Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 34: : The little speaker has started broadcasting!

There are many strange things in the world, just say a person\'s name has nothing to do with his appearance and personality. What is called \'handsome\' is not necessarily easy to see there, and what is called \'bin\' is not necessarily polite.

But what\'s interesting is that a person\'s "nickname" can often be a good indicator of the person\'s character or appearance.

A sunny girl with short hair and ears, with the word \'snow\' in her name.

This word often gives people a pure, beautiful, peaceful and beautiful impression, but these have nothing to do with the girl named \'Xue\'.

\'Snow\' has a nickname, which was given by his friend Sakura Kusaka. After he came out, he immediately became famous in Qingdao colleges and universities, and became a veritable person as his \'name\'. (referring to nickname)

This nickname is \'Little Madman\'!

It is conceivable that a girl\'s nickname is \'little madman\', so how could she be involved with Tranquility?

\'Xue\'\'s parents are teachers, his father is a teacher at Qingdao High School, and his mother is a kindergarten teacher. In this country, the family has the so-called family inheritance. Most of the children raised by a teacher\'s family have a bit of an intellectual atmosphere.

\'Snow\' has avoided the fine genes her parents have inherited from her.

This is a man who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos!

Her family lives near Qingdao, and on Saturday afternoon when no one was bothered, the little aunt planned to wear less clothes at home and relax.

Unexpectedly, I saw an amazing scene downstairs, by the river.

Several third-grade seniors went to bully first-grade juniors.

How could someone with such a strong sense of justice like \'Xue\' endure it, seeing his younger brother being bullied?

So she made a special call to invite her friends to come and watch. She really couldn\'t bear to see it by herself, so she planned to ask someone to watch it together.

After telling Kusama Sakura, Xue Le was overwhelmed listening to Kusaka Sakura\'s eager performance on the phone.

So much fun!

Originally, she only wanted to invite Sakura Kusama, but after thinking about it, it seemed like a waste. Especially seeing Sakura Kusanagi\'s nervousness, Xue even thought that she couldn\'t enjoy herself alone, so she had to ask the little sisters to enjoy it together.

A person like a \'madman\' will definitely have nothing to say in diplomacy. At Qingdao High School, the three-year-old sisters, including the elementary school girl who just entered the school, the \'madman\' looked around, all of them were acquaintances.

In the society, my sister "Xue", looking at Qingdao, it is all old iron!

It was so lively that Sister Xue couldn\'t bear to waste it, so she quickly called the sisters who had a crush on Qingdao High School baseball players and told them to come and watch the fun together.

"Hey, sister Takako, come on, something big happened to your baseball club! What do you not know? I tell you, you must never tell anyone that the third grade is by the river in our school, teaching a lesson to a younger brother."

"Who do you teach? Who else, of course, is junior Sawamura. Poor junior Sawamura, with thin skin and tender meat, how can he bear it."

"You want to come, hurry up, if you don\'t come, you won\'t see the last time!"

The \'little madman\' opened his mouth, and the ground shook.

After several processing and deliberation, the words finally came out of the mouth of \'Xue\', and it has nothing to do with the truth.

Takako is the manager of the baseball club in the third year of Qingdo High School.

When she heard that when the third grade was besieging Sawamura by the river, she hurriedly called Captain Jicheng, but unfortunately she didn\'t get through. (At this time, he was concentrating on his duel with Sawamura, and there was time to answer the phone there.)

Then Takako informed the vice-captain Jun Isashiki, but there was still no news.

Several third graders can talk and count, and none of them answer the phone. I finally got on the phone with Danbo. Danbo just rested today and went home!

How to do this?

Although he didn\'t want to make things worse, Takako was even more afraid of what would happen if that blind man hurt Sawamura? Although Qing Dao\'s previous style has always been very good, but there are hundreds of people, all kinds of people.

No one dared to say that Qing Dao did not have a fainted mind.

If there was an emergency, Qing Dao wouldn\'t have time to cry. In the baseball club of colleges and universities, it is not uncommon for violent incidents to occur. There are even teams that have won the right to play in Koshien, but they are disqualified because of violent incidents.

Especially recently, Akaya and Sawamura were promoted out of the ordinary, and the third grade was not without complaints.

Women are always more emotional. They can\'t understand the world where men\'s strength is respected. They don\'t know that the third graders of Qingdao are actually more welcoming to Fukugu Akira and Sawamura than jealous.

Nothing is more important than the summer competition, than Koshien. Even if they can\'t join the first army, most of them are sincerely happy when they see the team is good. After all, this is the team they\'ve been working for for three years. (The most important thing is that most of the third-year players also know how much weight they have after three years of big waves. If they are freshmen, or hopeful second-year students, they are far from the open-mindedness of third-year students. )

For a time, Takako had mixed feelings in his heart.

She is also not at school at this time, it is very far away from the school, and it will take at least two hours to get there.

But now the situation is critical, let alone two hours, even if it is half an hour, ten minutes, things are likely to be out of control.

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. Takako gritted his teeth and called the best talking minister Ota among the three giants. UU Reading

After receiving the call, Ota scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, but what can he do?

The third-year players have gradually matured and are about to retire. It is hard to say whether the words of his minister can stop these players who have lost control of their emotions.

In a hurry, Ota notified Kataoka again.

On Saturday, the players of the first army were resting because the game had just ended. The second and third armies are scrambling to practice pitching and various strength training in the pitching machine.

Kataoka himself was thinking about the finals tomorrow and the arrangements for the Kanto Conference after that.

"Supervisor, something is bad!"

At this time, Ota Kyu rushed in and told Kataoka the news he had just received.

By the small river next to the school, the third grade is beating Zecun.

The third-year player was brought out by Kataoka. Of course, he did not believe that his disciple would do such an outrageous thing.

But everyone is a young man with strong vigor. If you really want to have a quarrel, you can\'t control it, and it\'s not impossible.

"Go! Go and see!!"

Kataoka stood up and went to the river next to the school with Ota.

At this time, Sawamura and the others didn\'t know, because when the small speaker broadcasted, they originally planned to hide Kataoka\'s private duel, and they were about to be caught.

The second and third rounds were separated by a small half-hour, the purpose was to allow the third graders to exchange information with each other.

"It\'s time to start!"

With that said, Chris is about to change the catcher\'s equipment.

"Wait a moment!"

Thanks to the dim journey and the generous tip of the snowman.

I finally asked for a recommendation, this is the last day.

Oh, what a shame! !

Forget it, there is no such thing as a banquet in the world, and in the future, brothers and sisters will accompany the bear to go down together.

I have to say, it\'s great to have you here!