Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 51: : Target, top 8!

The Qingdao High School baseball team successfully advanced to the round of 16.

Two games, two bloodbaths.

Although in the process of the game, there was a little fly in the ointment.

But on the whole, the situation of the Qingdao High School baseball team is still very good.

They have the possibility of continuous hegemony. After all, for a team with such a strong bench, is there any need to say the strength of its main force?

But their luck seems to be not very good.

As with all comics and novels, the road to success is never smooth.

For example, now, Aodou has encountered an unexpected enemy.

Golden Foot Farmer.

This team seemed to be born out of nowhere, and suddenly it came out.

Before that, he was obviously unknown, but now he has the strength that can only be possessed by the top team in the country as soon as he plays.

There are only 9 core players, and it is precisely because of this that the 9 of them cooperate very well.

Although it is impossible to achieve complete heart-to-heart communication, as long as a teammate takes action, he can immediately know his plan.

Although the player\'s personal strength is not very strong, at least compared with the main players of the Qingdao High School baseball team, they have no advantage.

But when people are strong, they cooperate well.

As a whole team, their strength is definitely not inferior to Qingdao High School baseball team.

To be able to suppress the Qingzheng Society into that virtue, the members of the Qingdao High School baseball team would not believe it anyway.

Of course.

No matter how strong a team is, there are bound to be weaknesses.

Even the King Qingdao High School baseball team is not immune to this, let alone them.

Jin Zu Nong may not have thought that his own strength has become so powerful?

They may have planned to go back in one round, so on the court, they exerted their strength without restraint.

According to the standards of the Qingdo High School baseball team, the opponent was a little too hard.

They didn\'t distribute their physical strength.

In this way, the first few games will be nothing, until the fourth and fifth games and even the final.

There will definitely be huge problems with their stamina.

Perhaps at that time, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team will not need to take action, and they will collapse first.

According to the speculation of the coaches of the Qingdo High School baseball team, if they meet this opponent in the finals.

It should be effortless to defeat them.

But unfortunately, the Qingdao High School baseball team obviously did not have that kind of luck.

They met Jin Zu Nong in the third game.

At this time, Jin Zunong had just won the first two games and truly realized his strength.

In addition to the second and third games, there was a gap of three days.

In this way, they can compete with the Qingdo High School baseball team in a complete state.

Having met the Kings team so early, their luck was extremely bad.

If this is not the case, maybe their results will be more dazzling.

But now that they meet Qing Dao, their miraculous performance is likely to end there.

This is certainly not good news for the Qingdao High School baseball team.

At this time, it is the most powerful time for this dark horse.

In the world of comics, it is a state where gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and destroy Buddhas!

Encountering such a team, the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team could not predict what the outcome would be.

There is a real possibility that they will lose.

This is not an alarmist, but an objective reality.

And even in this game, the Qingdo High School baseball team won.

Judging from the strength shown by the other party, Qing Dao will inevitably pay a great price.

Physical strength is one aspect, and the possibility of someone being injured is always there...

In short, very bad.

After winning the second game, the friends of the Qingdo High School baseball team were thinking about this opponent.

Golden Foot Farmer!

A name they hadn\'t even heard of before has now become a problem that the Qingdao High School baseball team must overcome.

To be honest, this is not an easy task.

Just when Qing Dao\'s little friends were one and two big.

The competition in each division has gradually been divided into winners and losers.

The Qingdo High School baseball team was the first to start, but the group final was the third from the bottom.

When they were about to play, there were several groups of teams that had already won the group victory.

Those teams that won the championship ahead of time did not have any more unexpected surprises.

The friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the world hasn\'t gone crazy yet.

Before, they almost suspected the whole world, and they were full of malice towards them.

Fortunately, the five teams that were promoted did not exceed the Qingdao High School baseball team\'s imagination.

They are all old acquaintances of the Qingdao High School baseball team, and they can also be said to be their enemies.

The first team to qualify is Teto High School, which is from Tokyo as well as the Qingdo High School baseball team.

Little Sun\'s three-dimensional pitching finally began to show off on the court in Jiaziyuan.

Faced with this kind of pitching, their opponents are almost tortured crazy.

The entire game did not hit a few baseballs, and there were only two hits.

The final score was 7:0.

Gan had two hits and a home run.

The performance is strong, worthy of his four-handed name.

Although the game between the Qingdao High School baseball team and Jin Zunong was very noisy.

Almost 80 to 90% of the media have chosen to use them as the protagonists to report.

But even so, there are still several heavyweight media who spoke highly of Didong High School\'s performance.

Emperor Dong, who had dominated the country twice before, has been completely resurrected.

In the words of their supervision, Little Sun is the kind of player who can set himself on fire.

A team with such players will definitely not be weak.

The second to advance is a troll from Hokkaido.

The score is 11:0.

Their opponent is a wealthy family from Shizuoka Prefecture, and their strength is not weak.

Although it can\'t be said to be in the top four and eight, but generally speaking, there is no problem with the top 16.

This time, because I met a demon from Hokkaido early, I left the stage early.

And the score is extremely embarrassing.

The township is authentic, and his eyes are directly on the big devil, his eyes are full of provocation.

It seemed that he wanted to attack Sawamura Eijun.

With the quality he\'s showing now, and the quality of their team.

He does have that qualification.

The 3rd promotion is the Saibong led by Akutsu.

They have an ace resurrected and have been quite impressive in previous games.

The final score was 6:0.

Sibon easily defeated his opponent without exerting all his strength.

The fourth one to make the cut is Hakuryu High School from Gunma This is also a frequent visitor to Koshien, and the team ranked first in national mobility.

I have played against the Qingdao High School baseball team many times before, and my strength is not weak.

16 into 8 games, they beat their opponents 8:1.

If there is any weakness in White Dragon High School, it is the strength of their ace pitcher Wang Ye, which cannot be compared with other teams.

Therefore, they tend to suffer some losses in pitching battles.

These five, and the last one to make the cut, are not only familiar to the Qingdo High School baseball team, but also to Sawamura Eijun.

They are strong men from Nagano Prefecture.

There is a group of old rivals from Sawamura Eijun in Nagano Prefecture.

Although the other side\'s school has been established for a few years, they have achieved good results because of the participation of the Platinum Generation in Nagano Prefecture.

In the regional competitions, they almost easily crushed their opponents.

This game is also the same, they easily crushed their opponents.


Ace pitcher Haruka Nanami.

This pitcher from the same area as Eijun Sawamura pitched nine innings with only 71 pitches.

In the process, none of the opposing batters were allowed to hit base.

The madness of their performance is equally astonishing.

If it weren\'t for the emergence of Jin Zu Nong, they would seem to be the most threatening opponents to the Qingdao High School baseball team.
