Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 58: : Show operation! (2 in 1)

pps: Thanks to the little snowman, Xiao W\'s generous reward...


The largest stadium in Taipei.

The scene fell into an eerie silence.

In the past, North America\'s offense was like a hysterical roar.

It seems that they will never give up unless they beat the island team to pieces.

As a result, no one thought of it.

With someone at first and third base, show off your power in North America.

The island nation first called for a timeout.

Through this suspension, it can be seen that the players of the island team have been forced to the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

From the perspective of the audience present, the island team has no hope.

They are only one step away from collapse!

It might be an overstatement to say that they collapsed, but the fact that they lost points is already close at hand.

Once the players of the island team, at this time, lost the score.

Then it is bound to cause a big chain reaction!

In today\'s game, the players of the island country team are likely to be at a disadvantage that ordinary people can\'t imagine. If things really develop like that, then the situation of the island country team is very, very unfavorable.

If you don\'t want to make yourself so embarrassed, the players of the island team must think of a feasible counterattack strategy.

Of course, they must first ensure that they do not lose points!

At the very least, don\'t lose a lot of points.

That\'s basically what Sawamura called a timeout on the mound.

At least from the perspective of the audience in the stands, Sawamura\'s shouting paused at that time, that\'s what he meant.

He found the crisis and was going to gather all the players together to discuss the countermeasures to solve the opponent.

The reason for being so anxious is mainly because Sawamura is not familiar with the current teammates.

Can think of this level.

Basically, I already know a lot about Sawamura Eijun.

This is mainly the more than 2,000 fans who came from the island country.

According to their ideas, no matter how strong the personal strength of the Great Demon King Sawamura is.

He himself is also invincible with two fists and four hands, and a good tiger cannot stand against a pack of wolves.

In the face of so many opponents, of course he will seem busy dealing with it.

In addition to these, he was not his teammate in the Qingdao High School baseball team!

Not even the same teammates from Tokyo!

But gathered, elites from all over the country.

As a pitcher, I want to cooperate with such a team, especially if the requirements are relatively high, this kind of cooperation.

That is bound to have to be discussed first.

Without communication and negotiation, everyone didn\'t know Sawamura\'s thoughts, so how could they cooperate with him to defend?

That\'s pretty much everyone\'s idea.

No one would have thought that the Great Demon King Sawamura would play such a trick at such a critical moment.

You know, once this trick is exposed, the consequences are quite dangerous.

Runners may take the opportunity to run straight to home plate.

This requires not only courage, but also superb acting skills.

At this time, Sawamura played another eye-catching role.

It\'s the same thing as magic.

Magicians have certain tricks when it comes to close-up magic.

To put it bluntly, it is to let people focus their attention on the hand he is performing.

Then, his other hand moved quietly without anyone noticing.

After the action is completed, and then move people\'s eyes back again, people will naturally be shocked and feel very magical.

In the words of ancient Western countries.

This is the sound of the east and the west, the bright building of the plank road, and the darkness of Chencang.

On the pitcher mound, Sawamura showed an incomparably powerful aura.

It looks like he\'s going to completely drown his opponent with his own pitch.

In that case, all eyes were on him.

No one noticed that the third baseman approached Francis quietly.

Not even Francis himself was able to perceive this.

When his foot left the base, the third baseman put the glove directly on him.

Even at that time, Francis and the fans at the scene were not sure why.

They don\'t understand what\'s going on? Why would the third baseman of the island nation do that?

Waiting for the third baseman to playfully open his glove, revealing the small white ball in the glove.

All the talents suddenly realized that this is the case!

In this crisis situation, the island team may lose points at any time.

Even boldly resorted to the tactics of hiding the ball.

Through this tactic, they succeeded in the routine, North American players.

Originally, one person was out, and there were people at first and third base. Now, it has become two outs and people at first base.

The crisis was resolved in an instant!

The friends of the island team are very excited.

For them, it is incredible to be able to perform such a miracle.

North American players are disgraced.

When Francis ran to third base, the North American friends were still very excited.

In the eyes of the vast majority of fans at the scene, North American players are terrifying.

They forced Sawamura to this level entirely by virtue of their own strength.

But these guys knew in their hearts that it wasn\'t the case at all.

Meimei\'s players felt a deep shock in the process of playing against Sawamura.

Honestly, if you hadn\'t seen it with your own eyes.

In fact, it is hard for them to believe that in this world, there is really someone who can be compared with Alan, the son of God.

Sawamura showed the kind of spirit when he pitched the ball.

Just like the real Ellen!

Although the vast majority of these players in North America have not communicated with Allen, there are a few who have played with Allen on the same team or on the same court.

They are very aware of the strength of their son of God, Alan.

In front of Sawamura, although he didn\'t show that kind of strength, his pitching vigor and his own characteristics.

It still feels that way!

It feels exactly the same as Ellen, the son of God.

Just thinking about this, these players in North America have a shuddering feeling.

In addition, the current Sawamura\'s strength is greatly reduced because of the change of partners.

But now, they have to admit that.

And you must know that the current Sawamura has not fully developed his strength.

It has already received such a high rating!

If one day, his hidden strength will explode completely.

North American players can\'t even imagine how powerful Sawamura will be at that time?

After seeing Sawamura\'s strength, they immediately discussed a countermeasure.

That is to ignore all costs, go all out to charge, charge! !

The situation in North America was good before, there were people at first and third base.

