Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 46: : Shocked the audience!

The ball hit by Yamaguchi kept drifting towards the back of the court.

Ku Xiaomu\'s outfielder, staring at the wobbly ball, also kept retreating.

Strange to say, the ball didn\'t fly very fast, as if it could fall off at any time.

But Ku Xiaomu\'s outfielder retreated a full ten meters, and the ball, which seemed to fall at any time, still flew forward tenaciously.

Finally, the white ball, with all its strength, began to fall.

Ku Xiaomu\'s outfielder breathed a sigh of relief. According to his judgment, he took two steps back, and he could almost catch the ball.


The outfielder took a step back, then couldn\'t go back, his body against the wall at the boundary of the field.

That very persevering ball didn\'t stop with the outfielder. It crossed the wall very tenaciously and landed on the stand in the outfield.

fly out!

Home run! ! !

Everyone who saw this scene, the first thought was not to cheer, but to be dumbfounded.

That little fat man, actually beat him out?

It took three or four seconds for the audience to react.

"So handsome! Little fat man."

"As expected of our fat tiger in Nagano, it\'s really fierce!"

"You\'re the best, fat man."

"Fat brother, from today onwards, you are my idol"

On the court, Yamaguchi was dragging his bloated body and running forward.

Yamaguchi was also very excited about hitting a home run for the first time in his life. Even if a blind cat touches a mouse, not everyone can touch it. You must at least have the strength to sweep the ball out.

If at this time, there are not so many people in the audience who say they are fat, it will be more perfect.

With a total score of 2:0, it was Yamaguchi Ken who helped Akagi take the expanded points.

Like a meat mountain, Yamaguchi ran tremblingly around the infield field and returned to home plate.

Originally, when he sprinted, he didn\'t feel anything. Although his speed was not fast, it was definitely not slow. Especially when he ran out with such a physique, his aura was still astonishing.

It looks very much like a go-ahead tank!

But after hitting a home run, Yamaguchi\'s movements suddenly slowed down. When his movements slowed down, every step he took seemed extremely heavy.

It was as if the ground trembled with every step he took.

In such a shock, Yamaguchi stepped on home plate and returned to the bullpen of Akagi Middle School.

Looking at the mountain pass that came back, the little friends gave thumbs up one by one stunned.

At this time, they obviously hadn\'t recovered from their surprise, but that didn\'t stop them from giving Yamaguchi a thumbs up. It was a great job!

"here you go!"

Sawamura went up and gave Yamaguchi a huge hug.

In the baseball team of Akagi Middle School, as long as the little friends have excellent performance, the first one to come forward to congratulate is always Sawamura.

Yamaguchi was also very excited and was speechless.

Wakana was also very happy for Yamaguchi, but instead of congratulating her, she said with a worried look: "After this game, are you planning to take Yamaguchi for an interview?"

National competitions are different from local competitions. After each competition, there will be a question-and-answer session with reporters.

According to the original agreement of Akagi Middle School, whoever performed well in the competition, Sawamura will take whoever to be interviewed.

Regardless of the performance of the others in this game, Yamaguchi\'s interview quota is probably indispensable.

In any case, this is also the first home run after Akagi Middle School entered the national competition.

"What\'s wrong?"

Sawamura put an arm around Yamaguchi\'s neck and turned to ask Wakana.

"It\'s nothing, I\'m just worried that the reporter\'s camera will be able to capture Yamaguchi-kun\'s body in their picture."


Yamaguchi Jian was speechless.

Sawamura smiled: "Don\'t worry, TVs are big now."


"The third stick, catcher, Feng Xiang!"


As if it was a shock to the sky, Feng Xiang swung the bat in the face of Ku Xiaomu\'s ace Daquan\'s first goal.

Like a shooting star, the small white ball crossed a beautiful arc in the sky and fell to the stands in the outfield.

Home run!

Following behind Yamaguchi, Feng Xiang, who came on the field, slammed the bat on the first ball and hit a home run with the bat.

The difference between this one and Yamaguchi\'s one is huge. With Yamaguchi\'s shot, the ball was a little fluttering after he hit it, and it seemed that he didn\'t hit the center of the ball completely.

But Feng Xiang\'s stick was different. This stick was played cleanly, without any sloppiness.

The total score is 3:0!

At this time, the audience at the scene was still immersed in the amazing home run of Yamaguchi just now.

Before their nerves had recovered, they saw a more beautiful home run.


"Feng Xiang, Feng Xiang!!!"

"Home run, burst."

"Fourth, pitcher, Eijun Sawamura."

After giving a simple hug to Fengxiang who was running back to home plate, Sawamura stood on the strike zone.

When Yamaguchi hit a home run just now, Sawamura was happy for his friend from the bottom of his heart.


But when Feng Xiang also scored a home run and returned to the bullpen, Sawamura\'s heart twitched for no apparent reason.

Two sticks, three sticks, hit home runs one after another!

Wouldn\'t it be too embarrassing if I couldn\'t keep my four sticks in formation?

Standing on the strike area in a proper manner, Sawamura felt a little trouble in his heart.

You have to say, it is not difficult to hit the ball of Ku Xiaomu\'s pitcher Oizumi.

Oizumi\'s ball speed and ball control are very average for Sawamura, and it is not difficult for Sawamura to hit his ball out.

Rare is, how to hit such a ball into a home run!

No matter how useless Oizumi is, his ball speed is 130.

With such a fast ball speed and such heavy power, you still need luck if you want to hit a home run.

Yamaguchi\'s attack power is good. But home runs are all about luck.

Even Feng Xiang, the element of luck in this ball is not small. How can Sawamura guarantee his luck, like the previous two?

The bat in his hand was raised high, and although Sawamura himself was not too sure, in order to maintain the formation, he decided to play along.

Three points, four points, it doesn\'t make any difference to this game.

Under such circumstances Sawamura intends to be willful.

At this time, Oizumi pitched.

Seeing the ball thrown by Oizumi, Sawamura\'s brows furrowed tightly.

Pitching, how could this be?

I saw this ball thrown over, the speed of the ball did not come out, and the momentum was average.

The most surprising thing is the location.

The ball is thrown from the center.

I\'ll go, it\'s so powerful!

Sawamura didn\'t think much about it, facing the hit ball, he swung the bat directly.


The white ball was hit, and it flew into the sky!
