Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 45: : Goodbye Home Run

It must be my own delusion!

Seeing the little smile on Fengxiang Longyi\'s face, Feng Xiangao thought so consciously.

Otherwise, how could that unreliable man have such a gentle smile?

At this time, Fengxiang Aoyi couldn\'t help but feel a little ripple in his heart. There are not many people who can influence him. In Akagi Middle School, apart from Sawamura Eijun, even Oda, a friend, could hardly influence Fengxiang Ouichi.

Although he is young, Fengxiang is a very determined person. This kind of personality doesn\'t even have anything to do with age and experience, it\'s just that he was born with it.

But even so, in the face of his biological father, who ignored him for several years, Feng Xiang Aoyi couldn\'t be indifferent.

Just like he was determined to defeat Fengxiang Longyi!

At this time, although there was a little ripple in his heart, this ripple could not shake his confidence in defeating Nagano Metropolitan High School.

He wants to win!

He wants to hit the ball that is about to fly.

With both hands tightly gripping the handle of the bat, Feng Xiangao gave the impression that he was like a beast that devoured people.

In the position of the catcher, Tuihara\'s face was extremely ugly.

Although he didn\'t meet Feng Xiang Aoyi\'s eyes, it didn\'t affect his feeling of Feng Xiang Aoyi\'s fighting spirit and the pressure it brought him.

Perhaps it was the shadows in their hearts, and Tuhara felt that his breathing had become difficult.

"You can\'t lose, you can\'t admit defeat!"

Tuihara cheered himself up over and over again, trying his best to act as if nothing had happened. He didn\'t want to affect his friend\'s pitching because of his relationship. So he pretended to be very natural and gave Mari a password.

First Ball: A bad ball that deviates from the strike zone from the outside corner.

Tuyuan was kind, but he didn\'t think about it. He himself was affected. How could Mari, who was standing across from Feng Xiangao, be better off?

In Mari\'s eyes, Feng Xiang Oichi is no longer human, but a super demon with scarlet rays of light in his eyes. Facing Fengxiang Aoyi, he didn\'t even have the courage to throw the ball.

The psychological shadow of losing to Feng Xiang at a young age was exacerbated by the unfavorable induction of the game. The psychological barrier they had been struggling to overcome exploded and became out of control.

"Bad ball!"

Although Feng Xiang Aoyi made up his mind, he wanted to hit Mari\'s ball. But he can\'t swing a bad ball that obviously deviates from the strike zone. If Mari\'s pitching is a little off, that\'s fine. With Fengxiang\'s active swinging mentality, he might be able to swing the bat too. But you are almost twenty centimeters away from the strike zone. Feng Xiangao is not blind, so how could he take such an obvious bad shot?


Taking a deep breath, Feng Xiang pointed the bat in his hand to Mari. This is already equivalent to provocation. It means that you have the ability to throw the ball and bring it!

When frightened by him, instead of being stimulated bloody, Mari became more timid in pitching.


"Bad ball!"

With two bad shots in a row, Mari didn\'t want to make good shots at this time, he wanted to make good shots. Of course, he can\'t hit the center of the strike zone. He wants to hit the corners, but the more he tries to hit, the more he can\'t make it.

His ball control is messed up~

Sawamura, who was waiting for the table, had eyes bright and scary.

As a qualified hitter, a hitter with a keen sense of smell. He clearly realized that the opportunity had come.

Mari\'s ball control was messed up, and the pitching rhythm was also messed up.

The preparation time for pitching is a quarter longer than before, and the ball control is also greatly deviated from the strike zone.

Such a hitter is very easy to defeat.

As long as Sawamura is given a chance, Sawamura will even be sure to hit a home run with Mari\'s good shot.

Mari, who was evenly matched with them before, suddenly couldn\'t do it. Although Sawamura couldn\'t find a specific reason, for Akagi, it was like a pie in the sky.

This feeling is sour and refreshing.

quick! piece! !

Sawamura prayed silently in his heart that Mari could walk Fengxiang as soon as possible so that he could play the final blow to his opponent.

In the cowshed of Nagano Metropolis.


The assistant coach of Nagano Metropolitan High School, his eyes were about to burst into tears. Although he was also very stunned, how could Mari suddenly control the ball erratically, but when the game was so stalemate, Mari\'s mistakes were absolutely not allowed.

At this time, measures must be taken.

Fengxiang Longyi nodded and stood up to say something.

But, God didn\'t give him a chance. To be precise, Mari didn\'t give him a chance.

On the third pitch, he pitched and hit the strike zone.

The speed of the ball is 135 kilometers, and the path of the ball is outside the center.

"Come in!"

Tsuchihara was overjoyed when he saw Mari overcame the psychological barrier and threw a good shot. At this time, if Mari really collapses, Nagano will be finished immediately.

Just seeing the next scene, the little joy that he had just risen, disappeared in an instant.

In front of the baseball, a bat suddenly appeared. This bat seemed to be mixed with wind and thunder, with a low whistling sound.


The small white ball was hit and flew far It was hit!



The first to react were the brothers of the Red Heart Brotherhood. They all made wolf howling sounds, as if they were using their own voices to encourage Feng Xiang Aoyi to hit the ball.

At this time, in fact, they really didn\'t think about anything, they just faintly saw the dawn of victory.

With such a long shot, as long as it hits the ground, Fengxiang can 100% run to second or even third base. Akagi\'s next hitter is Sawamura, who rarely misses.

Win, win for sure!

It is precisely because of this premonition that they are so excited.


Mari and Tuhara shouted at the same time.

I have to say that the outfielder of Nagano Metropolitan Middle School is still very good. He had a hunch and retreated a lot in advance. As soon as the ball was hit, the outfielder retreated to the back of the field, and the ball flew high enough to not be difficult to handle. As long as it hits the ground, he is still very hopeful to catch it.

"pass it to me!"

Before he finished speaking, he watched the baseball fly over his head, with no intention of landing.

Still flying!

"Super home run across the entire stadium, goodbye home run! Without giving Nagano any reaction time, Akagi Middle School hit a goodbye home run."

"Nagano Metropolitan High School competed against Akagi High School, and Akagi High School won in the end!!!"

The voice of the commentary kept drifting away.

Leaving countless pairs of blank eyes on the scene.

This is the end!

They obviously still expected Sawamura to stand on the strike zone, so why did it end? Is it too hasty?
