Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 43: : Tomakomai

Of course, Sawamura himself and Ku Xiaomu have nothing to do with each other.

The one who has an intersection with Ku Xiaomu is Sawamura\'s former friend Jiang Gu Xiao. The alma mater of Jiang Gu Xiao Middle School is Ku Xiaomu. Ku Xiaomu is a middle school and a school jointly run by the high school. It is very famous throughout Hokkaido, especially the Kukomai area. (The place name Tomakomai in the real world is a city in Hokkaido. Let\'s call Kuomai here, so it\'s easier to fight.)

The distinction between soft **** and hard **** was mentioned earlier.

The hardball league, also known as the youth club, is generally centered on Tokyo and the Kanto region. Spread to Kansai, Shikoku and other regions.

The youth baseball team, that is, the teenagers who play hardball, mostly exist in the form of a ball.

This is the biggest difference between the hardball league and the softball league.

Ninety-nine percent of the softball leagues are dominated by schools, while the hardball leagues are dominated by teams.

The ball team is not a school. The ball team is a place to teach people to learn baseball. Players pay a certain amount of study fees and then learn baseball with the ball team. Since the group is not dominated by the school, its members are naturally not bound by the school.

You only need to pay the fee and you can join the group. Players who join the team can be from one school or from several different schools.

The elites of several schools are gathered together, and if nothing else, this one is much better than the Softball League.

In addition, the coaches of the ball team are more professional, and the training equipment is not comparable to that of ordinary middle school clubs.

Comparing the two, it is not too much to say that the hardball league is professional and the softball league is amateur.

In terms of average strength, the hardball league teams do have an absolute advantage.

Of course, a national hegemon like Yokozuna, from more than 8,000 teams, killed the last team. Even in the top teams in the hardball league, it is estimated to be very competitive.

But such teams are always in the minority in the softball league.

Of course, there are still a few. There are more than 8,000 teams in the country, and there are still some teams that can take the lead.

For example, Yokozuna, Tenryuji Temple, Gunma, and Kukomaki.

Kukomaki is located in Hokkaido.

Hokkaido, the northernmost island of the island country, has a cold climate and is sparsely populated. Regardless of Hokkaido\'s population, the total population is only in the early 60s, but because of the large area, there are many schools.

Also because there are many schools, there are more places in the Hokkaido National Competition, and they account for two places. (This is a policy to take care of, don\'t go into it, it is definitely unreasonable.)

This time, the representatives of Hokkaido participating in the national competition are Kukomaki Middle School and Aoba Middle School.

Both schools are famous. And Hokkaido\'s famous family has another feature, that is, their players will not be diverted because of junior baseball players. To put it bluntly, Hokkaido is so vast and sparsely populated that the pellets cannot be opened at all. There is no team restriction, and almost all of Hokkaido\'s great players are concentrated in their school.

So despite the small population of Hokkaido, Hokkaido\'s famous family is still very competitive.

Ku Xiaomu and Aoba Middle School are all very famous teams in the country.


These things flashed across Sawamura\'s mind.

Immediately afterwards, he began to read Ku Xiaomu\'s information, which contained the introduction of Ku Xiaomu\'s players.

Ace pitcher, No. 1, Oizumi.

Catcher, No. 2, Iwakura.


From the beginning to the end, I didn\'t find the name of Xiao Gu Xiao.

"That guy, has he quit the baseball club?"

Sawamura felt a little regretful.

In high school, Sawamura and Akatsuki Fukugu were brothers in training together. The two were both rivals and friends. When the training camp is tired, they chat with each other consciously and unconsciously.

Akatsuki, who was taciturn with others, was willing to share his past with Sawamura later.

It was also at that time that Sawamura learned of Akatsuki\'s experience.

He went to Kuxiaomu Middle School in middle school. Because his ball speed was too fast, his teammates couldn\'t catch his ball, so he never participated in the official game. It was also because he wanted to find someone who could catch his ball, Xiaogu Xiaocai passed the self-study entrance exam to Qingdao High School.

Originally, Sawamura believed that Gu Xiao\'s talent would be reduced. Even if the catcher can\'t catch his ball, Ku Xiaomu\'s coach won\'t give up the valley just by hitting.

So seeing Ku Xiaomu as his opponent, Sawamura was very excited and thought that he could have a good conversation with his old friend.

Unexpectedly, the current Xiao Gu has completely withdrawn from their school\'s baseball team!

It is conceivable that he must be hiding under a certain bridge, stubbornly practicing pitching alone.

Kougu Xiao\'s love and desire for baseball and pitching is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Taking his eyes off the phone, Sawamura\'s eyes became extremely cold.

Are your current opponents those guys who excluded Xiao Gu Xiao from the team because they couldn\'t catch Xiao Gu Xiao\'s pitch?

"I don\'t know how to work hard, and I also rely on my teammates to pitch too fast. God really has no eyes, such a guy without perseverance can even enter the national competition."

Tucao in my heart.

At this time, Sawamura was still determined to take revenge for his friend.

Famous in Hokkaido!

Sawamura really didn\'t see it in his eyes. From the Nagano competition, to the Kanto competition, to the current national competition, there are five or six famous middle schools in Akagi.

After the opening ceremony of the national competition, the second day.

August 4th, Friday, sunny.

The match between Akagi Junior High School and Hokkaido\'s famous family, Kukomaki, is in full swing.

Now it\'s the top half of the second game.

The score remained at 0:0.

Before the match, Sawamura vowed to seek justice for his friend, but when he really fought, he realized that this matter was far from being as simple as he thought.

Ku Xiaomu\'s strength is very strong!

These players who came out of the ice and snow are extremely difficult to deal with.

Although the pitchers are not very strong, their defense is solid.

In the first half of the second game, Ku Xiaomu attacked.

It was their fourth bat, catcher, Iwakura.

Sawamura stood on the pitcher mound and glanced at the scorching sun overhead.

it\'s too hot!

In this kind of weather, if he keeps going all out, I\'m afraid he won\'t be able to hold on at all.

Forget The man can bend and stretch.

Nothing in the world is difficult, as long as you are willing to give up.

Originally, Sawamura planned to strike out all the batters of Ku Xiaomu and let their coaches know what a top pitcher is. After returning, he regretted why he did not support Xiaogu Xiao.

But now, Sawamura has changed his mind.


Sawamura shot the ball, Ku Xiaomu\'s four bats, facing this ball, decisively swung the bat.


The white ball was hit high and flew to the front of third base.


Sawamura reminded Yamaguchi to defend, Yamaguchi agreed, ran forward to take the ball, and then passed the ball to first base.

