Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 43: : Double-faced Sawamura (a tribute to the fat bookworm)

From four o\'clock in the afternoon to six thirty, a full two and a half hours. 【】

Sawamura feels like his body is about to fall apart~

I don\'t want to move, I just don\'t want to move!

His muscles were sore that he lost consciousness, and he didn\'t want to lift any part of his body.

Seeing that although tired, but still able to talk about what to eat for dinner to form them, Sawamura really wanted to drag them to those crazy scientists, to slice and study, how did these guys exercise themselves in two years To this extent?

Although Sawamura did not join the regular youth club, he has approached the limit of his own training without damaging his body. Even those players who have been trained in regular youth clubs, Sawamura is very confident, and his physical fitness before entering high school will definitely surpass them.

In the same way, it is also necessary to surpass the formation of them before entering the Qing Dao!

In just two years, they have honed themselves to such a level that they are already very close to the physical fitness of professional players.

If it were one or two, everyone had individual differences, and Sawamura was not unacceptable.

But even Miyuki and Kominato Ryosuke, who didn\'t look strong, were better than him, which made Sawamura a little unacceptable.

"Not only technically, but even the body needs more training."

Sawamura secretly competed with these seniors.

In the evening, in the exclusive cafeteria of the baseball club, the sign at the dining window reads, "You must eat three bowls or more"!

Sawamura was ruthless, and this time he must complete the mission.

Eat a lot, and then use training to consume all the food you eat.

This is Qing Dao\'s exercise method. Although it may seem simple and crude, you have to admit that it is very effective.

After eating the food in their mouths, Kominato Chunichi and Kanamaru got close to Sawamura, why did they go for a run with the third-year senior before gossiping with him?

"It\'s a secret!"

Sawamura pretended to be mysterious.

He couldn\'t tell Kominato Chunichi and Kanimaru that he ran with the captain and the others because he was punished.

Kominato Haruichi and Kanimaru both looked at Sawamura with a bit of envy in their small eyes.

Sawamura actually enjoys this feeling quite a bit. Although it is a little naive, the envious eyes of his friends are also intoxicating.

"You are so relaxing!"

Just when Sawamura was talking to Kanamaru and Kominato Haruichi, Miyuki suddenly appeared out of that corner.

"How does it feel to go head to head with the supervisor?"

After having eaten two bowls of rice, Sawamura, who was in good spirits and was about to take the third bowl, suddenly lost his appetite.

It is said that Yuxing has a bad personality, and this is true at all. He really knows how to find people who are not happy, and which pots cannot be opened and raised, which makes Sawamura roll his eyes.

"It\'s not all your fault!"

If the first ball is not a change-up

Sawamura thought, and clenched his fists unwillingly.

"The change-up shot was not good, it should have slipped away to the outside corner, right? If the shot was better, the superintendent would have been out of bounds. The previous superintendent\'s shot was only three or four meters short of out of bounds. !"

Miyuki ignored his mistake, but stabbed Sawamura in the pain.

"Not next time!"

Sawamura knew that Miyuki wanted to comfort him, but also to provoke him.

Miyuki would do anything to get the pitcher to throw a good shot.

Although Sawamura was upset, he knew that he was kind, so he wouldn\'t dislike him just because of Miyuki\'s words.

The next time he fights, he must defeat Kataoka in an upright manner.

It\'s really hidden. When the two lived together, Sawamura never knew that Kataoka\'s blow was so good.

Next time, be sure to beat him!

At this moment, Sawamura suddenly showed a fierce aura that absolutely refused to admit defeat.

This momentum can even make Jinmaru and Kominato, who are eating by his side, feel the heavy pressure.

Kanamaru looked at Sawamura in surprise. He had always thought that Sawamura was a leader and a kind person at the same time.

Remember that a week after entering the school, the school asks students to grade all the teachers who substitute. (Students give marks to teachers at the beginning and end of the semester. Private schools will affect teachers\' salary and bonuses, and public schools have not seen any use.)

Sawamura gave excellent grades to almost all the substitute teachers. There were even two teachers who gave him special education because he was late, sleeping, and he got an excellent grade.

"Didn\'t he train you before?"

After seeing it, Kanemaru asked Sawamura strangely.

"There are old and young in their family, and it\'s not easy for them to support their families. It\'s not easy for me to make a grade and affect other people\'s income. Besides, they are not the kind of heinous teachers themselves. Forget it, let them be forgiven. Forgive me."

Sawamura said with a smile.

Kanemaru felt that in this life, he would never forget the smile on Sawamura\'s face at that time.

The top of his head is like a little angel with a halo shrouded in it!

"He\'s someone who thinks about others!"

From then on, Kanamaru and Sawamura became friends. Although Kanmaru wasn\'t exactly Sawamura\'s character, he didn\'t dislike Sawamura\'s character.

Have their own principles, but do not lose kindness!

Jin Maru never knew that Sawamura would have such a fierce aura.

In life and baseball, Sawamura is definitely two people.

In life, Sawamura is quite a bit, taking a step back and being open-minded. On the baseball field, Sawamura would not take a single step back.

Wait, that seems to be the wrong point.

"Did you go head-to-head with Director Kataoka?"

After being stunned for a while, Jin Maru finally realized that something was wrong.

When he yelled, everyone in the audience was stunned. The little friends in the baseball club all stared at Sawamura in amazement.

Sawamura patted his head in despair.

This time, it\'s a shame to throw it home!

In the evening, Sawamura and his friends from the First Army went to the conference room for a meeting.

On the way, I suddenly encountered a beautiful second-year sister blocking the road.

"Senpai, it doesn\'t seem like it\'s school time today, right?"

Sawamura asked curiously.

"My name is Sakura Kusaki, and I\'m the cheerleader of Aojima. I want to ask Sawamura-san, if you participate in the competition, will your fans come too? Is it the \'Brotherhood of the Heartless\' and the \'Demon King\'s Guard\'? "


Sawamura was stunned for a This style of painting is so strange!

Kusaki Sakura was a little shy: "If they come, can we discuss, let us cheerleaders join them?"


Sawamura stared blankly at Sakura, wondering how this senior\'s head grew?

Even if Da Lin, Xiao Lin and the others came, wouldn\'t Qing Dao\'s cheerleading team be in front of Qing Dao\'s cheering team?

Leaving the neurotic senpai behind, Sawamura went to Qingdo\'s conference room.

Tomorrow is the final of the Spring University, followed by the Kanto Conference.

Before the Kanto Convention is the Golden Week.

Sawamura\'s career in the first army is beginning to be formalized.