Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 56: : Sawamura's Trap (2 in 1)

The Return of the Pitcher of Diamond Ace Chapter 56: Sawamura\'s Trap (2 in 1) Audio Novel Listen Online

pps: Thanks to the little snowman and the generous donation!


North American players have gotten used to Sawamura\'s ball speed.

In the rest area of ​​the island team.

The assistant coach\'s tense palms were sweating.

This time, the island team has gathered a lot of elites, whether it is within their team or the vast number of fans.

They are full of confidence that they can finally win the championship.

With such high expectations, if they finally get the answer sheet back, they won\'t be able to satisfy everyone.

Then it is conceivable that their future days will definitely not be much better.

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact.

Fans certainly don\'t blame their favorite players.

Like Sawamura who is pitching on the mound now.

Even if the team loses in the end, his crazy fans won\'t point blame at him.

There must be various reasons for him.

Not to mention that the responsibility is not on Sawamura Eijun, even if the responsibility is on him.

Fans who like him will find various reasons to justify him.

As a representative figure of baseball in the island nation today.

Sawamura Eijun\'s name has its own light special effects, and no one is allowed to defile it.

Since we can\'t blame these players, we can only blame them.

Supervisors, assistant coaches, and even staff.

As for the hardships the team has suffered in the past, so many main players are sitting in the stands now.

Probably no one can see it.

In other words, I saw it and pretended not to see it.

For them, the facts before them are.

The island nation lost!

The game that could have been won, ended up being lost.

If this coach doesn\'t take the blame, who is going to hand over the blame?

The assistant coach was extremely nervous, and Takeda, who was the team\'s main supervisor, didn\'t look good either.

With his qualifications and status, he doesn\'t need to be as frightened as an assistant coach.

But the situation in front of him made him feel a little tricky.

North America Team!

I originally thought that in addition to the North American Dream Team, the national team\'s cooperation and comprehensive strength, and the players\' personal strength.

Get a big discount!

Unexpectedly, that\'s not the case at all.

Francis has fully adapted to Sawamura\'s ball speed.

And Sawamura had no choice but to use his own high-level change ball.

Then the ball is hit, basically it is a matter of time.

Supervisor Takeda is not worried about Sawamura\'s strength.

Ordinary people may think that Sawamura is a change ball pitcher, and his biggest feature is to get strikeouts.

Let the batter not touch the ball!

This is also justified.

In fact, until now, the island nation has all domestically important games.

His strikeout records were all taken by Sawamura.

Tokyo Spring Tournament, Summer Tournament, Kanto Tournament, Spring Koshien, Summer Koshien…

All these three strike records were taken by the Great Demon King Sawamura alone.

He is also known as the record maniac.

In fact, the record he has won is more than just strikeouts!

And home runs and more!

But it gives the impression that he is such a strong pitcher.

This is also the origin of his name of the Great Demon King...

But what you see with your own eyes is not necessarily true.

Supervisor Takeda originally thought that Sawamura was such a pitcher.

It wasn\'t until after spending time with Sawamura that he really understood.

The characteristics of Sawamura are not what everyone imagined.

His characteristic is not to let the batter miss the ball.

The real characteristic of Sawamura should be to let the hitter miss the center of the ball.

To put it bluntly, he is a pitcher who relies on fielding to get outs after the batter hits the ball.

So even if Sawamura Eijun can\'t use those high-level change balls, the impact on his own strength is not as big as everyone thinks.

As long as there is a reliable defense!

Then Sawamura can use another way to get the number of eliminations.

He has the ability and the ability.

The problem is the current defensive lineup.

Of course, the lineup that was put together temporarily could not be compared with those hardened defenses.

Fortunately, all star players played, which largely made up for the lack.

Star players stay in their position, even if there is no cooperation from teammates, they can play a lot of strength.

until the last game.

The defense of the island team is also good.

It\'s not because they practice a lot together.

It\'s just because everyone is a star player, and even in the case of their own affairs, they can complete their tasks well.

Although there is less coordination.

But the outstanding performance of the individual makes up for a lot of deficiencies.

But now, all of a sudden, there are so many less core main forces.

Although the substitute players are all star players, there are many of them, and they are not in their original positions.

As the saying goes, every line is like a mountain!

After changing their defensive positions, they may still be able to mix well in low-level games.

At this level, I am afraid it will be cold.

Anyway, don\'t worry about it!

Before Takeda\'s supervision, the reason why he insisted on not letting Hongo play, but chose the more experienced Sawamura.

Also out of this consideration.

Simply speaking of cooperation with Lianji, Sawamura may not necessarily be able to compare with the hometown.

The problem is that the 150-kilometer fastball in the hometown may not be able to stop the North American players.

Sooner or later they will get used to it.

Once they get used to it, they are bound to launch a counterattack.

And it\'s a thunderclap!

At that time, can this town be able to stop it?

Sawamura could also have all kinds of problems.

But in comparison, Sawamura is obviously more reliable.

After all, in addition to his pitching skills, Sawamura\'s combat experience is far less than that of other high school players.

This monster, who started to win the national championship in middle school, has played many life-and-death games until now.

He leads the team forward again and again!

In the process, Sawamura accumulated a lot of experience.

When he dealt with the crisis, he already had his own way of dealing with it.

Like the predicament in front of him, Supervisor Takeda was thinking about it before.

He felt all kinds of difficulties, and no one could guess what would happen in the end?

At this time, there is no way for the supervision to do so, but to hand over all the strategies to Sawamura.

Apart from trusting Sawamura, Supervisor Takeda really couldn\'t think of anything that he could do now.

Now they can only pray.

