Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 63: : Master and apprentice join hands (pay tribute to Xiaohan)

"what happened?"

"Is Director Qing Dao\'s brain broken? How can I replace Miyuki at this time? What if this substitute can\'t be a catcher?"

"Yeah, even if he has a strong attacking strength, it\'s not the time. [Read the latest chapter] Now the most important thing for Qing Dao is not to lose points."

In the stands, many fans who supported Qingdao High School raised questions.

Not to mention them, there are also many people in the cheerleaders of Qingdao High School\'s Second Army and Third Army who don\'t know why.

"Who is that senior?"

"I originally thought it was an ordinary substitute for the First Army, and I didn\'t see anything special in my practice on weekdays."

"He replaced Miyuki!"

Looking at the chaotic team, Qianyuan frowned: "Don\'t be chaotic, the supervisor has his own ideas. We must trust the supervisor."

Kataoka\'s deterrent power is still great.

The little friends were silent one by one.

On the field, the position of the catcher.

Bai Yu looked at this situation, and generally saw that something was wrong. Even Qing Dao\'s players were full of doubts about the batter who was on the field for Miyuki.

This is weird~

Qing Dao\'s supervisor, is his brain really broken?

Thinking, Bai Yu glanced at Qing Dao\'s rest area. Kataoka was as cold as ever, and most of the players in the first army were also calm.

Although the cheering team made a lot of noise, judging from the performance in the rest area, the players of Qingdao still trusted this guy named Chris.

Being able to gain the trust of his companions, in a wealthy family, is itself a proof of strength.

"Treat him like a more troublesome hitter than Miyuki!"

Because there is no batter\'s information, and I don\'t know what Chris is good at and what he is not good at, so matching the ball is completely a mood.

Come to a bad ball first, try it out!

Thinking of this, Bai Yu gave Yineng a secret signal.

On the pitching mound, Yineng nodded and pitched the ball.


The small white ball shot quickly.

On the strike zone, Chris stepped out and swung his bat directly.

In the face of an opponent whose strength is unknown, the probability of the first ball shot from the outside corner is 72.74%, and the probability of throwing a bad ball from the outside corner is 66.93%!

Because of his weak ball power and offensive bad **** in the inner corner, Yi Neng hardly shoots very much.

Can bet!

The win rate is more than two-thirds!

With the calculation in hand, Chris swung the bat without hesitation.


The white ball was hit and flew out.

At the catcher\'s position, Bai Yu\'s eyes stared at Chris who was playing with a stride.

Did you guess the outside corner?

It\'s useless, even if the ball hits, it\'s out of bounds!


The baseball lands against the sideline behind third base, bounces off, and forms a long-running line.

Chris went to second base in one breath.

If it wasn\'t for Yincheng\'s quick reaction and blocked the ball in time, Chris would even have the opportunity to rush to third base directly.



"As expected of Chris."


In the rest area of ​​Qing Dao, there were countless cheering voices.

Formed, Jun Isafuki, Ryosuke Kominato, Toru Masuko, and Danba, the third-year seniors, all had tears in their eyes.

That Chris, that omnipotent Chris is back.

At second base, Chris himself was happy.

The force and direction of the blow were exactly as he expected.

After a one-year blank period, it seems that his body has not completely rusted.

Chris was targeting the defensive gap behind the first baseman!

Not only acquaintances, but even the audience and the friends of the Second Army and the Third Army were dumbfounded.

After playing, the first ball was hit!

Senior Chris, this is a bit too much, isn\'t it?

Never heard of it before!

"If it\'s just a blow, Chris-senpai might even surpass Miyuki."

Looking at Chris in the front garden, it feels like seeing the sky!

Such a neat, powerful and skillful swing, when will he be able to do it?

"As expected of a master!"

Sawamura looked at Chris excitedly, and at the same time a strong fighting spirit rose in his heart.

Since the master has worked so hard, as a disciple, he can\'t let his master\'s efforts go to waste.

With no outs, there was a man at second base, and Sawamura stood on the strike zone.

After Sawamura stepped into the strike zone, he respectfully greeted the referee.

"Please advise!"

Then he looked back at Yi Neng at mound and Chris at second base.

"Senior Chris, don\'t worry, I will send you back!"

Sawamura suddenly shouted.

God, this is so crazy!

The players from Yokohama Konkita glared at Sawamura one by one, as if they were going to swallow Sawamura.

The fans in the auditorium first looked at Sawamura in surprise, and then their faces showed the kind of excited expression unique to the melon-eating crowd.

Such an insolent hitter, so interesting!

"Look at you, Lord Demon King!"

"Come out, boy."

"We love you!!!"

In the past, it was more gentle to refuel, but now the people who eat melons don’t care, they stand up one by one and shout wildly.

On the field, the position of the catcher.

White Feather frowned at Sawamura!

To be honest, even though Sawamura was only in the first year, judging from his previous three blows, White Feather did not want to confront Sawamura head-on.

Now that the first base bag is still empty, he has a better chance of winning against the eighth bat behind him than against Sawamura!

White Feather originally wanted to walk Sawamura out of the four bad guys!

Now, definitely not.

At this time, protecting Sawamura will undoubtedly make Qing Dao\'s morale unstoppable. At that time, the other batters in Ao Dao might also turn into terrifying killers, killing the killer of Yokohama Port Kita Victory.

No matter how repulsive you are in your heart, at this time, you can only fight head-to-head!

"Let\'s do our best to deal with the batter."

Bai Yu conveyed his will to Yineng, then Yineng nodded and pitched the ball.

In order to show his fighting spirit, in the first ball, Yineng threw his most tricky ball.

A slider that slides out of the outside corner!


The baseball shoots out.

On the strike zone, Sawamura didn\'t take his eyes off the ball for a moment. When he realized that it was a change ball, he decisively stopped his swing.


"Bad ball!"

The number of balls, zero is good, one is bad!

Sawamura smiled and said to Bai Yu who was behind him, "Are you going to walk me off?"

Bai Yu frowned, but still decided to match the ball according to his own plan.

Second ball: good ball in the low corner of the inside corner!

You must be careful with this shot. If you want to solve Sawamura, this is the number of good shots you must have.

With this number of we can take advantage of matching balls


Not allowing Bai Yu to think about it any further, Sawamura, who had been motionless, suddenly swung his bat.

The white baseball was hit and flew straight out.

Bai Yu glanced at Sawamura in horror.

He guessed it too!

Sawamura\'s swing was obviously aimed at the inside corner?

Sawamura threw away his bat and ran forward.

Chris on second base on the other side also stared closely at the ball that flew out.

Yokohama\'s left fielder Komura kept backing, backing until he couldn\'t back anymore.

His body hit the border wall.

And baseball hasn\'t stopped, it\'s still flying