If you do it well, you will be able to get a one-two-point first.

As long as this score is earned, then they can tie the score.

In an important pitching battle like today, the side with the upper hand, for example, will greatly benefit.

Previously, the island nation had a one-point lead on Sawamura\'s home run.

So that they have been passive.

Now, the North American team has the opportunity to score offensively.

Of course they won\'t be soft-hearted!

When there were people at first and third base before, the North American players were excited.

They think that the time to catch up with the score is imminent, if it is missed.

That would be a pity!

The rest of the North American players, both in the lounge and on the court.

It\'s all the same idea.

Driven by this idea, all their players acted.

If you want to pay whatever the cost, you need to catch up with the score first.

However, at this time, Sawamura and the others successfully won a very important number of exits by using the tactics of hiding the ball.

They tackle Francis on third base.

Killed the dangerous buds in the cradle.

At the beginning, the fans in the stands didn\'t understand what was going on. When they understood, they were very excited.

They shouted Sawamura\'s name excitedly, and at this time they were almost going to worship him as a god.

So that the little friends are a little jealous.

The wonderful performance just now was the result of the cooperation of all of them.

It is undeniable that in the process of this performance, Sawamura is the protagonist.

He has the biggest role!

But this is obviously not the credit of him alone, everyone else must cooperate well. Only then can.

Otherwise, if a player shows his feet, the strategy of the island team will be in vain.

In this case, when fans shout slogans, shouldn\'t they shout all the slogans?

Why just call Sawamura.

They are a little depressed, and their hearts are not very balanced.

But that\'s not the big picture.

Especially those guys, most of them are star players of the island nation, even for the sake of their own reputation.

They will not let such small emotions affect their performance.

They will only get better and better in the next games...

They will use practical actions to prove to everyone.

Although Rong Chunqiang of Wang Zecun in the desert is terrible, they are not bad!

Whether it\'s comparing with outsiders, or within their own team, make comparisons.

Their strengths are recognized.

The fans were excited, and the people in the rest area were in almost the same mood.

The wonderful performance just now, not only deceived people in North America.

Also deceived them.

When they saw Sawamura face off against their opponents, they felt that their hearts were already in their throats.

This is really bad for the body, but there is no way, they can\'t help it at all.

The tense atmosphere at that time made the blood in their bodies almost solidify.

It was at this point that the runner at third base was dealt with, and that way.

The Great Demon King Sawamura made some manipulations and turned everyone around.

At the same time, it also created a lot of precedents.

I have done a lot that no one dared to do before. Dare to try things.

That\'s the good thing about young people who take risks.

Once the adventure is successful, the benefits are naturally enormous.

Just like the current island team.

Before they knew it, their crisis had been resolved.

The assistant coach sat down on the lounge chair.

He feels he has lost at least 10 years of his life since joining the team.

So challenging!

These guys don\'t have a minute and a second, which is a peace of mind.

Fortunately, the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun, just like his name, will always stand there like Dinghai Shenzhen, leading his teammates forward.

To be honest, if not he was there.

So what exactly happens? Nobody knows.

The most optimistic estimate, they will at least lose a point.

Well now, two outs, there is someone on first base.

Relying on Sawamura\'s ability, they thought it would not be a difficult task to completely solve the opponent under such circumstances.

It can even be said that it is easy.

Some of Sawamura\'s ideas are ghosts, and some are solutions.

He had done this more than once before.

It\'s like just routinely framing Francis.

When Sawamura proposed this proposal, many people disagreed.

They both thought it was too risky, and if they were exposed, the situation could turn dramatically.

But Sawamura was very persistent.

He thinks this is the best option for now.

There is the possibility of failure, of course. But compared with their huge gains, this result is not so unacceptable.

Otherwise, let this situation continue...

They will have no freedom at all and will be completely restricted.

Next, Sawamura used the quirk ball to force the North American batter into an infield grounder.

The ball was then caught by shortstop and passed to first base.


Successfully won, the last number out.

Finally managed to save the game. UU reading

When they returned to the rest area, the assistant coach shook hands with all the players excitedly.

It felt like they had won.

Of course, it\'s too early to say.

The reason why the assistant coach is so excited is mainly because it was so difficult for everyone just now!

After that crisis, I believe their situation will get better and better.

At least that\'s what the assistant coach thinks.

But in fact, their situation is not optimistic.

This can be seen from the expression of Supervisor Takeda.

In terms of the weather, Director Takeda, his face is cloudy now.

And these clouds are not white, but black.

It\'s going to be cloudy soon!

After a cloudy day, it rains!

Supervisor Takeda now feels like this.

During the matchup just now, what the assistant coach saw was hope.

There is also the worship of the Great Demon King Sawamura Eijun.

If he hadn\'t seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that this scene would happen.

Sawamura turned the tide by himself.

But in Takeda\'s eyes, he saw a huge crisis.

On the surface, the island nation\'s team is smooth sailing.

But in fact, their current situation is not optimistic.

Sawamura\'s pitching has already begun to be caught by his opponent.

If the partner is Miyuki, then naturally everything is easy to say.

Besides ball speed and posture, Sawamura has other weapons.

For example, the tricky change ball!

But now Sawamura Eijun\'s change ball, especially the tricky change ball.

It\'s like being sealed!

In this case, how do they deal with the next opponent?

This will undoubtedly become the biggest problem for the island team!