'s not that Sawamura doesn\'t work hard, but that he has already reached his limit in terms of experience.

Want to improve, is that easy?

For example, this is the same as our exam.

For Sawamura Eijun, the other little friends are constantly familiar with baseball along with the game, and their experience will definitely rise.

It\'s like they can only test 10 points, 20 points.

If you work hard enough, your brain is not stupid.

Then in high school, they almost all have sixty or seventy points.

Some people who specialize in these things may have more experience.

It can even reach 80 points and 90 points.

Therefore, the age group of high school is almost the most important period for baseball players.

At this time, the top players in high school have a very mature understanding of baseball.

They have almost been able to reach eight or ninety points.

Even if Sawamura\'s experience is 99 points, the gap between them is far from what it was at the beginning.

Not to mention there are monsters like Yuyuki.

Their understanding of baseball, and the experience of the game...

Some are even stronger than Sawamura Eijun!

It\'s not just the experience of baseball games, because the human body also has limits, although Sawamura Eijun did not delay practice during this time.

He trained his body to the highest level.

But at the same time, the level of the other players has gradually improved.

Either in terms of physical fitness or in terms of game experience.

In the general direction, the gap between Sawamura and them is constantly narrowing.

In other words, the gap between the big devil and the top players of the same age.

is getting closer.

Although Sawamura Eijun worked very hard during this period of time, it was because of the limitations of these talents.

Sawamura has never been able to break through the limit.

To be honest, Sawamura, who is the party involved, knows it better than anyone else.

He discovered very early on that his strength had fallen into a bottleneck.

This bottleneck is not the kind of breakable he has encountered before.

This is a sense of helplessness.

For example, his relationship with other players, especially the top players.

It\'s like standing together as competitors.

In the beginning, Sawamura pulled others far behind because of his experience.

He\'s even very close to the top!

Although Sawamura is already close, there is still a long way to go to the top.

In fact, for baseball players, even for players in all competitive categories.

Their movements have never been said to have vertices.

It\'s all a hundred feet, and a step further.

There is no strongest, only stronger!

On this basis, Sawamura is almost in this position.

He\'s been on this apex, and this apex is painful.

Every time they take a step forward, they are creating history and reaching a state that others have not reached.

In the process of exploring, they are also confused and fearful inside.

Many times, they themselves do not know the future they are looking for.

Does it really exist?

Honestly, this is the scariest part.

Because you don\'t know what\'s ahead of you, is there a way or no way? Therefore, the process of moving forward is particularly difficult, and every step is particularly uneasy.

By contrast, those of Sawamura\'s competitors are different.

Because of the paths they are going to walk, their peers have already traveled and proven to be doable.

So they just need to follow the trajectory left by the other side and rush forward.

This is also the reason why late-developing countries often have an advantage over first-developing countries.

It may be an exaggeration to say that it has more advantages, but in terms of development speed, late-developing countries definitely have many advantages over first-developing countries, whether it is manpower or technology, whether it is experience or economy.

They all took a huge advantage.

This is also the relationship between Sawamura and his competitors.

The gap between them is getting smaller and smaller.

It is because Sawamura has begun to touch the limits of human beings in the field of baseball.

So every step he took, it was more difficult.

And other competitors, because they have not yet reached such a terrifying height, they are still backward chasers.

In this way, they can naturally move forward rapidly.

The gap between them and Sawamura is naturally getting smaller and smaller.

Actually it\'s fine now!

Because Sawamura Eijun has also been making progress, although the gap between others and him is shrinking.

Especially the top players of the same age, when they played against Sawamura Eijun, they didn\'t have any qualifications to play against.

But now, he obviously can\'t do that anymore.

Although Sawamura\'s advantage is still obvious, other players of his age have begun to pose a certain threat to him.

Wait until the professional, to the major leagues.

At that time, the gap between Sawamura and the people around him would be infinitely close to zero.

The gap between them will be reduced to an inexhaustible level.

why is that?

The reason is very simple, because the people who stay in that place are already the best group of people who play baseball in the world.

Their whole body has been exercised, and their baseball IQ is not low.

The gap in strength between Sawamura and them will definitely not be what it was at the beginning.

At that time, from the perspective of comprehensive strength, they were basically all players of the same level.

Because every athlete who reaches that height will not relax on himself.

They will adjust every muscle of their own to the best condition.

At that time, the outcome of the game will depend on the performance of these top players.

Just having the world\'s top strength is nothing.

Being able to give full play to the world\'s top strength is the best.

At that time, everyone will have to see, who can do better in this regard?

Sawamura knew this very well.

Sooner or later, he will be caught up in his overall physical fitness and experience.

