Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 54: : This wave is really showy! (2 in 1)

"Sawamura! Sawamura!! Sawamura!!!"

The fans from the island nation in the stands had a very strange rhythm to cheer on Sawamura.

The rhythm was fast, and Sawamura\'s name was constantly shouted, as if they were marching.

Speaking of which, this is also one of the characteristics of Sawamura Eijun.

In the past, every time it was Sawamura\'s turn to strike, those fans who cheered him also liked to sing some songs to cheer him up.

Use the song to help boost morale!

But Sawamura\'s rhythm is a bit strange, and every time it\'s his turn to strike, these songs are sung. Before he could completely let go, Sawamura Eijun\'s attack was swept out with lightning speed.

Everything came so fast!

With songs to match Sawamura\'s blows, the speed simply couldn\'t match.

These people are also smart. They quickly discovered that if there was no way to match the song, then they would call the name directly, and the name of the two names kept shouting.

No matter what rhythm Sawamura holds in their hearts, as long as they stick to this method themselves.

So I believe that Sawamura will definitely be able to match their rhythm.

This feature also gives the opponent great pressure.

It was as if the Great Demon King Sawamura was ready to swing the bat out of his hand at any time.

North American pitcher Li Weid.

Seriously looking at Sawamura on the pitcher mound, he had heard many legends about Sawamura Eijun before.

There is no way, don\'t listen to it.

Under the leadership of Sawamura, a small partner of the Qingdo High School baseball team swept the representatives of almost all regions in North America, and finally challenged the North American Dream Team led by Allen, the Son of God.

Can\'t even fall behind.

Sawamura\'s reputation in the rest of the world may not be that great.

But his fame in the island country and North America is indeed very loud.

I won\'t talk about it on the island country. Since Sawamura was born, I don\'t know how many miracles he has created so far?

On the North American side, the teams that swept so many regions in North America in a row.

The match with Allen, the son of God, became the so-called peak battle.

Even now, when people mention it, they are still talking about it.

It was a very classic game!

As a North American player, Li Weide has naturally heard various legends about Sawamura.

The reason why these star players gathered here cannot be said to be entirely the reason of Sawamura Ruharu, but at least 80% of the reason is the same.

Levi\'s is one of them.

Let him now challenge the son of God Ellen, and he feels guilty in his own heart.

I feel like I have no chance.

The time that Alan, the son of God, has been shrouded in the heads of these young players is too long. People have become accustomed to his existence, and have even dared to challenge his authority.

But Sawamura is different!

Whether it\'s a coincidence or something else.

In the contest in that game, Sawamura Eijun really achieved an equal footing with Alan, the son of God.

In this way, challenging Sawamura is, in a sense, equivalent to challenging Ellen.

If they can in this duel, finally win the battle.

Then after they return to North America from Treasure Island, they are absolutely confident that they can meet Allen\'s challenge.

This kind of mentality seems to have regarded Sawamura Eijun as experience value.

That feeling, as if after defeating Sawamura, they would be able to gain experience and rewards.

Then use these experiences and rewards to fight against Ellen, the son of God.

Those players in North America have a good idea, but will it work?

That\'s another story.

Li Weide also maintained this idea in the process of fighting against Sawamura.

Just let me take a good look, what kind of scenery is the peak of this world? ?

Although most people in North America think that Sawamura\'s performance in that game was lucky.

In terms of strength, he should not be Allen\'s opponent.

But some people who really know baseball, or baseball players.

In fact, they all knew very well in their hearts that Sawamura Eijun\'s strength was definitely not as simple as everyone thought.

No matter how bad Ellen is.

He is also the best player in the world.

No matter what method Sawamura used, he was on a par with Allen in that match.

This fully shows that he himself has at least this level of strength.

Maybe it really is as they imagined, not as good as Allen, but it is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that North American players feel that Eijun Sawamura has commercial value.

If not, why did they come all the way here to compete with Eijun Sawamura?

What\'s the point of that?

Just let you see, my pitching.

Looking at Sawamura on the strike zone, Li Weide unceremoniously threw the small white ball in his hand.

His own ball speed is not fast, the real power is the small changes hidden in baseball.

If Sawamura Eijun enters that magical state, it is actually very easy to deal with this kind of ball.

But Sawamura was very strange and didn\'t do that.

He seriously looked at Li Weide on the pitching mound, and felt a faint threat from him.

This man is a little scary!

The North American pitcher, although not very fast.

But it\'s not really easy to deal with.

His methods are endless, and no one knows what strange ideas will come up.

As if right now, Sawamura was a little dumbfounded when he looked at the flying white ball.

In the past, although Sawamura had never fought head-on in the strike zone.

But in fact, he did a lot of research on Li Weide in private, and he already had his own insights into Li Weide\'s pitching characteristics.

This is a pitcher who already has his own system. A pitcher like this is terrible, but all his pitching is also traceable.

But just now, Sawamura went to watch the opponent\'s pitch.

This is completely irrelevant to Li Weide\'s previous pitching.

That is, this young man has changed to another style in a very short period of time.

So much so that Sawamura didn\'t think of it at all, so he could only watch the white ball flying over.


"nice shot!!"

A good shot!

Great Demon King Sawamura, 1 strike behind.

Obviously no one thought of this.

There are many people with confused expressions on their faces.

Their eyes seemed suspicious.

Where is this place? What am I doing?

This huge worldwide problem reverberated in their minds again.

No matter how they performed, the game didn\'t stop and the battle between the two sides continued.

Sawamura frowned slightly, and carefully looked at Li Weide on the pitcher mound.

