Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 49: : promotion

Taniyama decided to eat Yucheng General Secretary.

This first-year freshman, despite his previous performance, was quite capable. But to be honest, his characteristics are also very obvious, can we solve him?

For Xiangyang High School, it is basically four or six.

Probably speaking, they have a great advantage.

They had fought each other three times before, and they had defeated each other twice.

With such a big advantage, if they don\'t make good use of it, aren\'t they mentally ill?

Not to mention, the opponent was the fourth player of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

No matter how misnamed the fourth bar is, the fourth bar is the fourth bar, and its meaning is completely different.

If they can solve each other smoothly, then they can have a considerable advantage in the game.

Although their players had given up hope of winning at this time, after all, the difference in scores was too great, and they couldn\'t catch up with the remaining three rounds.

No hope of winning!

But that doesn\'t mean they\'ll give up the game.

This is Koshien Garden!

It is the dream place of hundreds of thousands of baseball teenagers across the country.

They finally climbed here, how could they easily give up this opportunity?

Impossible, even if it just stays on the court and shines a little bit.

They also have to show their strength to the fullest!

of course.

There is an objective fact here that has to be mentioned.

That is, the Qingdao High School baseball team in front of me did not bring enough pressure to the opponent to despair.

To put it bluntly, people didn\'t feel despair at all.

In the match between the two teams, although the Qingdao High School baseball team had a great advantage, it did not completely suppress the opponent, leaving the opponent with no performance at all.

At a time like this, if you change the Qingdo High School baseball team, those guys who are the main force.

Things could be very different!

When they play in the game, the strength they show is the difference between them and the opponent.

It is enough to make the opponent feel deep despair!

This can also be seen as a watershed between the main force and the substitute strength.

If it is the main force, others have no chance at all.

But it\'s a substitute, so it\'s not like they can\'t catch any chance.

I didn\'t see that Taniyama was still full of confidence. Do you want to get rid of Yuuki?

If Qing Dao\'s strength is enough to make the opponent despair, they will never have such wishful thinking.

Even if it is really going to be a duel, the feeling is that it is forced to smash the boat.

Unlike now, people still have great expectations for their own strength, and they also hope to use this opportunity to show their strength.

Because the whole person is relaxed, the ball thrown by Gu Shan is also very relaxed.

The small white ball came to the hitter almost in the blink of an eye.

He watched helplessly as the ball that flew over was about to enter his hand.

General Yuuki\'s eyes were firm.

He didn\'t affect his swing state in the slightest because his previous swing failed.

Now he feels that there is a power accumulated in his body.

This force is ready to erupt at any time.

How did the outside world guess?

He didn\'t know, and he didn\'t want to know.

Now he only has one thought, that is to stare at the ball in front of him with all his strength and wait for it to come into his range.

He punched it out fiercely.


Saying it\'s too late is quicker, and the white ball entered his hand.

Yuki Masashi concentrated all his strength on his two arms swinging the bat.

Violently swung the bat out.


As he swings his bat, there is a hum of air friction over the strike zone.

The bat slammed **** the flying white ball.

When Yuki Shoji touched the ball, the expression on his face did not relax, but became more serious.

Judging from the shock strength in his hand, he clearly realized that the ball was missed.

But he didn\'t give up. At this moment, he even used the strength to suckle.

The opponent was not throwing a straight ball, but a changing ball with subtle changes.

This is something Yuuki never thought of before.

But it doesn\'t matter, it\'s not too late to know now.

As long as the result is complete, then everything is complete.

After he missed the ball, he used an incomparably strong swing to change the trajectory of the baseball\'s flight abruptly.

The baseball bounced off and flew high.

The 55,000 spectators in the audience all turned their attention to the flying white ball.

The result of this ball will directly determine the direction of the game.

Gu Shan on the pitcher\'s mound, when he saw this scene, his whole person was not well.

He had clearly predicted before that he could easily deal with this little guy.

Why does it seem that things are not so easy now.

Yuuki\'s calm performance far exceeded his imagination.

After an accident occurred in the strike, the opponent did not act in any panic, but ran through his own swing style.

Originally, a high-flying ball was hit into the bounds just like that.

And it\'s still a gap in the back of the outfield.

Seeing the moment the baseball landed, the rest area of ​​the Qingdao High School baseball team instantly became a sea of ​​joy.

Even the main players who didn\'t get the chance to play are very pleased with the performance of Yuuki\'s younger brother.

It\'s really beautiful!

The performance of the elementary school was excellent, even beyond their previous imagination.

They didn\'t expect that Yuuki Masashi could do this.

The baseball was hit!

And it fell into the gap of the defense.

Of course, the friends who are on the bale will not miss such an opportunity.

They ran as fast as they could to get back to home plate.

God seems to be very helpful at this time.

The Xiangyang outfielder who retreated urgently failed to catch the ball immediately.

In this way, let alone Wang Xi at third base.

Even Ono, who was at first base, passed a few bases.

He ran smoothly back to home plate.

Helped the team to score two points in one go.

With these two points, the Qingdao High School baseball team\'s lead has reached 9 points.

It wasn\'t over yet, Yuuki, who had just finished hitting, also took the opportunity to run to second base.

In this way, one is out, and there is someone at second base.

The scoring chances of the Qingdao High School baseball team are still very good.

The gap between the two sides has widened to a full 9 The two-digit difference is only one point away.

The players of Xiangyang High School inevitably fell into confusion at this time.

The Qingdao High School baseball team is very strong, even if it is only their substitute players who are on the court, they are also very strong.

They already knew this before.

But they still didn\'t expect that the opponent\'s strength could be so sturdy.

Let them have almost no backhand power.

Originally, I wanted to keep the score difference within 10 points, but now it seems to be an impossible task.

The guys on the Qingdo High School baseball team are like mad dogs. Once they get a chance, they will never relax.

The next game also proved this.

Through the cooperation of a hit and run, Yuuki, who was originally at second base, returned to home plate smoothly.

This also became the last straw to overwhelm the opponent.

The score between the two sides is more than 10 points!

"The game is over! In the second round of Jiaziyuan, the Qingdao High School baseball team played against Xiangyang High School. The final winning team was the King\'s Qingdao High School Baseball Team!!!"



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