Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 27: : 1 fierce battle without spectators (salutations ???/a>

That night, when Sawamura returned to the dormitory, the atmosphere was very wrong. 【No pop-up novel network】

Masuko Toru hadn\'t come back yet, and only Kuramochi was in the dormitory. He knelt down in front of the TV very calmly, watching TV seriously.

The strange thing is that there is no sound in the TV, and the light can see the picture flickering.

So abnormal!

His keen intuition told Sawamura that it was very dangerous here, so he raised his legs and was about to leave.

"Where to go?"

The room was quiet, and the sound of Sawamura opening the door was particularly abrupt. Now that he was about to pull the door and leave again, the sound was even more abrupt.

Kuramochi calmly picked up the remote control, turned off the silent TV, and asked without looking back.

"It\'s okay, just go out for a walk."

The ominous feeling became more and more serious, and Sawamura ran away.

Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, a man can bend and stretch

At this moment, the names of countless sages flashed in Sawamura\'s mind, and these sages told Sawamura the same truth. A good man does not suffer from immediate losses!

Although I don\'t know why Kuramochi is crazy, he is definitely crazy.

Nasawamura should smear oil on the soles of his feet.

"Go there!"

Cang Yue jumped up and rushed towards Sawamura like a hungry tiger.

"Tell me, how did you hook up with Sakurako. Do you know that she is our class\'s dream lover?"

Sawamura might be Kuramochi\'s opponent, but he was caught by Kuramochi as soon as he turned around.


As soon as Sawamura opened his mouth, he was fixed by Kuramochi\'s scorpion fixation method. (That is, cross Sawamura\'s legs and put it on Kuramochi\'s own thigh. This way, Sawamura can only touch the ground with both hands and has no power to fight back.)

"Don\'t argue, you playboy. Don\'t you have a childhood friend in your hometown?"


Sawamura wanted to say something again, but Kuramachi stopped him again arrogantly.

Sawamura wanted to cry without tears.

He just wanted to ask, who is Sakurako?

The next morning, Qing Dao’s friends took a bus to watch the Spring Festival semi-finals of the Qing Dao First Army.

High school training is not unrestrained, especially during competitions, at least on the day of the competition, Qingdao does not require everyone to train.

But in a place like Qingdao, it\'s hard to say. Except for the first team of players participating in the competition, most of the other players will practice on their own.

If you want to climb up, how can you not work harder than others?

In this semi-final, Qing Dao played very crazy, and finally defeated the opponent with a big score of 12:5.

Such a score in the Tokyo semifinals is rare even for Aoshima.

Minister Ota looked at the menacing formation of them in surprise, and muttered inexplicably: "Have you all taken gun medicine?"

Although Sawamura and Akatsuki Fukutani joined the First Army, the registration for the Tokyo Spring Competition had already closed, so they could not participate in the competition as First Army for the time being. Only in the audience, watching everyone\'s performance.

Qing Dao successfully advanced to the Tokyo finals and won the qualification for the Kanto Conference.

The whole team cheered.

"Qingdao, long live!!!"

After everyone got on the bus, Minister Ota announced the order for a holiday after returning to school.

"The players of the first army, gather in the conference room at night to discuss the tactics of tomorrow\'s final."

In the finals, according to Qingdao\'s previous style, 80% of the time is to arrange for substitutes, so there is no need to prepare specially, just ask at night.

In this way, Qing Dao\'s little friends ushered in a rare half-day vacation.

Saturday afternoon, all friends, have a holiday.

As for how many people will rest this afternoon, it is hard to say. However, when the first army is selected, it is definitely necessary to rest. This is also an unspoken rule, not only to relieve the fatigue of the game, but also to free up the scarce resources such as pitching machines and training equipment.

The various implementations of Qing Dao are very complete, but there is no local tyrant who can satisfy everyone\'s training. Like pitching machines, strength training equipment, these things are still closely related to the military.

You must know that there are ninety-three players in Qingdao. If each of them has to use a pitching machine to practice hitting, how many pitching machines are needed? The same is true for other facilities

On weekdays, the First Army has occupied these resources for a long time. When there are holidays or rotations, the First Army should also sensible to let these facilities out and give other small partners a chance.

At three o\'clock in the afternoon, the sun is in the west, and the spring breeze is gentle, and everyone who blows it will be drunk.

By the small river next to Qingdao High School, the environment is very good, the scenery is good, and there are not many people.

In the evening, after dinner, many friends of the Second Army like to come here to practice swinging, but of course they are not here now. Now that the entire army is resting, they rarely have access to training equipment and pitching machines, where they will come here.

Sawamura sat by the small river, feeling the spring breeze, and the sound of beeping constantly came from the mobile phone in his hand, reminding him that a text message came in.

But Sawamura didn\'t understand this, he was waiting for someone.

After a while, the person he was waiting for came!

"Hello, seniors!"

Sawamura got up, looked at the seniors in front of him, and greeted respectfully.

Jun Cheng nodded: "There are no seniors now, only opponents."

"let us start!"

Kose Tetsuya, Kominato Ryosuke, Isafuki Jun, Chris, Masuko Toru, in the third grade, there are quite a few high-level hitters.

"Wait, there\'s one more left."

After Chris finished speaking, a figure rushed behind him.

"I\'m sorry, I overslept at noon. Hee hee~"

The last person to arrive is Miyuki.

"How come?"

Here is a small river, not as convenient as a golf course.

"Well, the batting station is by the river, and I throw the ball with my back against the school wall. With the height of the dam and the wall, I can block most of the balls. The school ball is a home run."

Sawamura has been investigating for a long time, and he has long planned to do this.

"The five of us, how do we arrange it?"

Formation is no nonsense, just ask Sawamura directly.

If five people play four games, it will be too bullying. With Sawamura\'s current physical strength, it is impossible to compete with the five of them at the same time, and cast more than four rounds without interruption.

"It\'s the old rules, you can combine freely, a group of three, four rounds."

Sawamura said.

"How is the victory calculated?"

Izashiki said Youan intends to get one point, as long as I drop two points in a round, I will lose. If I hit a home run, I\'m also a loser. "

Sawamura thought for a moment and said.

Three people in a round and only one hit in a round, if it\'s not a home run, Sawamura wins.

"If it\'s a draw then, we\'ll add another round."

Sawamura worked with Chris in the first round, Miyuki in the second, Chris in the third, and Miyuki in the fourth.

"I won\'t give you information about Sawamura in the first two rounds, and I will give you information and advice in the third and fourth rounds."

After Sawamura finished speaking, Chris added.

In this duel, both sides are very serious, and they try to be fair.

This is only possible if we respect each other.