This guy\'s performance is very strange, and his style has changed from the previous one.

In the past, he was mainly based on the ball speed drop, but now he has changed it to focus on changing the ball.

Maybe the average person can\'t feel it, but Sawamura has seen too many pitches.

He saw it almost at a glance!

Can you see how?

In the face of the sudden change of style, Sawamura\'s plan to collect information on the other party and share it with everyone seems to have failed.

There was no other way, Sawamura could only change his thoughts on the attack.

Originally, he wanted to strike normally, and then carefully study the opponent\'s pitching, and after the study came out, he and his friends would completely defeat the opponent.

But now it seems that this one no longer works. It\'s not that the opponent has been psychologically prepared, but the opponent has made great efforts to deal with him before.

Two completely different styles are hard evidence of each other\'s actions.

In this case, Sawamura\'s goals also changed.

He no longer insisted, and thoroughly analyzed all the other party\'s secrets, and then shared them with his friends.

Now he doesn\'t have that time, and he doesn\'t have that energy.

Now his most important task is to study the opponent thoroughly, and then get hits and even home runs cleanly.

Then there is nothing to say.

Sawamura was directly immersed in his own state.

Sawamura, who entered the state, felt that everything around him had disappeared, whether it was the audience in the stands or the teammates in the rest area.

These Sawamura are now invisible.

Now, all his attention is on his opponent.

At this time, every cell of Eijun Sawamura was sensitive. Once the guy on the mound, make a move.

Sawamura Eijun was able to sense immediately and take countermeasures.


Without making Sawamura wait too much, the small white ball flew over.

Looking at the flying white ball, the blood in Sawamura\'s body began to steam continuously.

He was very happy to see such a ball...

The level of this ball has far exceeded the level of high school students.

If you want to completely defeat the opponent, the difficulty also increases exponentially.

This is what Sawamura wants to see the most. He doesn\'t want his opponents to be soft persimmons.

Playing against opponents like that all the time, Sawamura\'s strength will never improve, or it will stagnate or even regress.

Only a good enough opponent can urge Sawamura to keep moving forward.

In Sawamura Eijun\'s eyes, the white ball was constantly enlarged.

Now, he can not only see the white ball clearly, but also the lines on the ball.

good chance!

Watching the white ball fly over, Sawamura thought his time was ripe.

He swung the bat in his hand like a tornado. When the white ball was close to his hand, he rudely swung the bat out of his hand.

With the bat in his hand, he slammed the white ball fiercely.


After the white ball was hit, it flew high.

Everyone who saw this scene opened their mouths in surprise.

Simply incredible!

Some of them can\'t even accept this reality.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of spectators, the small white ball flew in the sky until it completely flew out of the stadium!

At this point, everyone stood up in surprise.

They never thought that Sawamura hit the ball on the second pitch and scored a clean home run.

The score between the two sides became 1:0.

This is something that North America is striving to avoid, and that the island nation is striving for.

As far as the result of this goal is concerned, the island pair undoubtedly has the upper hand.

And this advantage is very large and very stable.

The total score is 1:0 and the game continues.

The fans in the stands have gone crazy.

"I knew that the Great Demon King of our family would definitely do it."

"As expected of the senior who was favored by Wang Xi, it\'s really, really amazing."

"of course."

The fans in the stands were like crazy, cheering for Sawamura.

Not only from the island national team, but even some Treasure Island fans are also very interested in Sawamura Eomi\'s performance. At this time, he gave his applause without hesitation and expressed his respect to Sawamura. .

It\'s not over yet.

North American players didn\'t eat a meal either. After accepting the blow, they quickly adjusted their mentality.

In the next duel process, showed a very high quality.

In the process of battling with the island nation, it was even more impeccable to prevent the island nation team.

The score ended at 1:0.

That is to say, except for Sawamura\'s point.

In fact, the island team did not take any advantage here.

This is very unusual!

The North American pitcher named Levid, after being hit with a home run.

It didn\'t stop there.

Instead, he picked himself up quickly and continued to take advantage of the difference in ball speed.

to solve the opponent!

And it went well, with three outs.

Demonstrated high technology.

Although now, the island team leads the opponent 1:0.

But from the scene, the North American team did not suffer.

Instead, they were stronger.

Especially after Levi\'s reinvigorated with three outs cleanly.

The momentum on the North American side has not decreased but increased.

On the other side, the island team is not to be outdone.

In the second half of the 3rd inning.

The Great Demon King Sawamura stood on the pitcher mound.

He started off with a clean two strikeouts.

Two outs, no one on base.

At this time, the opponent\'s batter was their ninth stick.

That is their pitcher, Levi De.

No one expected Li Weide to be able to hit Sawamura\'s ball.

In fact, the real thinking on the North American side at the time was.

It\'s good to be able to procrastinate a little longer.

On such a hot day, people feel like they are in a steamer.

They didn\'t believe that Sawamura\'s physical strength was unlimited.

Sooner or later, he will collapse.

As long as he collapses, the game will be decided.

No one thought that Sawamura made a mistake this time.

He actually threw the ball in the center.

Li Weide, who saw this ball, trembled with excitement.

God have mercy on him for giving him such a good opportunity.

If he doesn\'t hit the ball, he can\'t forgive himself.


The bat hit the white ball firmly, sending the ball flying all the way.

It is far from accurate to say that the most important thing is high.

I don\'t know how long it took to fly, and the white ball floated down.

Sawamura on the pitcher\'s mound hardly moved.

Steadily took the ball and received it into his glove.
