Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 36: : 1 ground chicken feather (2 in 1)

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pps: Thanks to Xiaoxue and Xiaow for their generous donations!


Taipei\'s largest baseball stadium on Treasure Island.

There was an uproar.

Although there have been many dangerous scenarios before.

But from start to finish, nothing really happened.

So everyone\'s feeling is still relatively flat.

Usually when we talk about it, at most, we think of Cuba\'s ace pitcher, the guy named Catro.

When pitching, the hands are a little dark.

Dangerous ball paths are often used to scare people.

Relying on such bravado, he came to fight the players from the island country.

Although the method is not glorious, the effect is really good.


Even the fans of Treasure Island can clearly see that one of these players in the island country counts as one, and they are the elite of the elite.

The average strength of Cuban players is also good, and they can even be regarded as outstanding. But compared with the players of the island country, you can still feel the huge gap in strength between them. In this case, Cuban players will of course take some measures.

Who made them inferior to others?

In the case of incomparable strength, Cuba can only be a surprise victory.

Therefore, although the fans of Baodao felt that the Cuban players were a little bit omnipotent, they also expressed their understanding.

The gap is so obvious, no more strange tricks.

Isn\'t that waiting to die?

Instead of waiting to die, it is better to act in advance and fight against the opponent to break the net.

But strange tricks can be used, but it is another matter to really hurt people.

"Isn\'t that guy doing it on purpose?"

"I don\'t know what happened to that player? Although I didn\'t see any performance from him before, as the third player of the island country, he should also be one of the core players."

"Who said no!"

"It shouldn\'t be intentional. He greeted the opponent\'s head is just a strategy, the purpose is to intimidate the opponent to retreat. This kind of inside corner kick is usually very common. It\'s just that the player from the island country is too hard-tempered. choose back..."

The fans of Baodao, on the contrary, do not quite understand the choice of Meima.

In the face of such a dangerous path, shouldn\'t we retreat?

Even if you want to win the touch ball!

You also have to look at the ball, where did it hit, okay?

If it is on the body, such as the back and buttocks.

These patience will pass!

Is the brain a joke?

How is it possible to let the white ball greet him on his head?

"Isn\'t it impossible to dodge?"

"It shouldn\'t be. That pitcher named Catro has thrown several kinds of **** before. The players from the island country basically dodged, and that kind of ball should not be difficult to dodge. In other words, the opponent\'s main The purpose is not to hit people at all!"

But to force the batter to retreat!

The analysis of these fans of the island country is basically the public\'s view on this matter.

Although Mei Ma, as a victim, was hit on the head with a ball.

Then exit.

The scene was chaotic and the game was suspended.

But almost no one thinks that Cuba\'s Quatro did it on purpose.

According to their analysis, there are two possibilities for such a dangerous situation.

One is that Mei Ma did not choose to step back.

There is another possibility, that is, the current Catro is not in a normal state.

The ball was thrown out by Karl Ross before, and then Sawamura was walked away.

Fans can clearly see that there is something wrong with Cattro\'s state.

He throws this kind of ball when he\'s out of shape.

It\'s also possible that it wasn\'t intentional.

It is precisely because he did not intend to throw this kind of ball, so there is no way for Mei Ma to dodge.

This possibility is also there.

But in any case, these possibilities are just speculations and cannot be verified.

As long as Catello\'s brain is not broken, no matter how the referee and others ask him, he can\'t say that he did it on purpose.

Even if he really wants to shoot this way, he won\'t admit it to death.

What are the consequences of admitting it?

It\'s not just a matter of his personal exit, I\'m afraid the whole team will be disqualified.

You have no sportsmanship at all, how can people still compete with you?

Isn\'t this a joke?

Players from the island country, although many people don\'t have much friendship with the stinky beautiful horse.

That guy is crazy, basically he doesn\'t care about anyone, and in the island team, he is generally popular.

But no matter how popular they are, they are also brothers in the trenches.

Now that the brothers are being bullied, how can others stand by?

There\'s no way the game isn\'t suspended.

The players from the island country quickly surrounded him and surrounded Quatro.

The referee and several linesmen rushed forward to separate the crowd.

Everyone silently confronted each other without saying a word.

Every player from the island nation seemed to be able to shoot flames from their eyes.

Carter\'s face was full of guilt.

"Pause and return to their own resting areas."

The referee is still professional.

Although he also felt that there was something wrong with Catro\'s approach.

But in fact, the ball just now can only be regarded as an ordinary touch ball.

Just as everyone was besieging Catro, Sawamura and Miyuki followed the doctor to see him examine Meima.

"Breathing is normal, pulse is steady, and there are no symptoms of laxity in the eyes."

"The results of the preliminary examination should be only a short coma, and no problem can be seen for the time being. However, considering that the baseball has just hit the head, we recommend going to the hospital for further diagnosis."

The doctor of Baodao gave a detailed introduction.

Sawamura, Miyuki, including several other players, and Takeda Supervisor.

Everyone is listening.

That is nice!

It would be better if you could understand what he meant.

Although the reported doctor spoke enthusiastically and generously, who knew Chinese at the scene?

"It\'s translated, hurry up and find a translator!"

"After the game officially started, did the translator go to the toilet?"

"There is a lot of **** and urine on the lazy donkey!"

Director Takeda said angrily.

"He said he was going to the hospital for further testing."

Sawamura helped translate.

The other party spoke so fast that he could only vaguely hear a few words.

Temporarily, nothing, hospital, testing.

Sawamura\'s brain worked frantically for a while, and he almost guessed what the other party wanted to express.

"Okay, okay, go now!"