Because he is aiming at the top players in the world, in one respect, someone will definitely surpass him.

And if Sawamura guessed correctly, this time is very fast.

That is 18 to 20 years old.

At that time, the gap between him and the world\'s top peers will not be so obvious.

Although it was close now, Sawamura Eijun was not willing to give in so easily.

There was still fighting spirit in his eyes.

At that time, the fighting spirit in his heart also existed.

Although this limit limits the growth of Sawamura\'s strength.

But it didn\'t completely kill his hopes.

If possible, Sawamura still hopes that he can go further.

And for now, the gap between him and his peers is shrinking.

But it still hasn\'t disappeared.

For example, now, he is about to face his opponent.

He still has a huge advantage!

And this point, the North American players are also very clear.

It is precisely for this reason that North American players will treat Sawamura like a class enemy.

In their eyes, the man in front of them is simply a thorn in their side, a thorn in their flesh.

If there is no way to eliminate them, then their situation will become extremely dangerous.

Had to figure out a way to get the hits out of Sawamura\'s hands.

In fact, it may not be enough to just get hits.

It\'s better to be able to score points in one go and tie the score.

Even if there is no way to tie for the time being, you have to find a way to catch up with one point first.

For North American players, their goal is now very clear, and that is to take hits and even points from Sawamura.

If they can\'t do that, they\'re certainly not going to be much better off.

As for Sawamura, he seems to have long been used to such a situation.

Almost every game, he plays such a position in the eyes of his opponents.

The Great Demon King, who must be defeated.

Why is it like this?

Sawamura asked himself, it should be because of his too good relationship.

Therefore, these guys will regard themselves as haters.

Although, I am very upset.

But there was a little bit of complacency.

After all, not everyone has such opportunities and qualifications.

On the surface, of course, the big devil will not show any clues, so as not to be laughed at.

But deep down, Sawamura did not reject this feeling.

He even admired the despair in the other\'s eyes.

It\'s as if the players in North America are already red-eyed and eager to achieve something.

But when they faced Sawamura, they were still helpless.

Standing sixth in the strike zone, he is a very powerful hitter in North America.

Although his bats are not very high, he is not ranked in the most important hitting position.

But until now, he\'s the man with the most home runs in North America.

Honestly, this guy feels very violent.

It seems that if he doesn\'t agree, he will act immediately.

And he is very powerful!

When hitting the bat, even if the bat doesn\'t hit the ball firmly.

As long as you touch it a little, you can also rely on the strong swing force to force the white ball out.

Fight against such a violent man.

Putting it on the previous Sawamura, it is naturally no problem.

After all, Eijun Sawamura is the man who holds the colorful transformation ball.

He uses his colorful variety of **** to deal with this ruthless hitter.

Just don\'t take it too easy.

With such a tricky change, it is too difficult for the opponent to hit the ball or even touch the ball.

But now, his change ball has been sealed.

Many tricky ball paths cannot be used.

In this way, Sawamura\'s biggest advantage turned out to be his biggest disadvantage now.

When playing against each other, not only will they not take the slightest advantage, they may even suffer huge losses.

The change ball doesn\'t seem to work!

Fortunately, Sawamura is not the only weapon of change

He made simple eye contact with Renji, and in an instant he decided on his new tactics.

Then I watched him pull up the stance, very decisively, and threw the white ball in his hand.

The pitch is fast and the ball is thrown fast.

In fact, because of Sawamura\'s strange pitching posture, standing on the strike zone, his ball speed is faster than the real ball speed.

Now, he has changed his pitching rhythm.

The whole pitching process and action seems to be faster.

In this way, it makes it very difficult for the hitter.

The sudden change in rhythm made the method he thought of at first to find the time to swing the bat rendered useless.

That\'s not the most important thing, the most important thing is the positions where Sawamura throws the ball.

It\'s all corners and corners, the most uncomfortable swing positions for batters.


That\'s abominable!

The sixth player in North America in the strike zone, the state of the whole person has become very terrifying.

This is not to say that his momentum has improved!

It\'s just because he feels so awkward right now, and his whole body is so uncomfortable that he\'s dying.

Let him say why, he can\'t say it himself.

But Eijun Sawamura hates pitching like this.

Originally able to play 200% of the combat effectiveness.

Only 50% remains now.

The swing became particularly awkward, and I didn\'t know if I could hit it?

In the past, even if he knew he couldn\'t hit the center of the ball, he always had the confidence to hit the ball.

But now, swinging in such an awkward position.

He wasn\'t even sure he could touch the ball.

"nice shot!"

"The outside world!!"

"nice shot!!!"

"strike out!!!"
