Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 45: : Giants clash

In the first round of the Kanto Conference, West Tokyo Qingdo High School played Kanagawa Yokohama Kongbei College. 【Read the latest chapter】

The giants fight each other!

Although there are no weak people in the Kanto Conference, such a strong collision still makes the people who eat melon very excited.

The audience came a lot and sat half of the stands.

Because the place where the competition was held was not Tokyo, there was no way for the school\'s cheerleaders and students to cheer along. Only the friends from the Second Army and the Third Army came.

The two sides started the game and sent the main force.

"The name of this left fielder is so familiar, it seems like I\'ve heard it somewhere."

The supervisor of Yokohama held Aodou\'s starting list and stared at the names in a daze.

First grade, Sawamura Eijun.

This name, he seems to have an impression, he has heard people say it.

"Forget it, if you want to be a first-year student, you won\'t be able to make any big waves."

Throwing the list aside, the supervisor of Yokohama stared at the disciples in front of him seriously and said, "Think about the training you have received in Yokohama Port Kita all these years, and enjoy it during the competition."


In the first half of the game, Yokohama Kongbei College took the lead.

On the other side, in the bullpen where Qingdao High School is located.

Kataoka looked at his disciples and said, "Yineng\'s ball speed is not fast. He is a pitcher who fights by controlling the ball. There are three types of **** that he knows, straight ball, slider and vertical slider."

"With his ball control, his change ball is very difficult to hit. From the first round, aim for the straight ball and attack."


All the friends of Qingdao have high fighting spirit.

"When you\'re on the defensive, it\'s up to you, Miyuki."

After arranging the offensive tactics, Kataoka then handed over the defense to Miyuki.


Miyuki nodded solemnly.

Game start.

The first batter of Yokohama Konkita Middle School hit the batting area.

Facing this opponent, Miyuki decisively gave Danbo a secret signal.

On the mound, Danbo nodded lightly.


The first ball, a high drop curve ball.

In the face of this ball, even the Yokohama batter could not swing the bat.


"nice shot!"

After a good ball, Miyuki gave Danbo a bad ball from the inside corner.

The Yokohama hitter, who had just been startled by Danba\'s curveball, did not flinch. Instead, he swung the bat toward the ball.

The swing missed, and the ball went straight into Miyuki\'s open glove.

"nice shot!"

After two strikes, Miyuki scored the third.

This ball, the Yokohama batter, who has been chased, can only swing the bat and miss the swing.

Miyuki was paired with a straight ball that strayed from the strike zone.

Three strikes!

Danbo, who doesn\'t seem to be very strong, seems to be a different person when he throws the ball.

After striking out the first batter, Danbo induced Yokohama\'s second bat to swing, and the ball flew to the shortstop\'s fielding position.


The figure, like a cheetah, suddenly rushed out, picked up the ball, and passed it to first base.


Without any hesitation, Qing Dao scored two outs.

At this point, no matter who looked at it, Danbo\'s pitching was very good. Sharp changes, steady ball control, and the air of a pitcher.

"Although Qingdo has always given the impression that he is not a strong pitcher, to be honest, Danbo\'s pitching is really good."

"Anyway, he is also the ace of Qing Dao now!"

"Tanbo, come on!"

"Qingdao, Qingdao!!"

The discussions in the stands continued one after another.

On the field, Ao Michi ushered in Yokohama Port Kita\'s third baseball, shortstop, Oyama.

Oyama looked at Danbo on the pitcher\'s mound coldly, as if to devour him alive.

This icy aura was not only felt by Danbo, but also by Miyuki in the position of the catcher. After feeling it, a sneer appeared on Miyuki\'s mouth.

Exactly, let us see what kind of strength Yokohama\'s core line-up has.

Tanba-senpai, next shot, throw


On this side, he threw the ball unceremoniously, and on the other side, Oyama didn\'t hesitate at all, and swung the bat directly.


After the white ball was hit, it landed in the zone between the shortstop and second baseman.

Seeing that the ball was about to fly into the outfield, a vigorous figure jumped up and caught the baseball that was about to fly out. At this time, the pouncer had already fallen, and there was no way to get up and pass the ball.

"Hahaha, Ryosuke-senpai, pass it on to me."

Minato, who stopped the ball, was too late. On the shortstop position, the warehouse holder took the initiative to step forward to make a clearance.


Kominato Ryosuke didn\'t hesitate and threw the ball to Kuramochi, who passed the ball to first base.


Three up and three down!

Although there is credit for the defense, Danbo\'s own pitching is really good, and to a certain extent suppresses Yokohama\'s line.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In the second half of the game, Qingdao High School attacked.

"First hit, shortstop, Kuramochi-san!"

"Hee hee ha ha ha~"

With a strange laugh, Kuramochi stepped into the strike area.

come on.

Kuramochi\'s small eyes were full of provocation.

Yokohama\'s pitcher is Yi Neng, who looks unremarkable. You can\'t feel the strength of this man just from his pitching. Unlike Fukugu Akira and Sawamura, as long as he throws a ball with all his strength, it is enough to shock the audience.

But such a pitcher is the ace of the giant Yokohama Gangbei. Of course, he will not be as useless as everyone thinks.

He has enough weapons to threaten or even kill opponents.

In the face of such a pitcher, it is not Kuramochi\'s character to stand on the strike zone and fight honestly with others.

Therefore, for the first ball, Kuramochi chose to bunt.

As soon as he was in the bunt position, he saw Yokohama Konkita\'s third baseman running forward.

The other party was already prepared!

Faced with this situation, Kuramochi was not annoyed, and immediately turned the bat and hit the ball in the direction of first base. Yineng\'s pitching, whether it\'s speed or power, is average, and Kuangchi can still decide the direction of the shot.


The baseball lands, and UU reading tumbles to first base.

Kuramochi dashed to first base like a mad dog off the reins.

Yokohama Konkita\'s first baseman was ready to rush out and throw the ball, and their second baseman consciously moved to first base when he saw Kuramachi bunt. Got to first base early at this point.

Kuramochi is fast, but not as fast as the ball. Yokohama Gangkita\'s second baseman Norimura (the same name as the little angel, he was specially changed to distinguish him.) When he reached second base, he received a pass from the first baseman. .


Kuramochi missed the base by an inch.

After Kuramochi was out, Ryosuke Kominato came up, and Yokohama pitcher Yi Neng made a direct hit.

This is tantamount to blatant bullying!

The other party obviously studied the information of the batters in Qingdao very thoroughly, and knew what method to use to deal with these batters.