Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 6: : Geniuses from Tokyo (2 in 1)

Tokyo, Jingu Stadium.

This is where the national youth team gathers.

It seems that Supervisor Takeda is still somewhat capable, and even used this stadium as a training venue for the national youth team.

Although it won\'t take long for them, this at least shows that everyone still attaches great importance to this year\'s young players.

On the court, more than 40 players who were called up gathered together in twos and threes and were chatting.

After Sawamura Eijun came to the court, he immediately became a busy man. There was no way. Among the more than 40 people, Sawamura Eijun looked around, and there were only three or four strangers to him.

The others have played against them.

They are all defeated by them!


Sawamura was screaming haha, and it was a lot of pressure to communicate with such a group of defeated generals.

These guys are all proud of the sky, all of them are very arrogant, and their eyes can\'t grow to the top of their heads.

Dealing with such a person, even Sawamura, would have to work hard.

This group of people said that they have a personality, but they are a group of thorns.

And a bunch of arrogant thorns.

They were 1.2 million dissatisfied with their own loss to the Qingdao High School baseball team and to Sawamura.

I can\'t wait to find an opportunity to teach Sawamura a lesson.

So much so that when they greeted Sawamura, they vaguely leaked out this murderous aura.


It was in this atmosphere that Sawamura greeted the players around him.

Fortunately, he has a big heart, and he didn\'t pay too much attention to the big scene in front of him.

Otherwise, if the eyes of the other party can kill people, Sawamura may be cut into pieces by the opponent.

This point, even the friends of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team clearly felt it.

"Your popularity is too low, why do I feel that everyone looks at you as if they are going to eat you?"

Narutomiya said gloatingly.

"No way, after all, it\'s such a thing as popularity?"

Bai He was lukewarm to make up for the knife.

Sawamura felt that there was a knife in the front and the back in the position of his heart.

These two guys are just so mad.

If the law doesn\'t matter, Sawamura wants to do it for them alone.

Let today next year be a very memorable day for them.

"It\'s just a group of defeated men, I won\'t take it to heart."

Chenggong Ming and Bai He felt that a mouthful of blood was blocking their throats.

So disgusting!

"If you talk like that again, you may have no friends."

"It\'s enough to have opponents on the court, and things like friends are avoided."

The more Sawamura talked, the more smooth his mouth was. He felt that he had added red and blue buffs.

Sure enough, the two guys from Daocheng were so choked that they couldn\'t say a word.

"But then again, you guys are really good. Even Jiaziyuan didn\'t even make it, and there are still 4 people in the national team."

Sawamura was amazed.

It\'s no wonder that some people put the name of Daocheng Industrial High School ahead of the Qingdao High School baseball team when doing paper strength analysis.

I have to say, their strength is really amazing!

Not to mention Narnomiya Ming, three guys like the little black man Karl Ross, Shirakawa, and Yamaoka.

In their respective positions, they are indeed one of the best.

Even if they searched all over the country, there are very few who are stronger than them.

"You are not bad, three people are here!"

When Shirakawa spoke, he set his eyes on Kuramochi.

Thinking back to when Baihe became famous, Master Cheetah of the Qingdao High School baseball team was just a rookie just emerging.

Unexpectedly, in just one year, the other party can already stand on the same stage as himself.

The same as the national team representative.

In addition to the four from Inagi and the three from Qingdao, there are 8 players from Tokyo.

In other words, there are as many as 15 players selected throughout Tokyo.

To know that a total of 45 people were elected in the whole country.

Tokyo alone accounted for 1/3 of the total number of people.

It\'s no wonder that the fans in Tokyo were clamoring wildly in the past.

It is said that their competition in the Tokyo area is the competition of Xiaojiaziyuan.

There is some truth to this.

In addition to those 7 people, most of the remaining 8 players are also from West Tokyo.

There are only two people from East Tokyo, two people who are very surprising.

One of them is Ukumori High School\'s ace pitcher Umemiya.

The surroundings of Eijun Sawamura were crowded with people, as if it was the center of the whole world.

The surrounding area of ​​Meigong was an insulating area, and none of the players were willing to come forward to talk to him.

No wonder the players.

Players who study baseball, although they are physically fit, can\'t fight.

To put it bluntly, these guys are honest kids at heart.

The first time they saw Mei Gong, they felt that they were not the same as Mei Gong.

Whether it is the appearance of the guy, or the temperament he exudes, it all reveals a bad aura.

These honest baseball players don\'t want to hang out with guys like that unless they\'re crazy.

The remaining one is Di Dong\'s work.

This is also a result that no one expected before.

In people\'s general impression, even if someone came at this time, it should be their ace pitcher Little Sun.

Although Little Sun\'s pitching has not been fully honed, he still has good strength, leading the players of the Tedong High School baseball team all the way.

It is rude to say that today\'s little sun is the real soul of Didong High School.

If the Tedong High School baseball team really wanted to pick a player, it should be Little Sun.

How can you pick it out?

Regarding this issue, Sawamura Eisei himself became a fan of the authorities.

For other players who came to participate in the competition.

It is not surprising that the organizing committee would make such a choice.

The reason why Little Sun was not selected into the national team is not because his strength is not enough, on the contrary, his strength is very strong. It\'s just that in the current team, there are more powerful monsters.

The Great Demon King Sawamura, Naomiya Naruto, Hongo, Akujin, Sanada and so on.

Just look at these guys and it\'s all clear.

These guys are all top-notch, or top-notch, pitchers in the country.

With them on the mound, it\'s hard to imagine who could replace one of them.

No one, no one can do it.

In addition to their 9 people, the remaining 6 people are from three teams.

