Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 27: : Consequences of thinking too much

Just when Hirota was intoxicated, Akagi Middle School\'s second runner in the game, Xilio, came on the court.

As soon as he played, he listened to the decision of Mr. Sano to make a substitution in the bullpen of Akagi Middle School.

"Akagi asks for a substitution!"

In the cowshed of Tenryuji Middle School.

The old fox Yamano Boguang\'s eyes flashed a hint of clarity.

Sure enough, Chicheng\'s arrangement was the same as he thought.

"Akagi asked for a replacement runner, first base Hirota was off, and Oda Honda was first base."

Hirota, who was intoxicated at first base, reluctantly left base.

Genius is always envied, he\'s good at first base, but he can\'t.

"What do you think?"

Seeing Hirota\'s face, Sawamura slapped the guy on the shoulder.


Hirota looked as if he had done something wrong and was caught, and he was guilty of death: "It\'s nothing, it\'s nothing!"

Of course Sawamura knew that Hirota would not be as honest as he said, but he didn\'t take it seriously either.

"Don\'t think too much, it\'s not your time yet, half a year is too short, you\'re not qualified to stand on first base."

As Hattori and the others expected, there is a reason why Hirota has not been selected as the main force. It\'s not impossible for him to be an outfielder, but considering Akagi\'s lineup after Oda and Fengxiang left, Sawamura had to reluctantly give up this very tempting idea.

For the past six months, Hirota has been practicing as a first baseman.

He was so unprofessional before that if he had to train as an outfielder and a first baseman at the same time, he might not care about either.

At the beginning, Sawamura arranged for Hirota to practice hitting the first pitch, just like what Hirata guessed for the fourth pitch at Tenryu Temple, he had the idea of ​​hitting the third pitch with a date or no date. What if he hit base?

No, Zao was hit by him.

Now that the jujube was hit, and no one was out, someone went to first base. Of course Akagi will not miss this scoring opportunity.

So Hirota went off the field, and Oda, who was fast and experienced in stealing bases, went to first base.

As for Hirota, because the guy is rich in nutrients, his physical fitness is very good, and his speed may not be slower than that of Xiaotian! But it would be too reluctant to let this young master see the opportunity to steal bases!

In his own words, the kind of thing that observes other people\'s faces is not suitable for him, Master Hirota.

The relationship between Sawamura and Hirota is similar to that of master and apprentice. There is such a disciple, Sawamura is also very helpless.

Talented, but not mainstream. I haven\'t gotten stronger yet.

For him, Sawamura\'s expectation was to just play when he was in school. As for development, with the family and character of the young master Hirota, he cannot reach the top.

Oda replaced Hirota Feiyi!

Seeing this scene, everyone in Tianlong Temple looked very ugly.

They all guessed wrong, but they still stared at the list and studied it carefully for a long time, thinking that there must be a conspiracy in Chicheng. In the end, people just planned it with the intention of giving it a try, in case it works.

At this time, they all know that they are thinking too much!

But knowing that it\'s useless, now Oda has been on base. It is conceivable that Akagi is bound to be a stormy attack next.


Just as everyone in Tianlong Temple was stunned, Akagi\'s second shot, Feng Liang, shot. He also swings on the first pitch, with a bunt.

Bunt walk, wind cool speed is not enough to go to base, but it is no problem to walk Oda to second base.

Once out, Oda went to second base.

In the cowshed of Tenryu Temple.

The old fox, Yamano Boguang, stared at Feng Liang who was on the end and suddenly said, "This little player\'s bunt is good."


Where is this from?

The friends of Tianlong Temple are still immersed in shock and annoyance, why did Supervisor Yamano come up with such a sentence.

"Teacher Yamano?"

The assistant coach asked curiously.

Yamano returned to his calm appearance.

"I understand Sawamura\'s intention to change the match."

"The first is the fast Oda, and the second is a role player who has good tactical bunts. Then the third and fourth hits are used to score points. It\'s a simple and clear arrangement."

Yamano Hiromitsu said with admiration: "Akagi also knew that the extra game was not good for them, so they didn\'t think about playing the extra game at the beginning. Their ideas and practices were very simple, that is, to win by surprise. As long as they can win a point, Akagi believes that You will win by yourself.”

"Then shall we delay it?"

the assistant coach asked.

"No, we have to fight hard."

The old man Yamano gave a secret signal to the players on the field.


With Fengxiang and Sawamura, all face to face, use strength to solve them.

Such a code made Hattori and Nanami Haruka both shocked, and then their eyes began to burst into a strong light.

The strong, of course, are eager to fight against other strong.

Being able to fight against batters like Fengxiang and Sawamura made Nanami Haruka and Hattori particularly excited.


The assistant coach of Tenryu Temple changed his voice.

That\'s all for Feng Xiang, Sawamura\'s attack is very restrained by Qi Hai. Would it be too risky for the coach to do this?

Although there are people at the second base now, the situation in Tianlong Temple does not seem to be to the point where it is necessary to fight the opponent.

The old man Yamano sat down again, and at this time he regained the demeanor of the previous top coach.

Because he was too wary of Akagi and too wary of Sawamura, even the old man Yamano himself became conservative.

After Oda got to second base, the first thought in his mind was what to do after losing points?

In the heart of the old man Yamano, it seems that Akagi will definitely win this point.

But how is this possible?

Without any hitter\'s success rate, it would be 100%. Why should he worry about Sawamura and Akagi?

The game is not whoever loses points loses, but the side who loses more points loses.

"Since Akagi wants a fast-paced game, let\'s play a fast-paced game. Even if we are behind for a while, as the game progresses, it may not be us who are disadvantaged."

Sawamura is the engine of Akagi, and Haruka Nanami is the engine of Tenryuji.

In the opinion of the old man Yamano, Sawamura\'s engine may be better than his proud disciple. But the race does not mean that the engine is good, it must run fast. Your supporting facilities must also keep up with it!

Akagi\'s situation is the engine of a sports car, pulling a broken pickup.

Do you match?

"The third, Feng Xiang."

Facing Fengxiang, Qi Haiyao was not stingy with his winning ball, and Feng Xiang was helpless in the face of a wide-angle slider.

After two swipes, the third finally hit the ball.


After the white ball was hit, it fell to the middle of first and second base.

Tenryuji\'s second baseman, slammed the ball and stopped the ball.

The second baseman fell, and Oda, who saw this scene, ran to the third base without stopping.

The second baseman at Tenryuji picked up the ball and blocked Fengxiang.

At this time, Oda ran to third base.

Two outs and someone at third base.

At this time, it was Akagi\'s fourth bat, Sawamura.