Supervisor Takeda personally escorted Mima to the hospital for further testing.

On the island country\'s side, they had to compete with the Cuban team without a coach present.

"These hateful guys must be taught a lesson before they can."

The bones on Cang\'s handle squeaked.

Not only him, but other players in the island country are also in a similar state.

It was enough that Catro used that dangerous path before.

Now it even hurts people!

Then they must educate each other well, and tell Catro that his three-legged cat skills won\'t work for everyone.

The previous ball counted as a touch, and the batter made it to first base.

The original runner on the base was pushed to the previous base.

In this way, the little black Carlos went to third base, and even Sawamura was sent to second base.

No one out, full base.

After a short period of chaos, the game resumed.

As the result of the ball just announced, Cuban just threw a touch.

not on purpose.

Although the players from the island country were very dissatisfied with this statement, the referee had made up his mind.

No one can change it.

The game resumed, and Miyuki stood in the strike zone.

No one out, full base.

This situation is perfect, especially for Miyuki Kazuya.

He is famous, and there are people on the base who are invincible in the world.

Once there are runners on the base, especially on the scoring lap.

His concentration, his striking strength, his past striking record.

It was all bright and dazzling.

At this time, there is no more reliable guy than him.

Hit the home run!

Hit it out! ! Hit it out! ! …

The island\'s lounge area and a corner of the grandstand.

There was an angry roar.

In their opinion, the Cuban players have been bullied to their doorstep, they can no longer remain silent no matter what, they must fight back fiercely.

Even if you don\'t speak with your fists, you have to use the bat in your hand to tell the Cuban players that everything they do is a clown, it\'s ridiculous, and it won\'t have any effect.


On the mound of the Cuban team, the guy who just wounded a man off the field.

Now pitching has not been affected in any way.

The moment Quatro pitched the ball, the players from the island country basically turned ugly.

If it was said that Catro had a problem with his state when he faced off against U.S. horses before.

That\'s it!

Often walking by the river, how can there not be wet shoes?

Injuries are unavoidable in long-term battles on the court.

Although these players in the island country are not very old, they have played baseball for a long time, and they have a very clear understanding of this.

So if that\'s the case, they can understand.

But now, there is no problem at all with the **** that Catro threw.

What does this mean?

Will a pitcher who has already collapsed immediately cheer up when he throws someone off the field?

The island nation played baseball veterans, and in the years they played, they had seen all kinds of players.

They also have their own judgments about what Catro is doing now.

This guy did it on purpose before!

Players from the island country don\'t mind guessing Catro with the greatest malice.

They guessed that Catro must have done it on purpose.

If it wasn\'t intentional, there\'s no reasonable explanation at all for what\'s happening in front of you.

"This nasty guy!"

The players in the rest area were furious.

Miyuki on the strike zone didn\'t swing, he chose to let go of the first ball.

Although he did this, it did not mean that there was no anger in Miyuki\'s heart.

Miyuki, who has always believed in using baseball to settle disputes.

After seeing the hateful true face of Catro, he has given up his original naive idea.

His original idea was very effective against those players who had no problems with their nature.

Maybe, it can also stimulate each other\'s interest and make them love baseball more.

But such an approach is for Cuban players, for Catello.

I\'m afraid it won\'t have much effect.

If you want to deal with such a guy, you must fight tooth for tooth and blood for blood.


When Catello threw the second ball over, Miyuki on the strike zone suddenly moved.

He used all his strength to hit the white ball abruptly.


After the white ball was hit, it did not fly high or low.

The baseball flew straight towards Catello on the mound.

The fans from the China Treasure Island team in the stands were immediately stunned.

"I go!"

"It\'s too fierce!"

Players from the previous island country gave up accountability so easily.

This made the Treasure Island fans in the stands feel injustice for them.

This is too bullying!

Unexpectedly, that\'s not the case at all.

These players in the island country don\'t look like soft-footed shrimp, they are just as ruthless as they should be.

Take Miyuki in front of him as an example.

In everyone\'s impression before, he was always smiling, and he couldn\'t see anything special at all.

If it was on the Qingdo High School baseball team, Miyuki Kazuya\'s strength would be commendable.

But in the current island almost all the players are star players, even Miyuki is not so outstanding in such a team, and it is difficult for everyone to notice him.

I didn\'t expect it to be this guy. At a critical moment, he shot when it was time to shoot, and went back directly.

Sawamura, who was at the second base, went straight into the state when he saw Miyuki doing this.

He felt that Miyuki\'s state was too strange, and he had to pay close attention to it.

In Sawamura\'s field of vision, Miyuki hit the ball directly at the pitcher.

The speed of this ball is much faster than when the baseball was thrown just now!

On the surface, it seems to be flying directly towards the pitcher.

But in Sawamura Eijun\'s vision, the ball didn\'t really hit the pitcher.

It is about half a meter away from the other party.

At the critical moment, Miyuki did not lose his humanity.

He still chose to be merciful.

While showing mercy, he actually made a target.

The baseball hits behind the pitcher!

Under such circumstances, Cuban players may have a hard time making defenses.

As long as the Cuban players didn\'t have time to field, the baseball went straight to the outfield.

That is, the sea is wide and the fish leaps, and the sky is high for the birds to fly.

No one can stop the players from the island nation trying to do something.


One by one, their players would return to home plate.

Sawamura thinks this thing too well, but the real situation is not the case.

In Sawamura\'s field of vision, the guy who didn\'t seem to have any backhand strength made an extraordinary move at a critical moment. He used his gloved hand to directly target the flying white ball, and He firmly grabbed the ball into his glove, and the whole court was silent with a snap, and at this moment there was no sound.