Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 63: : Evolve, boy (pay tribute to the runaway little chubby)

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!"

Chicheng Middle School played against Xijing Middle School, and in the first half of the seventh inning, Xijing Middle School attacked.

At the beginning of the game, Sawamura gave the opponent a dismay. Three goals strike out Xijing\'s starter, Tiger Ichiro.

Speaking of which, this guy is unlucky enough.

In the last year of middle school, he led the team to the national competition as an ace. As a result, in the quarter-finals and semi-finals of the national competition, the ace position was robbed, and the game was always struck out.

His striking strength, among middle school students, although not the top, is definitely not weak.

It\'s a pity that his opponent is too strong!

Ken Uesugi of Yokozuna and Eijun Sawamura of Akagi.

These two, that one is not something that Tiger Ichiro can deal with. If they are determined, three strikes Tiger Ichiro, it is really not difficult.

Once out, no one hits base.

It was the third bat\'s turn, the catcher, Inoue.

When Inoue came on stage, he was very nervous.

Although this game, their line will be even in the fourth round. But once he is out, the situation facing Qiping is two outs and no one on base.

Even if there is Cheng Gongming behind, there is not much hope for Xijing to score.

After all, until now, when Narutomiya met Kamizawa Village, he didn\'t get the slightest advantage.

Not only Cheng Gongming, except for Qi Ping\'s second-base hit, and now Xijing Middle School\'s lineup is no different from a three-year-old baby in front of Sawamura. Either a strikeout or a trick.

One person didn\'t even need three **** on average, and he was solved by Sawamura.

"You can\'t get out of the game easily!"

Resolved, Inoue was extremely cautious when he stood on the strike zone.

As soon as Kesawamura pitches, he is stupid!

I want to fight!

The ball is so comfortable, it\'s almost in the middle!

Such a ball can\'t be played.

"As long as the swing is crisp enough, even if Sawamura induces everyone to swing the ball, it\'s not impossible to swing the bat. Not sure, you can still hit a good ball."

The coach\'s words rang in his ears.

At this time, Inoue didn\'t care about anything, and decisively waved his stick.


After the white ball was hit, it flew high.

All eyes in the audience were focused on the small white ball, watching it rise, and then watching it fall.


Beneath the small ball, Feng Xiang effortlessly caught the ball in his glove.


This ball, Inoue hit the home plate and flew high.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura smiled at Inoue.

Inoue was chilled by Sawamura\'s laugh.

in the stands.

Through the commentary, everyone also knows that Sawamura just hit the ball.

In the ranks of Tenryu Temple.

Nanami Haruka sneered: "Idiot, can Sawamura\'s center ball be hit?"

"You can\'t say that. If you change the flush, you might be able to sweep it out."

Hattori said objectively.

"The opponent is Qi Ping, will Sawamura vote in the middle?"

Nanami gave his partner a blank look.


Hattori was speechless when asked, as if it was true, if the opponent was flush. Sawamura probably wouldn\'t use a ball like this.

Sawamura\'s pitching has always been a spectator\'s dish!

Two outs, no one on base.

"Fourth, first baseman, classmate flush."

on the mound.

Watching Qi Ping step onto the strike zone, Sawamura\'s eyes suddenly sank.

Although the ball that was played flush before was his fishing ball. But Sawamura\'s fear of Saiping did not diminish at all.

Among middle school students, there are not many players who swing like this.

If he keeps playing, he is likely to get ahead in the future.

But Sawamura had never heard of Qi Ping\'s name in his previous life, which means that this guy didn\'t continue to play baseball for some reason.

"what a pity!"

Although he felt sorry for the opponent in his heart, Sawamura showed no mercy when he pitched the ball.

Do your best to respect your opponent.


The white ball flew to the inner corner like a laser light.

On the strike zone, the bat is flush and does not flinch at all.


The bat and the small white ball staggered past without touching anyone.

"nice shot!"

Qi Ping had seen a sinking Carter ball like Sawamura before, and this was the second time he had played such a ball.

When Sawamura threw the inside corner, he guessed that Sawamura might make such a shot.

But even if he guessed it, he still didn\'t touch the ball.

The ball is far more tricky than he imagined.

On the pitcher\'s mound, Sawamura threw his second pitch with his expression unchanged. He didn\'t change his rhythm just because his opponent was flush.


The ball is still flying to the inside corner.

On the strike zone, Qi Ping decisively swung his bat.


This time, he finally hit the ball. But before Qi Ping was happy, he saw the ball that he had hit and flew out of bounds.

"The outside world!"

Qi Ping\'s heart sank.

He was deceived, and just now Sawamura threw an ordinary straight ball.

Without allowing him to think too much, Sawamura\'s third goal came.

Inside corner? outside corners? Speed ​​ball, change ball? Float, Carter? ?

? ? ? ?

A forehead question mark hovered in Qi Ping\'s mind, causing him to feel numb.

He was not allowed to choose the way he wanted to bet, and Sawamura\'s ball flew over.

Two consecutive inner corners, and finally the outer corner!

For no reason, flush bet the swing on the outside corner.


On the third ball, the ball hit the inside corner.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura remained calm.

"Strike, strike out!"

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

At the end of the first half of the seven innings, the players from Xijing Middle School had a total of one hit in the hands of Sawamura.

In this game, Sawamura didn\'t have many strikeouts, just ten.

But the domineering he showed still caught everyone\'s eyes.

Of course the game is far from over.

Akagi still has a chance to attack in the second half of the seventh inning.

If Akagi fails to score in the second half of the seven innings, then the two sides will have to play extra games.

In Akagi\'s cowshed.

Sawamura gathered his friends together and formed a circle to listen to Sawamura\'s meeting.

"In the last game of the game, Cheng Gongming was very stable. If we want to score points, I\'m afraid it will be difficult."

This is the first time Sawamura has said such a thing during a game.

No matter how strong his opponent was before, Sawamura was always full of confidence.

One of his most common words is, "Isn\'t it easy to win against the other side\'s gang of little brats?"

It seems that there is no opponent that Sawamura can\'t deal This is the first time that Sawamura does not treat the opponent as a child, but as an equal opponent.

Cheng Gongming, so strong!

At this time, Akagi\'s little friend suddenly realized. It turns out that their opponent today is so strong! So strong that Sawamura had to be cautious.

"Although I consciously retained my physical strength, our overall strength is weaker than the opponent\'s, and it is not good for us to play extra games. Therefore, we had better solve the game in this game."

When Sawamura said this, the little friends looked at him in confusion.

Didn\'t you just say that in the last round, Cheng Gongming will be very stable, is it difficult to conquer? Now, Sawamura wants this game to solve the battle again?

"When the game just started, we really couldn\'t take Gong Ming, but now, it\'s not necessarily."

"Through this game, everyone has grown up. And until now, the number of pitches of Naru Gong Ming has exceeded 50, and his **** will definitely not be as fast as in the beginning..."