Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 3: Union testimonials

Overnight, there were three more alliance leaders.

Although no one started from scratch, everyone was rewarded one by one from old friends.

But the little bear was still moved...

Speaking of conscience, is it written by Little Bear?

of course not.

Written better than Little Bear, thousands.

To get such a lot of love, it all depends on everyone\'s willingness to support.

Although we are in the real world, we all have our own lives and live our own different lives.

But here, we have the same nostalgia and memory.

In order to repay everyone, Little Bear can only write as much as possible and write as well as possible.

After bowing to death and dying~

Well, seriously, I feel so fake. However, the mood is the same.

Xiao Yuanyuan, an old book friend, suddenly broke out and scared the bear\'s gall bladder.

Xiao Zhizhi\'s death, let alone the three book friends who came along all the way, now you are the only one left. Although we don\'t chat much, we have known each other for a year. You have become a solace in Bear\'s life.

As long as I write, don\'t leave.

Even if you don\'t like reading books, leave a message and let me know that you are fine, that\'s fine.

And sister Benji!

New book friend, the time we met was a little bit worse than the two old fritters. But we communicate the most.

Thank you for supporting me all the time, Little Bear is grateful.

When he woke up, there were three more alliance leaders. Little Bear didn\'t know what to say.

Still the same sentence, add QQ group 463813203.

The three of you, plus the chubby bookworm, make a total of four.

Another one will be drawn from the group.

Little Bear gives you a gift in return!

If you don\'t add an address to the group before 12 noon tomorrow. Then all are counted in the lottery, so everyone has no opinion, right?

Little Bear\'s heart, thank the three local tyrants!

Also, count the number of chapters we owe.

Xiao Yuanyuan has 14 changes, Xiao Zhi Zhi\'s death has 10 changes, flying knives have 10 changes, Benyu\'s sister has 6 changes, Victor\'s arrival has 2 changes, Uchiha Han has 2 changes, and the three leaders add 3 changes. A total of 47 chapters!

The old rule is, start with the youngest, pay Victor first, then Xiaohan, and so on.

In the last sentence, the reward is exciting, as if you were suddenly served a full-fledged Manchurian feast. But subscriptions are what it is!

If possible, please subscribe your friends.

Little Bear, please! !


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