Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 26: : Don't die!

I closed my eyes, as if I could feel the cheers of every cell in my body.

This feeling is so infatuation!

Although Sawamura Sawamura was very unwilling when he was a relief pitcher, after all, his ideal was to be an ace. But every time he stood on the mound and faced off against a batter, Sawamura became infatuated.

This feeling is even worse for an ace pitcher. The environment a ace pitcher faces is not necessarily the worst in a game.

But the relief pitcher is different. The relief pitcher is usually sent to the field when other pitchers collapse, especially when the ace pitcher collapses.

And this situation is often when the team faces the biggest crisis.

The most dangerous time is to face the monster beaters of the big league.

Under such circumstances, Eijun Sawamura stood on the mound with an indescribable fascination.

He likes that feeling, like the tension of every cell in the body beating. Some people are naturally afraid of competition, they are afraid of all kinds of situations when someone challenges them. When it comes to the game, I can\'t help but get nervous and play out of order.

Sawamura Eijun is also a flesh and blood person, of course he is also nervous, but he likes this tension very much.

In this feeling, the 10 trillion cells in his body are cheering.

I have to say, Matsumoto Kenen is really a good hitter! Playing against a batter like that brings back memories of Sawamura\'s past life, when he pitched in the major leagues.

How did Matsumoto Kenen know that his unintentional display of momentum awakened a sleeping lion.

It\'s a bit inappropriate to say that it was a sleeping lion. It\'s more appropriate to say that he accidentally awakened a demon.

Now that the demons are awakened, as opponents on the demon\'s court, they will inevitably suffer.


Without any fancy extra moves, Sawamura\'s pitch shot.

The small white ball is like a jumping elf, and its trajectory can be faintly seen, but if you look for it carefully, it feels like you can\'t figure it out.

This sounds a bit difficult to understand, but it is the truth. The ball doesn\'t look like it\'s very fast, but it\'s actually surprisingly fast.

If you swing the bat after catching the ball with your eyes, then your swing is too late!

This was the case with Kenen Matsumoto, who swung the bat and bit the ball according to the previous rhythm.

According to his intuition, he should have hit the ball. But in fact, he didn\'t even touch the ball hair on this ball.

The baseball took a step forward, crossed the strike belt, and got into Jun Matsumoto\'s glove.

"nice shot!"

An ordinary straight ball turned Matsumoto Kenen, known as the No. 1 player in Nagano Prefecture, to miss his swing. This scene in front of me, even in the eyes of the brothers of the Red Heart Brotherhood, is a bit mysterious.

Of course, they wouldn\'t care about such a fantastic result.

No matter what his process is, as long as Sawamura Eijun can solve his opponent perfectly, as supporters, they will cheer up.

"Akagi! Akagi! Eijun!!!"


With just one strike, Sawamura caused the entire stand to cheer.

As spectators, they didn\'t seem to be worried at all that Sawamura\'s ball was hit. Even if his current opponent is one of the best in Nagano Prefecture, Matsumoto Kenen.

In the stands, the coach of Nagano Metropolitan High School and several players were silent.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. The audience at the scene could cheer for the simple reason that Sawamura Eijun let Matsumoto Kenen fail. But they can\'t, they see something deeper.

"What a pure straight ball!"

Ma Li, who had braided braids, hesitated and groaned.

Tsuchimura next to him was a little unclear, so Tsuchimura also realized how extraordinary Sawamura’s pitch was just now, but he couldn’t tell what was so extraordinary about Sawamura’s ball.

"A straight ball, as the name suggests, is thrown from the pitcher\'s hand and goes straight to the catcher\'s ball. Because the trajectory is a straight line, it is called a straight ball. But no matter how powerful a pitcher is, after the ball is thrown, it will inevitably be hit by the ground. The influence of gravity: there will be a certain decline and deceleration. Of course, some pitchers with fast ball speed and superb skills can also use the method of increasing the rotation of the ball to make the ball float to a certain extent. Sawamura Eijun\'s previous floating ball, It is to use the method of pressing the wrist and raising the legs to increase the rotation of the baseball and make the ball float. Of course, this kind of floating ball is not the same as the straight ball thrown by Sawamura Eijun just now. As I said before, the pitch is not only down In addition to this effect, there is also a process of slowing down. From the pitcher\'s mound to the catcher\'s glove, the total length is about 18 meters. During the flight of the ball, it must be a process of first acceleration and then deceleration."

"Could it be that when Sawamura Eijun pitched the ball, when he passed the strike zone, the ball was still accelerating?"

Tuhara asked in disbelief.

It is said that after the ball is released, the distance to accelerate to the peak speed is very short. Because everyone is different, the distance to accelerate to the fastest ball speed is also different. But even so, Tsuchihara had never heard of the fact that someone threw a ball of more than ten meters and was still accelerating.

"It doesn\'t have to be acceleration, but at least when the ball reaches the it doesn\'t slow down too much."

Fengxiang Longyi affirmed.

Because there is no deceleration, the baseball is far faster than the real ball speed when standing on the strike zone.

As an experienced baseball coach, Feng Xiang Longyi knows very well that a pitcher with such pure straight ball is more terrifying than a pitcher with pure ball speed and floating ball.

Just when he thought he had a high opinion of Eijun, Sawamura showed even more terrifying power at this time.

Facing such a terrifying opponent who has already stood at the top of the county and is still evolving, Fengxiang Longyi even felt a sense of powerlessness.

Fengxiang Ryugi felt powerless. Standing on the court, Matsumoto Kenen, who faced off head-to-head with Sawamura, felt more real.

Speaking of which, this is the first time that Kenen Matsumoto has felt this way.

It feels like Kamisawa Village has become extremely tall, like a Titan. And he himself became an unarmed warrior.

Kong has a fighting spirit, but he is not an opponent at all.


Matsumoto Kenen was immersed in the frustration of his own powerlessness, and Sawamura\'s second goal came unceremoniously.

Matsumoto swung the bat subconsciously, and then watched the baseball fly over his bat.


"nice shot!"

The second ball was a floating ball that caught people off guard.

Matsumoto Kenyuan\'s sense of powerlessness became stronger.

Just when he was about to despair, Sawamura\'s third goal came.

Matsumoto was unable to swing the bat, so naturally he didn\'t touch the ball.

Three swings, three misses.

Matsumoto Kenyuan was struck out, but he was not out.

At this time, Jun Matsumoto, who had been working well with Sawamura, missed the call.

There is an undead strike!
