Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 54: :aftermath

The day after Akagi Middle School won the championship in Nagano, the whole town was like a festival.

Famous! Get famous! ! !

In the previous year, Akagi Middle School had made a splash in the baseball circle of Nagano High School.

At that time, many people saw that Akagi Middle School would never be satisfied with just staying in Nagano Prefecture. There are two main reasons for this. On the one hand, when Akagi won the top four in Nagano, most of the main players were first graders. These players, after two years of training, will definitely rise in strength, and one day they will surpass the three kings. On the other hand, it is because of Sawamura!

They saw that Sawamura was not something in the pool, so they expected that Sawamura would definitely take Akagi into the sky.

But these are things in the baseball circle, others don\'t know. Apart from the students of Akagi Middle School, many of the contestants\' families do not know that their children are so good.

If nothing else, Sawamura\'s parents only knew that Sawamura won the top four in Nagano last year. For Kanto, the whole country, and star players, they have no concept at all.

They didn\'t see that Akagi\'s friends suffered hardships, but Akagi Middle School won the championship in Nagano and represented Nagano Prefecture in the Kanto Conference. They knew it.

The semi-finals and the championship and runner-up, regardless of their ranking, have completely different concepts. No matter how loud the top four were, it was also within Nagano Prefecture, but the championship and runner-up were different. But the champion and runner-up have to go to other places to play, and then there are TV broadcasts.

Although the Internet has now become the number one medium, there are too many things to choose from on the Internet. Simply talking about promotion, or TV is more powerful. There are only so many in total, as long as you cover enough, you can definitely be a household name.

Like Sawamura\'s national star player!

"Baseball Boy" is considered the number one leader in high school baseball. The 100 star players he selected should be very popular. But in fact, even a player like Sawamura, who is at the top of the second stage, is not very well-known in the country.

Everyone\'s eyes are still on the Twelve Heavenly Kings on the first level!

As for who is after the Twelve Heavenly Kings, who cares?

The promotion of the Twelve Heavenly Kings was done by TV stations. As for the other players, if they don\'t particularly like baseball, or who play baseball themselves, who would know about them one by one.

Just like an exam, the focus of people\'s attention is always on the first place. As for the second, the strength may not be worse than the first, but so what? He still can\'t escape from the state of obscurity.

The same goes for any competitive game!

A champion is always exciting.

The small town of Akagi is celebrating. When they woke up, no matter where they went, they were greeted with admiring glances.

This feeling is really sour.

"Just the champion of the county competition in the middle school, what about it?"

Feng Xiang himself was a little flattered.

Wada retorted with a serious face: "As for, of course! In addition to Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture has dozens of small towns. In the past, the champions were all occupied by Nagano City, Dabei District, and Tenryuji District. Other small places have no chance at all. Not to mention big sports such as football and baseball. Even small entertainment projects such as Go and shogi are occupied by them. This is our small town in Chicheng, the first time in more than ten years. champion."

Sawamura was speechless after hearing Wada\'s words.

The champion of the county competition, in Sawamura\'s view, is really not an honor. I didn\'t expect that people in the town would be so happy.

"It\'s also a good thing!"

Nagano is an inland prefecture in the island country. Although it is very close to Tokyo, it is not really developed in the eyes of the whole country. In addition to the urban area of ​​Nagano, Nagano also has four larger districts, namely the Dabei District, Tenryuji District and so on. These are densely populated and relatively developed places.

In terms of population, Akagi ranks second to last among all towns in Nagano Prefecture.

To put it bluntly, Chicheng belongs to the backcountry in the backcountry! That is, the standard rural place in Tokyo\'s population.

A place like this, won a baseball championship, no wonder the residents of the town are so happy.

The festive atmosphere always passes quickly.

By Tuesday, the boom was barely over. Immediately afterwards, the school office continued to receive calls from the media for interviews, and even animation companies and TV production companies applied to compile the story of Akagi into comics or make TV series.

Faced with this, Principal Takada refused all of them with a smile. Of course, he had a very good reason for refusing.

"Children, take an exam!"

In mid-July, the final exams for Sawamura and the others in the first semester of the second year of junior high began.

In classrooms.

The little friends of Akagi Middle School no longer have the kind of passion on the field. They honestly picked up their pens and struggled with the exam papers in front of them.

Sawamura\'s classroom.

As Cangyue Wakana looked at her paper, Ozawamura\'s smiling face couldn\'t help but start to appear in her mind.

"Are you happy?"

After the final, Sawamura\'s face was very strange, as if he had lost something important. This made Wakana, a childhood sweetheart, very worried, so she couldn\'t help asking that.

Sawamura talks about the whole country every Why does he seem unhappy after winning now?


At that time, Sawamura turned around and gave her a big smile.

Thinking of that smiling face, Wakana couldn\'t help blushing. When the guy is smiling, he is quite handsome.

"Cut, that bastard."

After scolding, Wakana woke up from her memory, looking at the exam paper she had finished, there was a blush on her delicate little face.

On the other hand, Sawamura was dizzy looking at the exam paper in front of him.

"A pool holds fifty cubic meters of water. When storing water, it is 3.2 cubic meters per minute, and when releasing water, it is 2.34 cubic meters per minute. Turn on the water storage switch and the water discharge switch at the same time, and fill a How long does it take for the pool water?"

To live a new life, Sawamura really wants to study hard, make progress every day, and live up to the good intentions of God.

But while you store water and release it at the same time, isn\'t it irritating?


With a sigh, Sawamura is still a formula, the beginning of a formula.

To be honest, in this life, he has studied seriously. How do you think about this question, is it still a little dizzy?

The camera is zoomed out and placed in the principal\'s office.

Principal Takada politely refused the media\'s interview while smiling, while instructing his subordinates to do a good job in the final exam.

On a hot day, there was no air conditioner in the principal\'s office, only an old-fashioned fan. Because it was too hot, Takada opened the window and only closed the sand window.

Outside the window, there were loud cicadas and frogs.

As soon as the wind blew, the curtains swayed, followed by a gust of wind that blew into the house, and the documents on the desk were blown away!

"About Nagano Prefecture, the handling opinion on the merger of students."
