Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 43: : Kanto No. 1 catch Chris

Since Sawamura came on the field, the situation has been firmly under the control of Qingdo High School.

In three innings, they recovered two points and did not drop points.

But Osaka Kiryu High School is not easy to mess with, whether it\'s on the attack or on the defense, they are planning something.

In this way, in the first half of the seventh inning, Qingdao High School changed its catcher.

Chris came on and Miyuki came off.

For the people at Kiryu High School in Osaka, it was a very magical substitution.

Miyuki Kazuya\'s strength, in the game just now, they have already understood very clearly.

Although in the current Qingdao high school team, there are many eye-catching star players.

For example, when the fourth team captain is formed, just watching his blows has a strong visual impact.

Supervising Songbei Longguang, he would even say that this guy is very powerful, and he should avoid confrontation with him.

It is not difficult to see the extraordinary formation.

Even if Qingdo High School couldn\'t make it to Koshien in the next summer tournament. Matsumoto Takahiro is convinced that such a player will not be buried.

As long as those professional scouts are not blind, they will definitely put Juncheng on the draft list!

This kind of hitter, let alone one in a hundred, one in a thousand, it is too petty, absolutely one in ten thousand.

In addition to the formation, of course, Sawamura.

Sawamura\'s performance in both pitches was dazzling. Considering that he is only a first-year student, his future achievements are probably more than the formation.

Others like Kominato Ryosuke are also very eye-catching.

Even if the team of Qingdo High School was shining like this, it couldn\'t hide Miyuki\'s brilliance.

His sense of existence was equally strong.

With the ball, catching the ball, pinning, including hitting...

There is nothing that a catcher should have.

Such a catcher, even if other teams kowtow, they have to coax him.

Qing Dao High School was still able to let him rotate?

Matsumoto Takahiro\'s face was a little distorted, and his true nature was almost exposed.

Under the reminder of his own disciple, he managed to hold back his irritable emotions.

"Director Kataoka, you really treat us as practice opponents."

"You\'re welcome, let me continue, and if there is a chance to hit base, find a way to score a point."

Takahiro Matsumoto, to carry out the previous tactics to the end.

Chris is in this situation, on the field.

Before playing, Chris took the initiative to find Sawamura.

"How long can it last?"

When the master asked, Sawamura naturally had to answer respectfully.

"Don\'t worry, but there are only three games left. There is no problem in sticking to the end."

Chris ignored Sawamura\'s answer, and continued to stare at Sawamura until his heart fluttered when he saw Sawamura.

If it is said before, Osaka Kiryu High School did not use tactics that consume physical strength. Sawamura persisted until the end of the game, so it shouldn\'t be a problem.

During the game, Sawamura is very good at adjusting his state. If he shoots at his own pace, it will only be 50 **** in six innings.

Even though Sawamura practiced badly yesterday and took a day off, Sawamura still has some physical strength.

However, from the very beginning, Sawamura\'s physical exertion has increased, and it is hard to say how long Sawamura can last at such a rhythm.

The family knows their own affairs.

This judgment, Sawamura himself has a spectrum. After all, he is not an ordinary person. As a person who often reserves his physical strength through training, he knows his own limits very well.

"If you maintain peak pitching, 20 balls! If there are mixed balls, 17 or 8 balls. If you can arrange fishing **** in the middle, it will be 30 or 40 balls."

Sawamura said 1510.

Chris nodded.

The situation was worse than he expected.

The so-called peak pitching means that it can guarantee the speed and power of the ball and the accuracy of ball control.

This requires not only strong mental strength, but also physical strength. When the physical strength reaches a certain level, the pitcher\'s ball control and ball power will definitely decline.

With reckless throwing of various variations, Sawamura could throw about twenty **** in total.

It is obviously impossible to use these twenty goals to support three rounds.

Then you have to think of other ways...

But now, the players of Osaka Kiryu, under the leadership of their supervision, are aggressively trying to consume Sawamura\'s physical strength, and they will never allow themselves to be easily out of the game.

"In this case, we can only take some risks."

Now Chris also understands the meaning of practice games.

Supervisor Kataoka has already selected Sawamura to be the trump card. You must know that the trump card\'s responsibility is very great. Especially in the competition, when the last scene of Sawamura is left, there will definitely be.

If that happens, Sawamura is exhausted.

What will Qingdao do?

It is to continue to believe in Sawamura and leave the stage to him. Or rather, let someone else replace it.

This is the true intention of Kataoka to arrange Sawamura.

Knowing Kataoka\'s intentions, Chris naturally wants to help Sawamura through the difficulties.

"For a real ace, throwing the ball out of control is absolutely not allowed. That is tantamount to pinning the number of outs on God, or on the opponent. It\'s definitely not good!"

"So a good must think about it, dare to think. To a certain extent, the picture of solving the opponent can even appear directly in the pitcher\'s mind."

This is what Chris taught Sawamura.

Now, Sawamura told Chris about his situation. The two of them thought of each other at the same time.

That\'s how to use those balls, that hold, the remaining three innings.

It takes twenty-seven **** to solve one of three goals to hold up the three rounds.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to rely on strikeouts.

If you can\'t strike out, it\'s just pitching for the batter to hit!

"But they have already made up their minds to consume my stamina?"

Sawamura thought suspiciously.

"If the other party doesn\'t shoot, it doesn\'t mean that we can\'t let him shoot. Can you fish? As long as the bait is big enough, I think they will be tempted."

The first ball: the straight ball in the middle!

After Chris gave Sawamura a signal, he squatted directly in the position of the catcher.

On the first ball, the batter did not swing, but waited patiently for the ball to pass.


"nice shot!"

It wasn\'t until Sawamura\'s pitch ended that the batter came back to his senses.

It was a straight ball just now, he didn\'t even notice it before.

Satisfied, Chris passed the ball back to Sawamura and squatted down again.

Meanwhile, the rest area of ​​Kiryu High School in Osaka.

"Why is that new catcher so familiar?"

"Yeah, it seems like I\'ve seen it there."

Several third-year substitutes stared at Chris, thoughtfully.

"His name is Takigawa Chrisyu, have you heard of it?"

Supervisor Matsumoto asked curiously.

"It\'s been too long, and I can\'t remember what he looked like. But Chris Takigawa, isn\'t he the first arrest in the junior club of Kanto Middle School?"

Kanto\'s first arrest, Takigawa Chris.