Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 50: : Ace Will!

Two outs, someone at first and third base!

This situation is a huge challenge for both the offensive and defensive sides. 【No pop-up novel network】

In the cowshed in Qingdao.

Jiang Guxiao frowned, watching his seniors attack.

"How do you feel?"

Everyone else was excited, but the guy was confused. This made Sawamura curious and couldn\'t help but ask him.

"As a pitcher, it\'s really tricky to hit the line like that."

Xiao Gu Xiao said.

Sawamura was slightly surprised. To be honest, he really didn\'t expect Kougu Xiao to watch the game so seriously. Although he is only looking at it from the standpoint of a pitcher, it is inevitable that he is a bit biased. But I have to say that as a freshman in the first year, it is already very good to have such insight.

Kataoka also heard the answer of Akatsuki Furuya.

He glanced at Jiang Guxiao slightly, and then put his eyes on the court again.

"The third stick, the backbone, Jun Isashiki."

At this time, it was Jun Isashiki\'s turn to strike.

"Fight as much as you like, Senior Chun!"

"It\'s time to show your will to fight."

"Roar, Golden Retriever!"

In the audience, cheers for Jun Isashiki could be heard from time to time.

"Who is the golden retriever?"

For this nickname, Jun Isashiki can be said to have a deep resentment.

However, Ryosuke Kominato and Kuramochi were already on base, and he couldn\'t back down at this time.

And the next step is to form!

If he plays out, this game is likely to be a big one. The winner of the game is unknown!

"In this way, I can\'t back down. Come on, brat!!!"

Having made up his mind, Jun Isashiki looked at Ino on the pitcher mound as if he was wicked.

He already has the consciousness to hit the ball no matter what.

In the position of the catcher, Bai Yu was not in a hurry because of the tense situation. His performance is very calm, calmly commanding the team\'s defense. Jun Izashiki did not relax his observation.

In the current situation, if you want to win your opponent, you need to

Bai Yu calmly gave Yineng a secret signal!

At the moment of seeing the code, Yineng was even slightly stunned. He quickly calmed down, though, and in trust of his partner, he pitched.

Sawamura turned his head and glanced at Miyuki, and asked, "If this ball is yours, how would you match it?"

"Speeding straight ball! Bad ball in the inner corner! The last ball is the decisive Carter ball. If your partner is you, I will match it. If my partner is Yineng, then I will match a low-angle straight ball!"

A low-angle straight ball is not a very tricky ball path!

Sawamura gave Miyuki a surprised look.


The small white ball was hit by Jun Izashiki and flew far away to the outfield.

"Good fight!"


Jun Izashiki ran to first base by himself, groaning coldly in his heart, he was courting death for a straight ball at the critical moment.

The baseball kept flying, it kept flying, and it fell about ten meters before the boundary.

Below, there is already a figure, waiting for it.

It\'s right fielder Ginjo!


Outfield pick up!

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

This scene made the audience at the scene a little dumbfounded.

"Damn, why does the outfielder back off so much?"

"If the outfielder stops in the original position to defend, the ball will definitely land."

"Really, bad luck!"

In the position of the catcher, Bai Yu sneered.

Bad luck! You really don\'t know anything.

In the cowshed in Qingdao.

Sawamura, Miyuki, and Chris\' faces sank.

Qing Dao was studied too thoroughly by the other party. Yokohama\'s arrest knew that Jun Isashiki was about to catch up with Miyuki of the same team.

"This game is not very easy to play."

In the first half of the fourth game, Yokohama Gangbei\'s line-up started from the second bar.

With the cooperation of Miyuki and Tamba, Yokohama Port Kita\'s second bat was quickly resolved.

Then it was Yokohama Kokita\'s turn to hit the third stick.


In the third, Oyama hit a hit.

This hit is so unexpected!

In the position of the catcher, Miyuki\'s face was a little heavy.

Danbo\'s ball just now, so sweet!

In high school baseball, there is a saying that "one shot" determines the outcome.

No matter how good the pitcher\'s performance was, as long as one pitch is missed, the consequences can be very serious! As small as a single hit and score, as big as the outcome of a game.

These may all be decided by \'one ball\'.

The continuous offensive just now, without scoring, may have affected Danbo.


Miyuki gave Danbo a secret signal.

On the mound, Danbo nodded.

He was also annoyed.

However, the game has come to the present, and he can\'t back down.

Especially the opponent is Yokohama\'s fourth, the national-level strong hit, Furano.

Killing Furano here can turn the situation around in one go.

Miyuki actually had a headache after seeing Furano. Danbo\'s performance just now was not very good. Under such circumstances, it is not a good time to face Furano.

But no way, the reality is so cruel.

Faced with this situation, Miyuki didn\'t flinch and gave Danbo a high drop curve!

Use Danbo\'s best ball path to help Danbo stabilize.

On the mound, after Danbo nodded, he pitched the ball.


After being hit, the small white ball broke through the wind barrier outside the court and disappeared without a trace.

A two-run home run!

Furano turned the game around with one stick, and the score became 2:1, with Qingdo falling behind.

Danbo\'s most confident ball, hit a home run.

Miyuki\'s brows were furrowed. Although Danbo\'s shot was a little sweet, it was generally acceptable.

A ball like this can hit a home run.

Furano, what kind of monster is that?

But that\'s how the giants are, and the four sticks of that giant are not given for nothing. Just like this ball, you can only praise the opponent\'s batter for being strong.

The key is after being hit a home run!

Miyuki called a timeout and stepped onto the mound, fearing that Tamba would collapse.

"Do not worry about me!"

Danbo\'s will is very firm.

Even if he was hit with a home run, Danbo\'s will to fight did not diminish.

This made Miyuki very surprised.

in the cowshed.

Chris and Kataoka looked at each other and nodded.

Because of Sawamura\'s strong participation, it seems that Tamba has also grown. When people have no way out, they often show extraordinary fighting will. This is the case with Tamba, under the pressure of Sawamura, he completed an extraordinary evolution.

This is of course a good thing for Qing Dao.

But for Sawamura not necessarily!

Danbo himself has the advantage of the third grade, if his performance can be maintained like this, it may be difficult for Sawamura to grab the ace position from him.

in the cowshed.

Sawamura\'s eyes also radiated light.

He also felt the kind of threat from Danbo that had already threatened him.

The battle for the trump card, which was originally clear, has become blurred again.


To be honest, Sawamura has never seen Danbo with such a strong will of the ace in his previous life.

He is happy for Kataoka, and as a pitcher, Sawamura will never back down.

As a pitcher, pitcher mound, Sawamura will not give it to anyone!