Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 28: : Advanced buff!

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pps: Thanks to the snowman, jk, w, and Xiaoyu for their generous rewards! ! Today is the party\'s birthday. To be honest, Little Bear feels that our country has done a good job in recent decades. Although there are still some small flaws, but overall, it is definitely the hardest and best political party in the world today. Little Bear wishes, happy birthday! !


The entire stadium fell into a brief silence.

In fact, the atmosphere at the scene became very quiet as early as the moment when I saw Xunlei City swing the bat.

The audience\'s eyes widened in disbelief, looking at the man on the strike zone.

Is this guy really a high school student?

No wonder the audience on China Treasure Island made such a fuss.

In fact, just this spring, when the city of Thunder had just entered the Jiaziyuan.

His indomitable swinging style seems to be terrifying to blast the whole world out.

It shocked countless fans of the island country.

Now, it\'s just a turn of the wind.

It was the turn of the Baodao fans again, and their hearts were shocked.

In the rest area of ​​the island country.

Several players spoke in a sour voice.

"This guy is playing, and the deterrent effect is really good!"

"In terms of striking strength, he has designated the top three in our generation, right?"

"Unfortunately, my brain is not very good..."

The mood of these players in the rest area is undoubtedly complicated.

Thunder City may not be considered an idiot, but among these people, his IQ definitely belongs to the state of long-term arrears.

Something is missing in the mind.

This is not one person\'s opinion, but almost all players have such an idea.

These players from the island country who joined the national team, looking at Honglei City, are more or less condescending.

But it is such a guy that they don\'t pay much attention to on weekdays.

Once on the court, once in the strike zone, they can display strength that makes them envious and even jealous.

"Quack! Quack quack!!!"

Thunder City, who scored a home run, still had a piercing laughter.

It took a long time for the audience to react, and then they immediately burst into applause.

"Clap clap, clap clap!!!..."

"That guy, it must be too amazing..."

"Who is he?"

"Island, Thunder City!!"

It is said that a battle to become famous, a guy like Thunder City, does not even need a battle, it is enough to become famous.

It was as if all eyes on the scene were now focused on him.

People looked at him as if they were looking at a future emperor superstar.

The batter\'s risk, compared to the pitcher\'s, is much smaller.

That is to say, there are no surprises of that extremely rare probability.

This guy\'s future is limitless!

Fans of China Treasure Island, looking at the thunder city in front of them, seem to be watching a rising superstar.

Eijun Sawamura and Thunder City ran back to home plate one after another.

Help the team score two points.

In addition to the point scored by Eijun Sawamura before, in the first game, the island country took a full two-point lead.

The fans in the stands were quite enthusiastic after seeing such a scene.

They gave the most sincere applause to the players on the field.

Regardless of the position, the players on the field performed really well.

With such a wonderful game, how could they be stingy with their praise?

Sawamura Eijun and Thunder City greeted the surrounding fans in a round of applause.

By the way, the palms of the two also clapped together and celebrated each other.

Supervisor Takeda had set a goal for them before, trying to score points in the first game.

It now appears that their mission is accomplished.

This is not the first game, and it won three points cleanly.

The total score became 3:0.

The supporters from the island nation in the stands, especially the fans of Eijun Sawamura.

Very excited at this time.

Their big devil, they know too much!

Sawamura Eijun has been famous since he became famous, except when he was in middle school at the beginning.

At that time, the teammates around him were not very strong.

Sawamura Eijun has suffered a few dumb losses and lost more than two points.

Eijun Sawamura has never dropped more than two points in any game since his teammates became more reliable.

Right now, they have scored three points in the first inning, and standing on the pitcher mound is Eijun Sawamura.

Although this game has just begun.

But for fans of Eijun Sawamura, and even fans of the entire island nation.

They are all already winning.

Fans who watched broadcasts and live broadcasts on TV or the Internet were also very excited.

At this moment, I don\'t know how many people high-five and celebrate.

Cuba\'s previous performance was so good that many people worried that the collision between the island country and Cuba might cause trouble.

Losing is not enough, everyone is not so pessimistic yet.

But fighting hard is probably inevitable.

They didn\'t want to have that experience before meeting the North American team.

Unexpectedly, today\'s game will be so smooth, at the beginning, they occupied such a huge advantage.

It seems that the suspense of the game is about to be killed.

They are sure to win!

With this belief, everyone\'s applause and cheers became more enthusiastic.

At the position of the home plate, Sawamura gave a thumbs up to Thunder City.

He has also seen Catro\'s pitching.

Although it is not to say that it is completely impossible to hit, it is not so easy to hit well or even hit a home run.

Sawamura only managed to score a second-base bat when he was on the hook.

The Thunder City in front of him actually hit a home run.

Sawamura might not be able to compare his heart to his heart and put himself in the position of Thunder City.

At this time, he could only truly admire it.

Nice job!

Once he put down the bat in his hand, Thunder City no longer had that terrifying aura on the strike zone.

His face flushed, and he turned into that shy boy again.

In fact, the current Thunder City has made very, very big progress compared to what he was before.

In the past, he would blush even when talking to people.

Now, at least he can communicate with others.

Just like the high-five with Sawamura Eijun before, in the past, Thunder City would never do it.

Now, he has really changed a lot.

Of course, it is difficult for outsiders to understand this.

Far away in the island country of Tokyo, Mishima watched the game on TV.

Eyes are red!

World Series with hundreds of millions of viewers.

Such a meaningful game, he was not able to participate.

That old boy Takeda is really blind.

However, that guy is as scary as Mishima, on the surface he is joking, but he is also very arrogant inside.

But when he met the Thunder City, he had no temper at all.

His ability is comparable to others of his kind.

Guys like Thunder City and Eijun Sawamura.

I am afraid that it has already exceeded the scope of human beings!

Compared with that kind of guy, he is completely uncomfortable for himself.

Mishima gave up!

The whole field was full of thriving.

The island nation took a three-point lead from the very beginning, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

In contrast, Cuba at this time, like eggplants beaten by frost, is completely wilted.

They looked at the players from the island country with confusion in their eyes.

The difference is too big!

Although they are reluctant to admit it, it is the truth.

The gap between the two sides is much larger than Cuba originally imagined.

I dare not say everyone, but at least four or five players have given up winning the game at this time.

They simply don\'t think they have a chance to turn a defeat into a victory.

At this time, their only pursuit is probably not to let themselves lose so ugly.

If the Cuban players, all maintain this idea.

That game could almost be declared to end early.

But unfortunately, not everyone in the Cuban team thinks that way.

At this time, there are still people with different ideas.

Their eyes were still burning with flames, and there was fighting spirit in their eyes.

They didn\'t give up.

Especially the man on the pitcher\'s mound, although his appearance is not very good, but his eyes exude a dazzling brilliance.

"Is this an island country? This is the number one in the world? It\'s amazing! Hee hee, that\'s what it\'s like, that\'s what makes it interesting."


The game has just started!