Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 40: : Invitation (Salute to Xiao O)

After Fengxiang and Oda played, they basically played supporting roles.

There is no way, the current Sawamura is really too hot, and the audience\'s eyes always stay on Sawamura. The TV program group is not stupid, the audience rating is their god, and of course they have to meet the requirements of God.

Especially after the audience Q&A.

The audience Q&A is a bit like the kind of star public broadcast we are watching now. The audience asks questions on the Internet, and then the host at the scene picks up the questions that can be said.

In view of the trust in Sawamura, Qi Cao frequently interacts with Sawamura.

Although Sawamura tried hard to introduce the achievements of Fengxiang and Oda, he wanted to sell the two seniors like precious commodities.

But anyway, the effect is not great!

This show can\'t be said to be unpopular, but unfortunately, all the fire was on Sawamura, and not much was left on Fengxiang and Oda.

In this regard, Sawamura is also very helpless.

Fortunately, there is a point of consolation. After the show, Fengxiang and Oda both received invitations from famous high schools.

Hosho was invited by a well-known veteran of Nagano Prefecture.

There are two people who invited Oda. One is like Fengxiang, and the other is from Kanagawa.

Although the show did not achieve the effect Sawamura wanted, the final result was good.

When he got back to school, Sawamura saw Wakana staring at him seriously.

Being stared at by his childhood sweetheart, Sawamura was really a little hairy.

"What\'s wrong?"

"You don\'t know what you did? You asked me what\'s wrong."

Sawamura smiled bitterly. At this time, he really wanted to say something, if you chat like this, we won\'t be able to chat.

Of course, he didn\'t really do that. Through the extra ten years of experience in his previous life, Sawamura came to a conclusion.

That is, never try to reason with girls.

"Xie Qi, what\'s the matter?"

"See for yourself!"

Wakana handed her cell phone to Sawamura.


A platform for socializing and making friends. (Similar to blogs and Weibo. Hereafter collectively referred to as Amoeba blogs.)

It should be Sawamura\'s interface registered on it. The picture is of Sawamura wearing a hat, standing on the pitcher\'s mound and pitching the ball.

Then below is the number of followers.


Sawamura did not apply for this account on his own initiative, but before the program was recorded, the program team requested it, and the school helped to register it.

During Sawamura\'s live broadcast, his account kept scrolling at the bottom of the screen, so that viewers could directly follow his account.

"Two hours, 110,000!"

Sawamura himself couldn\'t believe the data.

Sports stars are indeed very popular in some aspects, but in terms of fame, they are definitely not comparable to those entertainment stars.

Take the amoeba blog as an example, Sawamura also registered for this blog in his previous life!

In his capacity as a major league relief pitcher, the number of followers is just over a million.

Now that he hasn\'t entered high school, and he hasn\'t even played in the national competition in middle school, his fans are one-tenth of the previous life.

This is not true!

As a sports star in his previous life, Sawamura certainly knew the importance of fans.

Although this has little to do with your salary, it has a lot to do with your income.

The income of sports stars is not all based on dead wages. Among them, endorsement of various business activities is the bulk.

Even if Sawamura had no concept of money, he knew that the more money, the better.

And the most interesting thing is that these fans who log in on his blog, there are two camps.

The Brotherhood of Brotherhood and the Demon King\'s Praetorian Guard!


Sawamura was intoxicated, Wakana quietly leaned into his ear and muttered something.

Scared Sawamura enough!

"Auntie has something to do, can you say it? Don\'t torture people like this."

"Do you feel happy to see so many little girls chatting with you privately?"

When Ruona didn\'t say anything, Sawamura didn\'t pay attention. When he came back to his senses, he found that his private messages were filled with a lot of confession letters.

Sometimes I have to admire the enthusiasm of the girls now.

Middle school and even high school students wrote letters of confession to Sawamura, but Sawamura reluctantly accepted it.

But there are still many elementary school students here who are also writing confession letters to him, asking for contacts.

In fact, it\'s too early to mature.

Sawamura turned off the private message and handed the phone to Wakana.

"You can help me manage it in the future, I don\'t have time."

After all, Sawamura is not a simple child who only has baseball in his heart, so it is impossible for him to ignore his fans on Weibo.

Since the future is going to be a professional player, all fans are Sawamura\'s parents.

It is natural to take care of your own parents.

"How do I manage it?"

Wakana blushed and her attitude was a little awkward, but she didn\'t seem to have the arrogant attitude she had before.

"Upload some videos of us playing regularly, and the information of the game is enough. Also, let\'s publicize the goodness of Chicheng Middle School and the brotherhood of our little friends."

People always subconsciously yearn for something beautiful. Especially when chasing idols, I hope that the idols I chase are perfect.

Perfection, Sawamura can\'t do it.

But being a popular person is not difficult. Sawamura is also a person who can infect others.

Nostalgia, gratitude, brothers, dreams, struggle...

These are originally things in Sawamura\'s own character, and these are also the mainstream values ​​of this country.

After finishing this matter, Sawamura specifically accepted an exclusive interview with the baseball boy.

The two sides are old friends. The first person to promote Akagi was the baseball boy. Facing such an old friend, Sawamura naturally took care of him.

To be honest, it is also fortunate that there are old birds like Sawamura, otherwise the general dark horse team will be replaced. At this time, it will be caught off guard just by the swarming media, let alone preparing for the national competition.

The baseball team of Akagi Middle School, because of the intervention of Arizawa Village, was not greatly influenced by the outside world, that is, it became prestige in front of its own relatives.

In the following they will go all out to prepare for the national competition.

The national competition starts in early August, when the first semester of the school officially ends.

The day before the end of the semester, Akagi Middle School received a call in the director\'s office.

"Hello, hello."

Because recently, the media has invited a lot of interviews, and Sano answered the phone more often. Sano didn\'t take this call too seriously.

"Hello, hello! I\'m Nishitokyo, the deputy head of the baseball club of Qingdo High School, Rei Takashima."

Qingdo High School!

Sano was a little confused.

Next to him, Hota\'s heart flew to his throat, and he kept winking at Sano.

"Oh, hello. What\'s the matter?"

Fortunately, Sano didn\'t say anything inappropriate.