Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 58: : The formation of giants

"You\'re too impulsive, we don\'t need to offend people like this!"

Wakana whispered beside Sawamura.

Sawamura didn\'t take it seriously: "Everyone\'s ace has been bullied to our door. As the ace pitcher in our team, of course I have to go back."

After hearing what Sawamura said, Wakana couldn\'t help rolling her eyes.

However, thinking of the arrogant guy just now, he just walked away in such a dismal manner, and Cang Yue felt a little relieved.

I have to say that the result of the trump card fight is Akagi\'s complete victory.

Compared to Sawamura, that little guy\'s aura was completely suppressed!

"Is Mutoki also a player in the middle school All-Star Handbook?"

Beside him, Ashin asked curiously.

As soon as that guy came, he seemed to give him 2,580,000. No one saw him except Fengxiang and Sawamura.

"I\'ll check it out."

Although Fengliang is rich in information, it is not so memorable. And it\'s been a whole year since the Twelve Heavenly Kings and the Hundred Stars. No matter how good his memory is, he can\'t remember them all.

"Don\'t look at it, it must be!"

Sawamura said calmly.

"how do you know?"

Wakana looked at Sawamura in surprise. She really couldn\'t understand. Sawamura couldn\'t even remember the names of the twelve heavenly kings. How could she know who the hundred contestants were?

"It\'s very simple, if it wasn\'t for the people on this list, how could he be so familiar with the list?"

The battle table has just been sent, and no one has the ability to collect information, and Sawamura\'s judgment is only based on his confidence in "Baseball Boys". At this time, Mutoshu came and recognized Sawamura and Fengxiang at a glance.

If it weren\'t for the fact that the list of 100 people hadn\'t been smashed through on weekdays, he wouldn\'t have been able to recognize it at a glance, and he would have known Feng Xiang\'s past.

Sawamura and Fengxiang, although both are on the list. But before Akagi, they didn\'t have the qualifications of any competition experience, so their sense of existence was not very high. Ordinary fans, it is not bad to know about the Twelve Heavenly Kings. As for the people behind, who are not really interested or are on the list themselves, they will not know so clearly.

"There really is!"

At this time, Feng Liang also found information about Mutoki from the "Baseball Boy" website on his mobile phone.

He belongs to the third echelon and is also a star player.

"Super rookie, Mutoki. There is no change in the ball. In second grade, the speed of the ball is only about 120. The reason why he is on the list is because of his ball control. I have done statistics before. He has 85 goals in a game. Only three bad shots..."

Looking at Mutoki\'s information, the friends feel that it is very unreal. It\'s not that Muto is strong. On the contrary, with the strength he showed, Akagi\'s friends really couldn\'t see how strong he was.

If nothing else, let\'s talk about Nagano\'s top three pitchers. The first is Sawamura, who gets along with them day and night. In their impression, they don\'t seem to have watched Sawamura throw a bad ball. Nanami Haruka is also a ball-handling genius, and with his changing ball, he sits on the throne of the Twelve Heavenly Kings. Even the youngest Mali child among the three has a ball speed of 135 kilometers and terrifying power.

Compared with them, the speed of the ball is 120, and Muto, who only has the ball, seems a bit misnomer.

Ashin is the most direct: "You can also enter the top 100 like this. It seems that these star players selected by "Baseball Boys" are nothing special?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he regretted it.

Sawamura and Fengxiang looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Ashin now regrets his bowels, how could he forget, there are two star players who he said are not very good standing in front of him.

"You were beaten last time because of what you said, right?"

Without hesitation, Sawamura put the small-haired neck under his armpit and asked.

"Brother, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Ashin begged for mercy again and again.

Sawamura also made trouble with him, but did not exert any force. After releasing Ashin, Sawamura continued.

"The strength of some pitchers can be seen at a glance just by relying on the data. For some pitchers, if you don\'t really stand in the strike zone, you will never know how strong the opponent is."

Tasawa Village is the latter.

Two hours later, the train arrived at Yokohama, Kanagawa.

Yokohama is the manufacturing office of Kanagawa Prefecture, and the second largest city in the entire island country after Tokyo! It has to be said here that there is a reason for all the Guild Wars CDs!

In the fierce battle zone, the support of population and economy is indispensable!

For example, why did Tokyo become a fierce war zone? There are only more than 4,000 high schools in the country, and Tokyo itself has more than 200, accounting for one-tenth of the total. With so many schools, only two of the 50 Jiaziyuan places are. How could Tokyo not be a fierce war zone?

The middle school competition is even more extreme. Secondary schools in Tokyo account for one-fifteenth of the country, but they only account for one and a half of the thirty-two places in the country. For that half, they have to compete for the fifth place in the Kanto Conference, which is more competitive than Tokyo.

In addition to this, economic factors are also key. Not to mention island countries, this phenomenon is very common even in the whole world. Can the school facilities in the provincial capital city be the same as the school facilities in the county seat?

Of course, some individuals are not excluded, but most of them still have absolute differences.

The club also has a tradition of drawing sponsorships. Is it easier to draw sponsorships in Tokyo, or is it easier to draw sponsorships from small places?

From the formation of the Big Three in to the shape CD of each fierce battle zone is directly affected by these two points.

Why is Kanagawa so scary? Why is Yokozuna scary?

It\'s not because they rely on the economically developed Yokohama, and they get a first-served month when they are close to the water. Not to mention a dark horse like Akagi, in places like Tokyo and Yokohama, school clubs that can maintain a strong strength for a long time must have the support of students and capital injection!

This is the foundation for the formation of giants!

Of course, it doesn\'t mean that the giants will definitely win. Qingdao is also a giant, and even one of the top giants in the country. Didn\'t he not score in Jiaziyuan for six consecutive years?

Sometimes, luck is also a terrible thing.

"Santai Middle School, super rookie! Bad luck!"

Sawamura couldn\'t help but laugh after thinking about it to himself. Perhaps Santai also has the strength and ambition, and wants to rely on the power of Muto to create miracles.

It\'s just that their luck was worse than Akagi.

In the first round, they met Akagi!

"Let\'s not say anything else, I will never lose in a pitcher battle."

After arriving in Yokohama, Akagi went to the hotel. They arrived one day earlier, and there was still one day before the start of the Kanto Conference.

The Kanto Congress said it was a week, but it was actually eight days. Starts on Sunday and ends the following Sunday. No more, no less, everyone has a game every two days, of course, the team competing on the second day must have a consecutive game in the middle. It doesn\'t matter if you win the championship or if you lose and then play in a playoff, it\'s four games.

Akagi\'s match is scheduled for the third game of the first day!

The next day, Yokohama Stadium.

After participating in the opening ceremony, Akagi waited for his opponent in the first match-Santai Middle School in Chiba Prefecture!
