Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 41: :Invincible!

"This is too shameless!"

Minister Ota stared at the Kiryu batter who was on the court again with a short stick.

There are actually only a few ways to consume a pitcher\'s physical strength. Among them, the more high-end is of course the kind of Ryosuke Kominato, who constantly hits the ball out of bounds and entangles the pitcher\'s style of play.

With this style of play, you can only admire the skill of the batter. Your ball is constantly swept out of bounds by others, which can only prove that you are incompetent, and nothing else can prove.

In terms of consuming the physical strength of the pitcher, this is the most high-end method, and it is also the method that is most recognized by the public.

Of course, there are relatively high-end ones, but also relatively low-end ones. The lowest-end ones are probably the ones used by Kiryu High School in Osaka now.

This is almost a shameless way to consume the physical strength of the pitcher.

"This is a tactic they used to target Sawamura\'s tiredness. It\'s shameless, but I didn\'t expect Supervisor Matsumoto of Osaka Kiryu High School to be so afraid of Sawamura. Pushed to this extent..."

Takashima Rei crossed his arms, his pretty face flushed with anger.

Although she had some reservations about what she said, her meaning was even more excited than Minister Ota.

At most, Minister Ota said that he was shameless, and his methods were a bit rogue.

Here, Takashima Rei has directly started to question the strength of Osaka Kiryu High School. If you think about it carefully, it\'s right. If you really have the strength, why use such a low-handed method?

"There is no distinction between cleverness and inferiority in terms of tactics on the baseball field. Anything can happen, and Mr. Matsumoto can take it so seriously in practice games. Let\'s challenge it with gratitude."

Kataoka said.

on the field.

Sawamura and Miyuki\'s faces were not very good-looking. They obviously didn\'t expect that Osaka Kiryu High School\'s targeting would be so thorough.

However, neither of them is the kind of person who complains. Since the other party has made a move, they should deal with it.

And they don\'t question others\' tactics like Minister Ota and Rei Takashima did.

Both of them are typical pragmatists, no matter whether it is a black cat or a white cat, the one who catches the mouse is the good cat. Since there is no explicit prohibition in the rules, then whatever tactics they use are reasonable.

It is unknown if they were replaced, and from the standpoint of Osaka Kiryu High School, they did more than the other party.

Just like now, the opponent\'s tactical intentions are very clear, that is, they are ready to fight a protracted war.

Miyuki also let Sawamura throw the ball normally after weighing it.

With one out now, Sawamura wouldn\'t be a big problem even if he ran twice. In the remaining three rounds, Sawamura can completely unblock other ball paths.

For the time being, he only needs to let Sawamura use the quirk ball to last until the end of the game.

On the second ball, the hitter was short, and Sawamura rushed forward.

The batter retracts the bat again.

Already two strikes behind, the batter can no longer use the bunt tactics.

He had to hit the third ball, and he had to hit if he didn\'t.

At this time, Sawamura and Miyuki were also holding back their anger. Facing a shot that the batter must hit, Sawamura threw a floating ball.


After the white ball was hit, it flew high above the home plate.

Miyuki took a few steps forward and caught the ball in his glove.



Two outs, no one on base.

At this time, it was the batter\'s turn.

He can be regarded as the absolute offensive and defensive core of the entire Osaka Kiryu High School.

Three strikes out of the pavilion, for Qing Dao, has a very special meaning. Now it\'s two outs again.

-----This is the gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is the gorgeous dividing line---

It\'s a very good time for a decisive battle.

Miyuki hesitated, and finally gave up on this very tempting idea.

The current Sawamura\'s physical exertion is actually very high. He threw nine **** in a row, just got rid of two batters, and there were two forward defenses in the middle.

For the average pitcher, with nine **** and two rushes to get two outs, this trade is a good deal. But for a pitcher like Sawamura who averaged three goals to tackle a batter, this pace was too slow.

And this also increased Sawamura\'s physical consumption.

At this time, let Sawamura throw some sharp change balls. It\'s not that Sawamura can\'t throw them.

However, it will definitely consume Sawamura\'s stamina even more.

After scoring three outs in this inning, there were three full innings of fielding and at least two hits.

Can Sawamura survive?

In this regard, Miyuki had a big question mark in his heart.

"Forget it, just to congratulate you on your return from injury, so don\'t use Sawamura too much."

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Chris in the rest area, and Miyuki made a decision in his heart.

Before, because of his and Sawamura\'s mistakes, Sawamura\'s quirky ball was exposed in advance, which is equivalent to causing trouble for Chris, who provided the ball for Sawamura in the last three rounds.

Miyuki is also a person with clear grievances. He caused trouble to Chris before, and now he naturally wants to make up for it.

Cast according to the previous rhythm!

Seeing Miyuki\'s code, Sawamura nodded silently.

In the face of Takuya Hiromi, it is not without risk that only throwing quirky **** is not without risk.

So when throwing the ball, you must be Sawamura intends to throw the ball into the corner.

Just as he was posing, he saw Guan Guangmei, who was smiling slyly, took a bunt stance.

Yu Xing suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the figure on the strike zone in disbelief.

As the core of the team, the fourth. Does Guan Hiromi also implement tactics that consume Sawamura\'s stamina?

Although reluctant to admit it, the outcome of the fact is often hopeless.

Seeing Sawamura\'s pitch coming, Tate Hiromi did take the bat back.


"nice shot!"

At this time, I can\'t help but believe it.

The supervisor of Osaka Kiryu High School should have given a death order, and all the players should implement the tactics of consuming Sawamura\'s physical strength!

In this way, the next ball allocation will be more careful.

Miyuki glanced at the direction of the rest area of ​​Qingdao High School with great sympathy.

Miyuki can imagine the performance of Osaka Kiryu High School in the last three games.

Trouble, tricky!

The most unfortunate thing is that such trouble has nothing to do with him. Because in the last three games, he was not the one who gave Sawamura the ball.

Miyuki gives Sawamura the ball.

This time, Tate Hiromi is still short.


The baseball came flying, but Guan Hiromi didn\'t take the bat back like before.


The small white ball was knocked out and rolled right in front of Sawamura.

A ground bunt directly in front of the pitcher.

After the ball was hit, Guan Guangmei ran to first base like Sa Huan\'er\'s rabbit.

He is faster, Sawamura is faster.

Sawamura, who ran forward immediately after pitching, picked up the ball and gave it directly to the first base.



Guan Guangmei was directly banned and out of the game.

Three outs, offense and defense exchange.

In the second half of the sixth inning, it was Qingdao High School\'s turn to attack again.