Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 27: : weird

After replacing Fujita, the Nishikyo High School baseball team still lost a point.

But the whole situation has obviously improved a lot.

Especially when he won the double play at the last moment, it seemed to give the players of the Xijing High School baseball team a powerful boost.

Bring them back to life.

In this way, do they have the qualifications to compete with the Qingdo High School baseball team?

Don\'t be silly, the players at Xijing High School are all 16 or 17 year olds, not so naive.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great, and they don\'t dare to think that way at all.

But here is the stage of Koshien, any flashy performance of them will be magnified infinitely.

Not to mention, there are countless folks in my hometown watching their games in front of the TV.

There were even as many as 2,000 people who came from Kyoto to watch their games.

There are their relatives, friends, classmates, villagers and elders...

Although these 2,000 people are placed in the audience seat of the entire Koshien Arena, they can only occupy a sporadic corner.

Even Sawamura Eijun\'s fans are far inferior to him.

But these people, after all, are here to support themselves.

Even if it\'s for them, I have to play well myself.

With this belief, the players of Xijing High School are very positive.

They didn\'t miss any opportunity and tried their best to make every detail.

In order to have an explanation for his trip to Jiaziyuan.

Once people let go of those complicated thoughts, they can do things practically.

On the contrary, their strength and characteristics are more obvious.

At the beginning of the first half of the second inning, the batter from the Xijing High School baseball team felt relieved.

They felt that their bodies were light enough to go head-to-head with Sawamura Eijun.

That feeling is very strange, even a little indescribable.

For example, if the players of the Xijing High School baseball team felt that they were pressing down on a mountain before.

The mountain was so heavy that they could hardly breathe.

Now that mountain is gone.

They just want to run forward.

They don\'t need to carry any burdens, their bodies are naturally a lot lighter.

Sawamura Eijun was keenly aware of the changes in the Xijing players.

The fourth stick standing on the strike zone was Fujita who was just replaced.

Originally, this position was supposed to be their previous ace. I think that guy is average in pitching, but his attacking strength should be good.

Otherwise, even out of tactical considerations, it would be impossible to arrange him in a position like the fourth.

The 4th stick always has a special meaning.

If the players in this position perform too poorly, the team\'s face will not look good.

It\'s just that he is a freshman in the first grade now, how much strength can he have?

Sawamura\'s eyes narrowed slightly.

He opened his stance and threw the small white ball in his hand.

Fujita on the strike zone has a taste of a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers.

Sawamura, who was looking at the pitching ball, wanted to see what kind of ball the Great Demon King could throw.

As a result, nothing was seen.

Eijun Sawamura\'s gloves and body completely covered his throwing arm.

Sure enough, it was the same as in the rumors.

In this way, it is difficult to predict the timing accurately.

Only wait for the ball to enter your hand before swinging the bat!

Fujita\'s theoretical knowledge was very good, and these things flashed through his mind instantly.

Then he waited for the baseball to fly over before he could identify the direction and choose the timing of his swing.


Without any warning, the white ball suddenly flew out.

So fast!

Fujita\'s pupils suddenly widened.

The moment he saw the white ball, the white ball had come to him.

Before his brain could issue an order, the white ball had already passed through his hand and got into Miyuki Kazuya\'s glove.


"nice shot!!"

After really seeing Sawamura Eijun\'s pitching, Fujita Yasun didn\'t get scared.

My mother! This is too scary! !

He didn\'t even have time to react.

Sawamura Eijun\'s ball, in his opinion, is not inferior to the 160-kilometer ball thrown from the pitching machine.

He has really seen the 160-kilometer ball, from the pitching machine.

Who can hit this kind of ball?

Just kidding.

Fujita, who has just entered high school, has met two giants before.

But his eyesight and knowledge are still too little.

He didn\'t realize the horrors of high school baseball at all.

High school baseball is two completely different stages from high school baseball.

In fact, some clues can be seen from their age.

Let me ask, can a 14-year-old boy compare with a 17-year-old boy?

A newcomer who has just entered high school, no matter what terrifying talent he has, he is still too immature after all.

Not to mention that Sawamura Eijun used a blocking pitch, even if Sawamura Eijun had never used such a posture, his speed of the ball alone was not something that Fujita could hit.

"nice shot!"

"nice shot!!"

"nice shot!!!"

"strike out!!"

"strike out!!!"

"strike out!!!!"


There is no suspense, as Sawamura Eijun made 9 pitches.

The fourth, fifth and sixth of the Xijing High School baseball team.

Has been struck out successively.

The three fan groups in the stands who came to cheer on Sawamura Eijun were going crazy with excitement at this time.

"Demon King! Demon King!!"

They like to see the scene in front of them, the scene where the big devil crushes everything.

No matter who came?

In the end, there will be no change in the results, and they are all overthrown.

As for a dark horse like Xijing High School, if you are lucky, you can just hit other teams.

I want to attack the Qingdo High School baseball team and the big devil.

They are still a long way off!

The aura of the Xijing High School contestant just rose up, and was immediately slapped down by a slap.

Fortunately, they also thought about it before. They understood their situation very well, and it was impossible for them to be the opponents of Qingdao and Sawamura.

In this case, the only thing they can do is to do their best to play their roles.

In the second half of the second inning, the Qingdao High School baseball team attacked.

It was the ninth turn to hit Aso.

Except for Jin Wan, the previous friends all performed well.

This is also very stimulating to Aso.

Although he was unwilling to only serve as the ninth baseball team of Qingdao High School.

But right now, it\'s not the time when he can try to usurp the throne.

Now his top priority is to show his strength as soon as possible and let Director Kataoka know that he is still very qualified.

The competition for the position of the outfielder is too fierce.

Don\'t look at Aso wearing the main back number, but in fact, he is not on the court for at least half of the team\'s games.

His position is to rotate a certain pitcher, sometimes even a potential freshman.

Under such circumstances, how could Aso not be in a hurry?

He was very anxious and really wanted to show his strength as soon as possible.

After standing on the strike zone, a pair of eyes stared at the opponent\'s pitcher.

He made up his mind to hit the flying baseball.

God seemed to have heard Aso\'s expectations, so Fujita quickly threw a ball.

The white ball whistled and came to Aso in the blink of an eye.

Aso was very positive. He believed that he could see the ball very clearly.

So I didn\'t think too much about I just swung the bat out of my hand.


The bat really caught the white ball. After the ball was hit, it bounced to the ground.

He was caught in his glove by the flower shape at the first base position.

And then to first base.

At the first base position, someone has already been there to fill in.

He caught the ball very smoothly and raised his glove.

"Get out!"

There was no suspense. Aso, who had just played, was just out of the game.

In the rest area of ​​the Qingdo High School baseball team.

Sawamura Eijun and Miyuki also looked at each other, and both saw doubts in each other\'s eyes.

From the point of view of them standing on the sidelines, Aso\'s swing was too early.

And it was a lot earlier.

Although his strength in the Qingdao High School baseball team was not top-notch.

But he was able to become the main No. 7 of the Qingdo High School baseball team.

There should be no doubt about Aso\'s personal abilities.

Ordinarily, a 140-kilometer ball won\'t make him make a mistake in judgment, right?



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