They are Tianjiu Guangsheng and Xingtian from the third high school in the city.

Huraiichi, Sanada, and Sora Igarashi of the Yakushi High School baseball team.

Igarashi, not only in Tokyo, is the only first-year freshman.

It is also the only freshman among all the freshmen.

The remaining one is real wood.

This quota is very confusing. As far as the Tokyo players are concerned, no matter how they see Maki, it is impossible for them to get such an opportunity.

But he just got it.

A total of 15 people, accounting for 1/3 of the total number.

Supervisor Takeda looked serious when he came to see everyone training.

"This year\'s Tokyo is really incredible!"

His words were emotional.

With a roster of 20 people in total, it is impossible for all 45 players to go.

Those who stay are actually eliminated.

The scariest part of the Tokyo area is not yet accounting for 1/3 of the total players.

Supervisor Takeda really knew the players in front of him too well, if he really just picked out a 20-man roster.

Then the proportion of Tokyo players in this is probably very scary.

They have a lot of players and they will never be replaced, absolutely not.

For example, like Sawamura Eijun, Narimiya Naruto, Miyuki Kazuya, Kuramochi, Karl, Hurai City and so on.

How could these players be eliminated.

Even if they were all from West Tokyo, even if they searched all over the country, there is no one whose strength can be compared with them.

Just when Takeda was lost in thought, all the friends had gathered.

After Sawamura reminded him, Takeda regained his calm.

"I\'m very happy that everyone can accept the invitation. I believe that with so many talented players joining us, we will be able to break the deadlock for a while. We will reach the top of the world in one fell swoop..."

Brilliantly, said a lot, valuable words, in fact, not a word.

This is also a practice, after all, the kind of people who shoot randomly, with Sawamura\'s strength getting stronger and stronger.

It\'s hard to see now.

After Supervisor Takeda finished speaking, he solemnly introduced Eijun Sawamura.

"I\'m here to introduce our captain, Sawamura player."

A student who is a grade younger than himself. Suddenly he became his own captain.

It would be hard for anyone to accept this matter.

But now, when everyone looks at Sawamura, they have never felt so pleasing to the eye.

If you have to find someone to be the captain.

For these talented players, the only one they can recognize is Eijun Sawamura.

Although they themselves lost to Sawamura and Qingdao, they were very unconvinced.

But at the same time they had to face up to a fact.

That is, Sawamura\'s strength is far above them.

Whether they like it or not, there is no way to change that day.

Takeda looked at the players in front of him and had a whim.

This lineup is very interesting!

The 15 players selected from the Tokyo area have taken up almost all kinds of positions. Even if some positions are lacking, this position is not particularly important.

Others can also take over.

It\'s just the beginning of a team.

Supervisor Takeda, who realized this, was particularly excited.

Before the official start of the training camp, he suddenly spoke.

"I\'ve been thinking about it for a long time. If I want to understand everyone\'s tactics and intentions as soon as possible, I still need a little preparation."

"There\'s no quicker way to get to know each other than a competition. Our time is short, and everyone wants to get to know each other through competitions. Players from the Tokyo area come out and stand in a row, and the other players stand in a row, and they are divided into two teams. Tokyo The coach here is Sawamura-san. He was already the coach of the national champion in middle school. I think he is fully qualified.

As for the coach of the other team, Supervisor Takeda would naturally do his part.

After everyone\'s positions are divided, the tactics will be discussed, and then the game will start immediately.

This sudden change confuses players like Eijun Sawamura.

It is said that Director Takeda is a geek. When training players, they always teach according to their aptitude, and everyone seems to have different training methods.

In the past, everyone thought that it was just a legend, how could it be so powerful.

But the real result is that Director Takeda is really a geek, and what he does is completely confusing.

In the case of confusion, everyone can only follow his train of thought.

Sawamura Eijun came together with his friends in Tokyo.

"Let\'s discuss it, and raise your hand if you have a favorite position."

Sawamura Eijun looks very lazy, he is too lazy to think about these issues.

"This is too irresponsible, supervisor!"

"Yeah, anyway, your kid is also our coach, can you show some coaching professionalism?"

Sawamura Eijun\'s remarks immediately attracted a lot of complaints.

Sawamura Eijun felt a little embarrassed himself.

Fortunately, his cheeks are thick These questions were resisted by his cheeks.

These friends in the Tokyo area all set their eyes on Sawamura Eijun, and their eyes were so bright that they seemed to be able to shine the beacon directly.

Sawamura was forced to do nothing.

Although he himself does not really want to take this job, but there is no way, these things are not up to him alone.

At a critical moment, he still needs to accommodate everyone\'s emotions and the current situation.

"If that\'s the case, let me divide the work. First of all, let Narimiya take the pitch in the first inning..."

Sawamura Eijun simply divided the positions for everyone.

After the roles are divided, naturally not everyone will be satisfied.

But most people are satisfied.

Although they can\'t guarantee that Sawamura Eijun\'s distribution is the most reasonable.

But they could feel that Sawamura Eijun had put a lot of thought into this in private.

This is very interesting.

It seems that this captain\'s task is still very qualified.

"You arranged us all clearly, so what are you doing here?"

To be able to play in the game makes Naru Miya very excited.

But looking at Eijun Sawamura, who was leisurely, he couldn\'t help but hold back his anger.

At this time, it erupted directly.

Sawamura\'s face was innocent, and he pointed his finger at his nose.

"Of course I\'m planning a strategy, and the decisive victory is thousands of miles away. Don\'t worry, if you can\'t stand it, isn\'t the commander-in-chief unable to go into battle in person?"

"Why don\'t you die!"

The friends of the Daocheng Industrial High School baseball team were furious one by one.



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