Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 47: :concern

pps: Today is a new week. In terms of the current update volume and integrity of Xiaoxiong, there is really no way to be cheeky and ask everyone to recommend and subscribe. But there is no way, as the saying goes, people are poor and short-minded. The data is really ugly, and the little bear can only tell all his brothers and sisters with a cheeky face. Friends who have tickets and subscriptions in hand, please support! Bear here, thank you!


A small white ball crossed the sky.

Leaving a huge arc in the sky, it fell into the stands in left field.

After the baseball landed, the little guys in the stands even forgot to pick up this very memorable little ball as soon as possible.

They stared blankly at the court, at the burly figure on the strike zone.

Although he is in the first year, Masashi Yuki\'s physique ranks among the best in the Qingdo High School baseball team.

He was tall by himself, and he seemed particularly tall at this time.

The stadium was silent for about seven or eight seconds, and suddenly there were crazy cheers from the stands.

"You are the best, Qing Dao!"

"Even if the substitutes and newcomers are on the court? I will torture you all the same!!"

"King, Qing Dao!!!"

"What was the name of the hitter just now?"

"Isn\'t there one on the electronic board? You won\'t look at it yourself?"

"It\'s not like you don\'t know, I\'m 500 degrees of myopia..."

"Then you don\'t wear glasses?"

"If I wear glasses, won\'t my perfect face be blocked?"

"I uh!!"

From all sides of the stand, various voices sounded.

People rushed to express their surprise and joy to those around them.

Gradually, these voices came together to form a slogan of cheering.

"Qingdao! Qingdao!!!"

Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, causing the entire stadium to tremble.

As Masashi Yuki smashed the ball off the field, the runners on the base bag of the Qingdo High School baseball team ran back to home plate one by one.

Wang Xi!

Wood Island!

Ono! !

Every time a player ran back, there was a burst of applause from the stands.

That feeling is like welcoming a hero to triumph.

When Yuuki finally returned to home plate, the entire stadium was in a frenzy.

The cheers and applause reached their peak at this moment.

A full home run helped the Qingdao High School baseball team score 4 points in one go.

This score is enough to decide the victory or defeat of a game.

And judging from the strengths shown by both sides before, the Qingdao High School baseball team still has a big enough advantage.

This means that it is almost impossible for Xiangbei High School to recover the scores that were behind.

They are lost!

In the rest area of ​​the Qingdo High School baseball team.

The main force of the first army, those players who did not get the chance to play.

Each face sinks like water.

The team has an overwhelming advantage, so they should be happy.

But they just couldn\'t be happy.

These guys on the bench and freshmen are so capable, and they are even a bit more capable than they imagined.


With the harsh training in the Qingdao High School baseball team, unless the goddess of luck completely falls to the side of Xiangyang High School.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for them to get the score back.

And this also shows that these players who are the main force of their army have little hope of continuing to return to the court in this game.

to be honest.

They are going to sit on the bench and watch this game.

"Victory or defeat is decided."

Coach Ochiai pinched the mustache on his chin and muttered.

Who is there? The person who has the most insight into Supervisor Kataoka\'s mind is probably Ochiai.

There are also many experienced tacticians in the Qingdao High School baseball team, but because they are players themselves, it is inevitable to look at problems from the player\'s point of view.

Only Coach Ochiai, his starting point for looking at the problem is the same as Director Kataoka.

It is precisely because of this that in the previous game, they saw the strength of Jin Zu Nong.

The players have the feelings of the players.

As coaches, Ochiai and Kataoka have similar feelings.


I saw that Jin Zunong eliminated Qingzheng Club, one of the giants, abruptly.

They were all shocked.

In addition to being shocked, the contestants must have made a heart-to-heart comparison.

If they were on the side of Qingzheng Society, would they be able to win this game in the end?

The answer is unknown.

In each player\'s mind, the answer is probably different.

Most of the players in Qingdao are still optimistic.

They believed that victory would ultimately belong to Qingdao.

The pitcher named Yoshida really showed his amazing strength in the game.

But the friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team believed even more in the strength of their great demon king.

Both are monsters.

Dan Sawamura Eijun is definitely more powerful than the opponent\'s monster.

Even if the goddess of luck was on the other side, the performance of the two was evenly matched.

The friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team are absolutely confident that they can rely on their abilities to defeat their opponents.

Therefore, their final conclusions are often more optimistic.

They generally believe that although the opponent\'s strength is very strong, the one who wins in the end.

It must be them!

But from the coach\'s standpoint, such an idea is too naive.

Baseball is never a contest of pure strength.

If that\'s the case, which team has the strongest overall strength? It\'s not good to just treat others as champions.

What competition is there?

And according to that theory, even if a dark horse emerges, and finally defeats the opponent.

As long as the two sides have compared their overall strength, their rating is lower than that of the opponent.

Then they will be eliminated.

Is this reasonable?

Isn\'t this nonsense?

Since it is a competition, it must be full of uncertainty.

No one knows who will win in the end?

It may be stronger, or it may be slightly weaker.

None of this can be said.

And even if the strength gap between the two sides is very large, the weaker will eventually come back in the game.

From the player\'s point of view, what they are comparing is only the strength of the players.

But if they look at it from the standpoint of a supervisor or a coach, their eyes can\'t be so narrow.

They have to take a longer view.

They think about it from the standpoint of the entire team.

As for the players, the Qingdo High School baseball team does have an overwhelming advantage.

But once you look at the entire team, the advantages of the Qingdao High School baseball team still exist.

But it\'s definitely not as big as everyone thought!

Qingzheng Society.

Even in Jiaziyuan, where a group of heroes stand side by side, the strength of their team is at the top level.

If the Qingdo High School baseball team encounters them, they are sure to defeat the opponent.

But can you take a dozen hits from the opponent?

Ask yourself, the little friends of the Qingdao High School baseball team really don\'t dare to pat their chests and say that they have such confidence.

Can you completely seal your opponent?

Relatively speaking, Qing Dao\'s friends are confident.

With the Great Demon King in their family, it doesn\'t seem to be that difficult to do this~ In this comparison, the difference is immediately apparent.

Why can Jin Zunong, whose overall strength is inferior to Qingdao High School baseball team, do it?

If you change the Qingdo High School baseball team, you might not be able to do it?

Does this mean that the Qingdao High School baseball team is indeed inferior to others in some respects?

From the standpoint of Supervisor Kataoka and Coach Ochiai, they could see some clues.

For that match, Jin Zunong had prepared quite well in advance.

Therefore, in the course of the game, the oppressed opponent has no power to fight back.

This team is more than just a monster pitcher.

There is also a think tank who understands baseball very well, as well as strong execution.

All of this was obviously designed by them in advance...

After that, let\'s talk about the game.

The Qingdao High School baseball team\'s offense in this inning ended when it stopped at 4 points.

Taniyama is a very strong and experienced player. When he realized something was wrong, he immediately adjusted his pitching strategy.

He started to fight head-to-head with the Qingdo High School baseball team in front of him.

Before the main force of the first army withdrew from the team, they had no such courage.

Now, their courage is here!


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