The great devil can be as magical as his previous legends, leading the island team to victory.

But the result of the scene began to move in the opposite direction to them.

The first to act was not from the island team, but from North America.

Facing Francis, Sawamura threw his third pitch.

In the first two balls, Francis had not swung his bat.

In fact, Sawamura already felt the danger.

A player like Francis has a strong instinct.

That is to say, as soon as his side wants to throw the ball, his side should react immediately.

But in the two goals just now, Francis did not react at all.

This shows what?

If Sawamura guessed correctly, it means that the other party is ready to go big!

Before preparing his own ultimate move, he must first find out the real situation of the other party.

To put it bluntly, he has to observe first.

Only by observing clearly, can you start more accurately and finally complete a one-hit lore.

Francis is probably waiting for that opportunity right now.

If Sawamura Eijun\'s partner is Miyuki Kazuya now, he will definitely use a high-level change ball like Carter Ball Kai, forcing the opponent to miss the swing.

Although it doesn\'t quite match Sawamura\'s original pitching characteristics.

His specialty is to let hitters miss!

But after so many years of practical use, Sawamura Eijun\'s own characteristics have actually changed. In the past, he just let the hitter miss.

Now through the high-level change ball, at the last moment, the opponent is lore.

It has also become Sawamura, a very important fighting method.

But nowadays, this very attractive pitching method, Sawamura has no way to apply it.

Even though Renji can catch it!

But there is a problem of proportion to catch, he can catch about four or five goals from 10 goals now.

At least half of the probability, it will be missed!

Don\'t get me wrong, it\'s not that Lianji\'s strength is not enough.

The main reason is that the time for the two of them to cooperate is too short, and they haven\'t practiced together for too long.

Renji was able to catch the ball in such a short time.

He was already stronger than the juniors on the Qingdao High School baseball team.

Thinking about how talented those juniors are, it\'s not hard to see how terrifying Lian Si is!

He and his local partner have indeed reached the point of perfection.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a super expert in Hong Kong.

The characteristics of Lianji will be fully developed.

So far, Lianji has become one of the few good catchers in the country.

Although the partners are very good, the cooperation between the two sides is still very small, and the probability of missing connections is too high.

Sawamura couldn\'t use that path.

He can only use the quirk ball!

Sawamura intuitively believed that the opponent would definitely swing the bat.

At this time, he can only hope that his teammates can stop the ball.

Just as Sawamura thought, Francis, who had already been chased by two strikes, took aim at this shot.

In fact, Sawamura deliberately threw the ball to the edge of the strike zone.

If the opponent touches the ball, the ball will also fly along the edge.

This is likely to be a foul ball.

If the opponent is strong enough to hit the ball very far, it will also become a fly ball.

Then the players on the island team can easily complete the high-flying kill.

Even if the teammates are guarding, it is not their original position.

Sawamura also thinks it doesn\'t matter!

Their own strength is unquestionable, and they are not so used to their position.

It should be fine to catch the ball, especially the fly ball.

The situation now is much better than the little friends who took care of the Akagi Middle School baseball team in his middle school days.

At this time, Sawamura was completely confident in solving the battle.

This is also a habit of his.

Pitch with the belief that you will win!

No matter what the outcome is, you must do it first.

The white ball whizzed out.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the beater.

Looking at the flying ball, Francis bit his cheek and used all his strength to suckle.

He swings his bat with all his might.


During his swing, the sound of air pressure friction changed.

The bat hit the white ball heavily, sending the white ball flying far away.


In the lounge area, on the stands.

All the star players in the island country were greatly shocked in their hearts.

How could the opponent\'s strike force be so strong?

They are incomprehensible, very incomprehensible.

Instead, it was Sawamura on the pitcher mound, with a wry smile on his face.

He was not at all surprised by such a result.

The North American side has a completely different style from the island country side.

The baseball style on the island country is more concerned with the competition of skills and tactics.

Although the players also swing the bat, and regard this as a compulsory subject.

Some people are not even satisfied with the amount of practice in their team.

Abruptly adjust the number of times of swing practice every day to hundreds or even thousands of times.

Just like Tetsuya Yuki, the former captain of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

That\'s what he did, and he did it very well.

Later, more than a year ago.

He seems to be the strongest hitter in the island country at that After entering the professional baseball, his development has also been very smooth, which makes people envious.

This fully shows how important it is to have solid basic skills.

North American players look bohemian.

But their practice in this area has never slackened.

Basically, the famous players in North America have a very good swing.

Coupled with their Caucasian stature, they are naturally superior to the yellow race. This is the case for ordinary people, and it is similar to sports players.

This gap may not be as big as everyone thinks, but the significance is more than that.

Like Francis this ball.

Generally, the strong clubs of the island countries, although they can hit the ball, have absolutely no ability to pull the ball back into the bounds.

So much so that the original arrangement of the island team had no effect at all.

The baseball bounced off the ground, and Francis took the opportunity to run to second base in one breath.

No one out, there is someone at second base.

This is a catch, especially for the defensive side.

is a very difficult thing.

Now it doesn\'t need much, just one hit, and the problem can be solved smoothly.

As long as a batter hits, Francis can take the opportunity to run back to home plate.

North American players also clearly realized how crucial this matchup was. In the next game, they adopted a lot of strategies, especially their supervision, and came up with a lot of ways to specifically target Sawamura and Island team.

If Sawamura Eijun and the island national team are not careful, the scale of victory in this game is likely to be rewritten.

It was also in this situation that Sawamura came up with an idea.

We must find a way to solve this problem.


The Return of the Diamond Ace Pitcher

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