Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 47: :he came! (Tribute to the fat bookworm)

Two outs, no one on base. 【Full text reading】

At this time, it was Miyuki\'s turn to strike.

In the surrounding stands, the voices cheering for Yokohama Konkita have not yet dissipated.

beautiful! The defensive action just now is so beautiful!

In contrast, today\'s Qing Dao\'s luck is not very good.

Miyuki went to the strike area, and Sawamura followed him to the waiting area.

In the cowshed in Qingdao.

In Fukugu Akira\'s mind, he kept thinking about what Sawamura just said.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing that there was no successful base stealing, Jiang Gu Xiao subconsciously exclaimed in a low voice.

"Nothing impossible?"

Sawamura heard it next to him and told him with a chuckle: "Do you know how the players from the giants train? They will strengthen their training for all situations that will occur on the baseball field. The players in Yokohama, the third grade accounts for the vast majority. , which means that they are together. They have been together for more than two years, and they are familiar with each other. All situations are rehearsed, and reactions will naturally form after a lot of hard work. Also pay attention to your own fielding stats, compared to these players in high school in some respects. Don\'t underestimate high school baseball, boy."

High school baseball, what kind of existence is it?

Jiang Gu Xiaoguang relies on thinking, but never has a clear concept.

You really have to play baseball to experience it!


Miyuki hit the ball with a bat, and the baseball bounced in front of the pitcher and was caught by Yi Neng.


Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

At the end of the two rounds, the two sides actually played 0-0.

A fierce collision between giants turned into a pitcher battle of equal strength. It is not difficult to see that the pitchers of the two teams are excellent today.

In the first half of the third inning, Yokohama Gangbei attacked.

This time it was Yokohama\'s turn to hit the line.

Before playing, Miyuki deliberately communicated with Danbo.

"The opponent is a wealthy family. Even if it is a low-ranking lineup, there is no batter who can make people relax. Be careful."

Danbo rolled his eyes at Miyuki: "This is what I want to tell you."

Both of them are very cautious, even in the face of Yokohama Gangbei\'s lower line, the two also completed the defense excellently. With the exception of the eighth batter White Feather, the other batters were dealt in turn.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

Although he lost a hit, overall, Danbo\'s performance in the first three innings was perfect.

Calm, generous, and pitching sharply!

In this way, the game came to the second half of the third round, and Qingdao High School attacked.

"Seventh, left fielder, Sawamura-san."

Seeing Sawamura walking into the strike area, the commentator took the opportunity to joke a few words: "I have to say, Sawamura is really a good surname. I remember that there was also a Nomura in the Yokohama team. But don\'t get me wrong, they are not you. The familiar Lord \'Demon King\'."

After making a joke, the commentary was rarely talkative, glanced at Sawamura\'s information, and continued.

"This student Sawamura is a freshman who just joined Qingdo this year. He is 176 cm tall and weighs 70 kg. He graduated from Akagi Middle School in Nagano Prefecture."


The commentator was speechless. He looked at the assistant who was arranging the materials for him in shock, and was speechless when he pointed to the materials of Sawamura.

"What\'s the matter, teacher?"

"Don\'t you know him?"


The commentator rolled his eyes, and then, he trembled with excitement.

Demon King Sawamura\'s first high school battle!

It is conceivable that after the video of this game is uploaded to the Internet, it will definitely cause an uproar. As the commentator of Sawamura\'s first official game, that oneself

What does it mean to be famous?

What is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, this is it.

After calming down, the commentary\'s voice suddenly increased by an octave.

"Friends, fans and friends, let\'s get to know this batter again. He is a player from Akagi Middle School in Nagano Prefecture, Eijun Sawamura."

The thoughts of the commentary here are going back and forth, and on the court, the duel between Sawamura and the batter has begun.

Facing Qing Dao\'s lower line, especially the first-year hitters, Yokohama\'s catcher Bai Yu and pitcher Yineng subconsciously relaxed a level of vigilance. As mentioned in the previous article, it is also difficult for a pitcher to stay focused on every shot and keep giving his best.

One is not allowed by the spirit, and the other is not allowed by the physical strength and body of the pitcher. (Referring to the trump throwing the whole court.)

Although it is not good for spectators to play dishes, but high school ace wants to complete the vote, which is a compulsory homework.

So when facing Sawamura, their concentration dropped by one level.

"The opponent is a freshman with unknown strength. Give him a slightly sweeter way to tempt him to swing."

Bai Yu thought for a while and gave Yineng a secret signal.

Ian nodded.

The two negotiated properly and began to signal the guards to move the guards.

With everything in place, start targeting Sawamura.

Even in the face of a first-year freshman like Sawamura, Yokohama Konkita didn\'t completely let down his guard.

This is the foundation of the defense of the giants!

A careless garrison team cannot become a real \'iron wall\'.

The "iron wall" of Yokohama Port North was developed through such meticulous training.

It sounds complicated, but in fact, this is just an operation completed in an instant. They have cooperated too many times, and practice makes perfect.

At this time, the commentator was still immersed in the shock of knowing Sawamura\'s name.

When he came back to his senses, Yokohama Gangbei\'s ace Yineng had already thrown the ball.

On the strike zone, Sawamura looked at the approaching baseball with excitement flashing in his eyes.

The speed of the ball is just right, the power of the ball is not strong, the control of the ball is perfect, and there is no change!

This is a feeding ball, that is, the ball that is thrown for you to play, because it is comfortable to play, so the position of the ball is also comfortable.

Out of center, the ball will land on the side of third base!

Looking around, both shortstop and third baseman have changed their fielding positions.

"really not bad!"

From the perspective of Sawamura\'s professional level, Yokohama Konkita\'s response is also very good. For a batter who doesn\'t have the pulling skills, such pitching and fielding should be enough.

It\'s really a pity, although I\'m not a strong, it\'s still okay to play. In particular, such an ordinary and simple ball is simply Sawamura\'s favorite ball to play.

The bat shook, and Sawamura struck.


After the small white ball was hit, it did not land on the third base side of Yokohama Konkita, but on the first base side. Second base defense, biased first base position.

After hitting the ball, Sawamura threw away his bat and ran forward.

At this time, the commentator released the information of Sawamura.

"That\'s right, you heard it right. The player who is attacking now is Eijun Sawamura from Akagi Middle School. It is Mr. \'Great Demon King\' who just entered high school this year. Some people used to speculate on the whereabouts of Sawamura player, because There is no news, so it has always been a mystery, and now the mystery is solved.”

The next day, three large characters were printed on the propaganda homepage of the official website of the Kanto Congress.

he came!