Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 56: :despise!

Akagi\'s little friends, with the encouragement of Sawamura, most of the school grades are not bad. Although it is difficult to be top-notch, it is no problem to pass. Like Feng Liang and Cang Yue, they are naturally talented and are the top students in the school.

The newcomers who just joined this year are also very reassuring. Their scores are also among the best.

Even Hirota and Matsumoto Jun are very good top students in their own class.

This made the little friends very disappointed. They also expected to see your son\'s academic performance in a mess.

Of course, not everyone is so reassuring. Yamaguchi and Ashin accidentally missed.

Yamaguchi hung three doors, each of which was two or three points short. Ashin hung up on one, but this was his fault, and he was more than twenty points away from passing.

"Even if you make up the exam, it will be a big trouble."

Sawamura crossed Erlang\'s legs leisurely, and taught Yamaguchi and Ashin a lesson.

Not to mention, this feels really good.

In his previous life, he was often stared at and taught by others. Now that the status and status have changed, it is indeed a lot more sour.

"You must know that we are a public school. If you fail the exam, you are not qualified to represent Akagi in the Kanto Conference."

What Sawamura said was serious.

Nakagawa Shin and Yamaguchi\'s faces turned pale when they were frightened.

Yesterday, they broke the cows with their family, saying that they could show off their skills at the Kanto Convention. If you do not pass the exam, you will not be able to participate.

It is estimated that the family will greet them with a belt.

Outside the classroom door.

Feng Liang looked at Cang Yue suspiciously: "Sister Ruocai, does our school have such a rule?"

On Wakana\'s face, the delicate facial features were almost wrinkled with a smile.

"I don\'t know! But I can guarantee that if Sawamura fails, the principal will let Sawamura participate in the competition even if he changes the school rules."

Their voices were not small, and Nakagawa and Yamaguchi also heard them in the classroom.

Hearing this, they all looked at Wakana with hope.

where are they?

Wakana spread her hands: "I\'m afraid it will be difficult."

Feng Liang nodded his head: "I\'m sorry brother, there are people on the bench waiting to replace you, but there are several more."

Although, except for a few friends who did not make the list, everyone else can go to the Kanto Convention together. But the main force and the substitute are also different. Although during this period, Ashin and Yamaguchi made rapid progress under the training of Sawamura.

But in general, they are not much better than those first graders.

Nakagawa Shin and Yamaguchi Ken have a white cloth tied on their foreheads with two large characters written on it.


Ten days later!

A little friend from Akagi Middle School, got on the train to Kanagawa, ready to go to the Kanto Conference.

Hirota\'s family originally wanted to sponsor a bus, but it was rejected by Sawamura and Hirota. Eat people with short mouths and short hands. The Hirota family has been good enough to Akagi, and they have taken millions for sponsorship alone. At this time, Sawamura was really embarrassed to let others out of the bus.

Hirota didn\'t agree either, he was a substitute in the team, how could he ask for a bus from his family!

During this time, Sawamura-senpai has been teaching him carefully, and Hirota feels that he has made rapid progress. After Senior Oda and Senior Fengxiang graduate, he should be able to take a main position.

When he becomes the main force, he can justifiably ask his family to support him. Now, it\'s better for him to be an honest substitute who doesn\'t have a sense of presence.

"The group is down!"

Wakana, who kept refreshing her phone, suddenly said.

This remark successfully attracted the attention of all the friends, and everyone was eager to see the mobile phone and watch the group.

In a game like the Kanto Tournament, the grouping can even directly decide the life and death of the team.

Everyone is the No. 1 and No. 2 in each county, and no one is powerless. But even so, everyone\'s strength is strong and weak. The strongest prefecture in Kanto is, of course, Kanagawa.

The two teams in Kanagawa are generally difficult to deal with.

In addition to Kanagawa, the teams from Hakuba and Shizuoka are also relatively strong. Of course, because of the relationship between Nanami Haruka and Sawamura, Nagano is definitely not the opponent they hope to meet in the eyes of others.

After looking at the battle table, everyone was silent.

If it\'s a comic, now all of Akagi\'s friends are probably blackened. Then there are two words written on top of their heads, bad luck!

"Is this Santai Middle School in Chiba very good?"

Ashin asked inexplicably.

Then he saw his friends around him, and his eyes became very strange.

Xiao Fengliang couldn\'t bear this kind of treatment for her friend, so she took the initiative to explain, "It\'s not the first one, it\'s the second round."

Then Ashin saw that Akagi\'s opponent after the promotion.

It\'s Baima Middle School in Baima County, and...

Wait, who can tell him if his eyes are dazzled?

Why does this name appear here?

Kanagawa Overlord Yokozuna Junior High School, among all the participating teams, is the only school that has been rated as a double-A by "Baseball Boys".

According to the information given by Baseball Boys, the sixteen teams participating in the Kanto Conference can be roughly divided into three grades. Most of them are A-level!

A team with A-level strength means that they are fully qualified to represent Kanto in national competitions. There are six such teams including Akagi Middle School and Tenryu

In addition to A-level, there are B-level and B+, which is the second level.

Sixteen teams, the only exception is the Kanagawa Overlord Yokozuna Junior High School, which is double-A. He was also last year\'s National Champion!

Last year at the Kanto Conference, Tenryu Temple, who went all the way bravely, was finally defeated by Yokozuna. Going back, last fall, when Nagano Metropolitan almost reached the semi-finals, it was Yokozuna who acted as a stumbling block.

Akagi\'s friends are no strangers to this giant.

"I\'m going, it\'s too unfortunate, isn\'t it?"

Oda frowned in dissatisfaction.

If you meet someone else, Akagi has great hope. But the opponent is Yokozuna, the overlord of the country, that Akagi is really mysterious.

"We have reached this point, we have no way out, we can only move forward bravely."

Feng Xiang said with a solemn expression.

"Don\'t be too pessimistic. Last year\'s yokozuna was of course strong, but this year may not be the case. You know, the main players who won the national championship have already graduated a lot."

Sawamura said unconcernedly: "The more national champions, the bigger the rebuilding of their team will be in the second year."

The little friends couldn\'t help rolling their eyes.

Sawamura\'s serious nonsense, of course his friends disagreed. Yokozuna\'s strength is not because they won last year\'s championship. Yokozuna has been a strong contender for the national championship for several years.

In the fierce battle zone Kanagawa, there is almost a dominance level. This is where the yokozuna is really scary.


In another car of the tram, a person suddenly entered.

"Speaking of which, it seems that you have already defeated your opponents in the first round. Are you looking down on us Santai too much?"