Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 36: : Win the championship!

At the same time that Yamaguchi stepped forward to pick up the ball, Sawamura went to the third base to fill in.

He didn\'t have any extra thoughts at that time, it was just a habit formed in his subconscious mind.

In baseball, any accident can happen. Although Sawamura\'s replacement, it seemed very futile at the time. Not to mention that Yamaguchi didn\'t have time to pass the ball to him, and Sawamura ran to third base after throwing the ball, and it was impossible to reach third base faster than Hattori.

But anything is possible.

What if Hattori fell in the middle of running, what if he didn\'t have time to step on the base bag?

No matter how small the odds are, there is a chance it will happen.

If the pie falls in the sky, if you don\'t look up, how can you let the pie fall in your mouth?

Well, farther away.

In a word, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

After Sawamura fills the position, in case the opponent makes a mistake, he can take advantage of it. If he doesn\'t pass, even if the opponent makes a mistake, and no one on your side fills in, it\'s a waste of opportunity.

This is the case this time, although the persuasion department did not fall, but Yamaguchi fell, the effect is the same.

Seeing Yamaguchi\'s fall, Hattori subconsciously glanced at Feng Ryo, who might have come up to fill the ball to block the ball. At this time, Feng Ran was obviously a little dazed and had no awareness of filling.

It was seeing this scene that Hattori thought he had a chance to hit home plate.

As soon as he thought of it, he ran straight to home plate.

But who knows, the mantis catching the cicada oriole is behind. Realizing that Sawamura, who was filling at third base, took a big advantage. Because he went to third base after pitching and acted later than Hattori, Hattori didn\'t notice him.

When Hattori passed third base, Sawamura arrived.

Then there is nothing to say, Sawamura quickly picked up the ball, sent the ball to the home plate to Fengxiang, and then Fengxiang will attack the home plate and kill Hattori out.

The incomparably consistent offensive momentum of Tianlong Temple was also slowed down because of this exit.

Once out, there are people at first and second base.

The game continues.

Sawamura secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and secretly said that it was dangerous.

If he hadn\'t subconsciously ran to the third base just now, the consequences would have been disastrous.

With Tenryuji\'s offensive momentum, Hattori\'s run back to home plate is not enough. A runner on second base will never stay on second base, and may go straight to third base.

That\'s a situation where a point is dropped, no one is out, and there are people at first and third base.

No one out, someone on first and third base.

With the cunning of the old fox Yamano Boguang, it is not difficult to get another point.

The score was tied at 2:2.

Then it\'s time for a playoff...

That\'s what baseball games are like, you\'re one step away from losing the whole game!

If Sawamura hesitated at that time, the six innings before this game would be equal to zero.

Looking at the bullpen of Tenryuji Middle School with fear, Sawamura stabilized his mind and began to deal with Tenryuji\'s fourth club Hirata.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

Strongly beat Hirata and chose to face off with Sawamura.

In fact, he was helpless. As soon as he was out, there were people at first and second base.

At this time, there is no room for bunt tactics.

After a series of incidents just now, Yamaguchi and Oda both came to their senses, and they didn\'t care whether Hirata used bunts or not, they directly stepped forward to defend, forcing the batter from Tenryu Temple to face off against Sawamura.

Hirata didn\'t have Hattori\'s bunt skills and speed, so he could only fight against Sawamura.

Face to face, Sawamura is still unequivocal.

Three goals strike out Hirata.

Two outs, man on first and second base.

In this way, unless Tenryu Temple hits Sawamura\'s ball, they will be powerless.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!"

"strike out!!!"

"At the end of the game, the Nagano Prefecture Akagi Middle School baseball team defeated the Tenryuji Middle School baseball team and won the 99th Kanto Conference championship!"

With the announcement of the passion for commentary, the entire Yokohama Stadium was in a frenzy.

Brothers of the Brotherhood of Chi-heart, all stood up and applauded Akagi.

Sawamura raised his hand with a smile and greeted the fans in the auditorium.

It\'s not easy to win this game.

In the stands, the two reporters look at me and I look at you.


"Well, eighteen!"

The strikeout record for a single game at the Kanto Conference, which was originally thought to be unprecedented, has been refreshed.

It was none other than Sawamura himself who broke this record.

In seven innings, with a total of 21 outs, Sawamura had 18 outs by strikeouts.

This is the Kanto final.

"Big news!"

said one of the reporters.

Another reporter nodded and said hesitantly, "Why don\'t I feel anything, compared to this game."

The reporter didn\'t finish his words.

This game, although the total time is very small, is surprisingly exciting.

Especially the continuous attack of Tenryuji Temple in the final stage.

With a total score of 2:0, Akagi Middle School, which broke into the Kanto Conference for the first time, defeated Tianlongji Middle School, the mortal enemy of the same county, and won the championship successfully.

"Thank you for your advice!!!"

"Thank you for your advice!!!"

At the end of the game, both sides salute.

Then shake hands with each other.

While shaking hands with Sawamura, Hattori gave Sawamura a thumbs up: "As expected of the Great Demon King, he is indeed amazing!"

When I was in a county, the friends of Tianlong Temple really didn\'t know that Sawamura\'s strength was so terrifying.

"To each other, to each other. Your last attack surprised me too."

Sawamura smiled wryly.

This game is really dangerous. The level of danger is not lower than the match with Yokozuna!

The most terrifying thing was that until the first half of the seventh round, he was still proud to think that everything was under his control.

In this way, Tianlong Temple almost turned over.

"The current middle school students can\'t be underestimated."

This game had a great impact on Sawamura. At first, he thought that with his experience and strength, it would not be easy to clean up a bunch of little kids. After all, this is a softball league competition, not a hardball league that receives formal training, and it is not a high school Koshien competition that can rival the competitiveness of professional baseball. (The top teams in the high schools of the island countries are qualified to challenge the professional baseball team, and in reality, such competitions are not without them.)

If the hardball league is professional, the softball league is the amateur.

Sawamura didn\'t like these amateur opponents too much at first, but after this game, Sawamura changed his previous views.

Both sides of the competition are the same people. Since they are the same everyone is equal and stands on the same starting line of competition.

For an equal opponent, what qualifications do you have to underestimate others?

On the other side, Nanami Haruka and Fengxiang Ouichi also met.


Nanami Haruka was not annoyed by losing the game, seeing that Feng Xiang was still very close.

As if the loser was not him.


"Have you decided to go to that high school?"

Feng Xiang was taken aback by the question.

"Isn\'t it possible, you haven\'t received an invitation from a famous high school yet, have you?"

Seeing that Feng Xiang did not speak, Qi Hai Yao asked gloatingly.

Feng Xiang\'s face sank immediately, this guy is too good at poking people\'s hearts.