Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 38: : interview

An interview with Nagano TV was a big deal for Akagi.

Principal Takada and Sano-sensei were hesitant to speak, and Sawamura probably guessed that this matter was very important to the school.

"Headmaster, if you have something to say, if you are hesitant, wouldn\'t it be bad if I misunderstood you?"

Guessing other people\'s thoughts is really not what Sawamura is good at. In contrast, he prefers to go straight.

Principal Takada and Sano exchanged glances, and the action was sneaky like a connection with an agent.

In the end, the two came to an agreement.

Although Sawamura is young, judging from his usual words and deeds, he is still relatively precocious. It is not impossible to discuss some things with him.

"This interview is very important to our school."

In the end, Sano said solemnly.

Hearing this statement, Sawamura wanted to buy a piece of tofu and kill his teacher. From their hesitant appearance, Sawamura also knew that the interview must be very important, isn\'t that nonsense?

Sawamura stared at Sano.

Sano also felt that what he said was not quite right. But he couldn\'t reveal more information to Sawamura. In case Sawamura accidentally revealed his mouth, it would hurt too much for these little guys who are about to participate in the national competition.

What if you win the Kanto Championship, your school may be banned.

"Can\'t tell me?"

Sawamura glanced at Sano, then at Principal Takada, and asked guessing.

Takada and Sano unanimously chose silence.

In this way, Sawamura has the number.

"Then you can tell me how to do it well, and I will cooperate."

Sawamura no longer hesitated.

If nothing else, for the sake of taking care of Principal Takada and Sano on weekdays, Sawamura would not be stingy when he could help them.

This question is much better answered.

"We must publicize the scenery of our Chicheng well, explain the school\'s support for the baseball team, and thank the leaders for their wise leadership."

Sano immediately threw out three principles.

Sawamura\'s brows are almost frowning!

You say that the school supports the baseball team, which is ridiculous. The other two questions, do reporters really ask when interviewing?

"I\'ll try my best!"

Sawamura got into the car with a heavy heart and rushed to Nagano City TV with Fengxiang and Oda.

Speaking of which, he was willing to be interviewed mainly because of Fengxiang and Oda. Until now, these two hard-working seniors have not received an invitation from a famous high school.

This is not because the two perform well enough, but the principle of poaching in high school.

High schools can poach potential middle school students, and the state has special policies for this. These policies include that the total number of people poached in each academic year shall not exceed five, the poached objects can be exempted from examinations, they can receive scholarships, and tuition fees are exempted, but accommodation fees and tuition and miscellaneous fees cannot be exempted.

Of course, these are all rules, rules are dead, and people are alive. For example, Qingdao, the top giant in the country in the original book, recruits thirty or forty people from all over the country to join the baseball team every year, and most of these people are recruited by their scouts.

There are many ways to circumvent national regulations and operate in the dark.

But one thing is unavoidable, and that is real money. If you recruit one, you will spend a share of money. Some masters with good performance and promising potential even have nutritional subsidies, scholarships, accommodation subsidies and so on.

All in all, a lot of money!

Such high consumption also limits the school\'s special enrollment quota. Local tyrant schools like Qingdao that can recruit 20 or 30 special students every year are also rare in the country.

Originally, there were not many famous high schools in a region, and the number of special admissions for each school was limited. In addition, the special recruits of famous high schools generally prefer those players who play juvenile baseball and hard ball.

In this way, it becomes extremely difficult for players in the Softball League to be recruited.

Even Fengxiang Ouichi, who is rated as one of the next-generation star players, has not received any invitation from any famous high school until now, but there are quite a few invitations from ordinary high schools.

Of course, this is mainly related to Feng Xiang\'s position. Not all positions in the Softball League are not favored by high school scouts. Some players with particularly outstanding characteristics are still relatively easy to be favored.

Take pitchers, for example.

No famous high school can resist the temptation of a good pitcher.

Another example is the fast player.

The main thing about stealing bases is speed, and everything else is secondary.

A position with tactical literacy and high technical requirements like a catcher. Junior baseball players who have received professional training in the Hardball League always seem to be more reliable than wild ones like Feng Xiang.

Fengxiang really likes baseball, and he is the most likely person in Akagi, except for Sawamura, to go down the road of baseball.

Such a partner, when Sawamura can help, of course he will help.

But within an hour, the car drove to Nagano TV.

On the TV station, there were already staff waiting for them.


After welcoming the three of them, they were led to a lounge, told to wait, and given a desk.

"what is this?"

Oda asked curiously while holding the desk.


Sawamura said without raising his head, he was serious about Taiben.

"Isn\'t it a live broadcast? Can I answer any questions?"

Oda was puzzled.

Sawamura couldn\'t help rolling his eyes at him: "Do you think everyone is naturally calm and can answer any question fluently? Of course, the questions he wants to ask must let us know in advance, so that we can prepare the answers in advance."

"So thoughtful!"

Oda was amazed.

When you watch others, you deserve to be doing a TV show, and what you think is comprehensive.

Sawamura sighed helplessly.

This kind of script is already very simple, and Sawamura has even come into contact with the kind of script that writes lines for guests.

As a baseball player, you just need to know how to play. But to be a baseball star, you don\'t have to be resourceful, but you have to be a performance artist.

For some contestants, UU reading has gained countless fans with the help of programs, commercials, and exclusive interviews.

Some contestants were completely blackened because of doing shows, shooting commercials, and doing exclusive interviews.

As a public figure, managing your own public image is also one of your tasks.

Although Sawamura is not good at these things, he has a more likable personality, and he did not lower his grades because of these in his previous life. In this life, do it all over again. Sawamura said that he couldn\'t be like his previous life again.

Be authentic and magnify your own strengths!

"It\'s also a challenge."

The player who played at the same time as Sawamura in the previous life, the best player to play this game is Narutomiya.

The guy pretended to be a good boy as soon as he was interviewed, acting like a big-tailed wolf.

"Have you finished reading the script, three classmates. Our live broadcast is about to start."