Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 25: : 'good' supervision

The baseball field at Qingdao High School on Saturday.


All the players of Qingdo High School, under the leadership of the supervisor Kataoka, collectively went to the school gate to meet their opponent today, Kiryu High School.


Qingdao High School, of course, is not so polite to every opponent. There are many other reasons for this, which are briefly mentioned here.


First of all, Qingdao High School didn\'t get into Koshien for five consecutive years, but it was still the top giant in the country. It\'s not that Qingdao High School is bragging on the outside, and it\'s not all relying on reporters\' reports.


After all, no matter how colorful your reporter says, there is no suitable opponent, and it will not show the strength of Qingdao High School players.


At this time, the importance of practicing the game is highlighted.


Although Qingdao High School has not entered Koshien in the past few years, there is no chance to show his strength on the national stage. But this does not mean that Qingdao High School has not played against the national level tyrants.


Any world dominated by people, no matter how clearly it is divided, is inseparable from the existence of human feelings. It may be indifferent in some places and thick in some places, but it is always an important link between people.


The same is true for school. Although Qingdo High School has not entered Koshien for several years, the school has always maintained its relationship with other famous schools.


This solved one of the biggest problems of Qingdo High School. They are not afraid of having no opponents, and the opponents of Qingdao High School\'s practice competition are also powerful and famous all over the country.


Just like the last three practice competition opponents of the camp, Koshien will win Osaka Kiryu, the current hegemon of West Tokyo, Inagi, and the rising star of East Tokyo, Shukita High School.


These schools are all very good opponents. But this does not mean that any school invites people, and they will play games with you.


It also depends on whether you are qualified or not?


Qing Dao not only has friendship, but also strength. Also a good practice match opponent for those schools.


This also has another benefit for Qing Dao, because because of the competition with these tyrants, Qing Dao has gained more attention.


This is too important for both the school and the players.


For example, let’s say that Dongqingguo, who just graduated, was drawn by the fourth overall pick in the draft.


The media exposure here is one aspect. After the media exposure, Dongqingguo will naturally receive the attention of professional scouts. But attention is attention. If you just look at your practice, can he know how strong you are?


Still watching the game!


And when it comes to the competition, Qingdao High School often fails to make it into Koshien.


This is not good for scouts to detect the strength of your players.


At this time, the advantages of the giants of Qingdao High School were highlighted. In addition to the regular competitions, they would also play practice matches with these giants of Koshien. In such competitions, players have more opportunities to express themselves, and it is easier to get ahead.


Osaka Kiryu, almost every year, plays practice games with Qingdo High School.


In the quiet days of Qingdo High School in the past, it can be said without hesitation that Osaka Kiryu was one of the benefactors of Qingdo High School.


Such a good friend, Qingdao High School will naturally welcome them warmly.


This is why Kataoka led all the friends of Qingdo High School to greet him at the school gate.


This sentence may be a bit unpleasant, but in fact, the interaction between people must be changed to one side. How people treat you, you must treat them the same, or even twice as good.


Such a relationship can last for a long time and is a true good friend.


If one party is always giving and the other party is only concerned with accepting, unless it is a husband and wife or a parent, the relationship will not last long. In fact, it is clear, even if it is husband and wife, parents. Give this love back to each other.


Digressing, let\'s get back to the point.


The supervisor of Osaka Kiryu, Takahiro Matsumoto, is a middle-aged man in his 50s with a charitable appearance.


She has a mid-parted hairstyle, and there is a little hair loss on her forehead, which gives the impression of Mimi\'s, like a Maitreya Buddha.


Kataoka is more than 20 years younger than Director Matsumoto.


Take the initiative to step forward and shake hands to greet him.


"Supervisor Kataoka, you\'re very kind."


Matsumoto\'s smile made people almost lose sight of his eyes.


"Trouble you all come from afar, it\'s really hard work!"


Kataoka was very respectful, but there was an air of complacency.


"Ao, it\'s not in the way, it\'s not in the way. Life is movement."


The two talked for a few words, and Matsumoto Takahiro suddenly changed the subject.


"I heard that Sawamura-san went to Qingdao High School. I wonder if he will play today?"




As Kataoka spoke, he handed over the schedule in his hand to Matsumoto.


Matsumoto took it and heard Kataoka continue.


"Let\'s play a wonderful game!"


Hearing this, Takahiro Matsumoto was slightly taken aback, and he did not immediately answer Kataoka\'s question, but looked at the staff arrangement of Qingdo High School.


The level of detail in this arrangement is astounding. Not only are there arrangements for all players, but there are even arrangements for changing players when.


The most interesting thing is the two pitchers who will play in this game.


In the first three innings, it was Akatsuki Furuya, who is said to have a super-fast pitch, and in the last six innings, it was Eijun Sawamura.


In this game, all the pitchers arranged by Qingdo High School were first graders.


Takashi Matsumoto smiled slightly.


The opponent is their Kiryu High School, and Kataoka still sent two baby soldiers to the field!


Although it is not incomprehensible that the team needs some adjustments before the summer competition, it is unreasonable to send two freshmen at the same time.


"Before the summer competition, I want to test the players\' status in practice games. I don\'t understand. But I still didn\'t expect Kataoka to supervise you, and you will send two first-years? Presumably these two first-years are full of potential. A pitcher, right? I’ve heard about the Kanto Conference. Sawamura-san and that super-fastball pitcher? Hee hee, then I’ll wait and see.”


After speaking, Matsumoto Takahiro left.


Kataoka stared blankly at Matsumoto\'s back and sighed in his heart.


He really couldn\'t hide anything from this old fox.


On the other side is the rest area for the players of Qingdo High School.


"The coach of Kiryu High School, looks so nice and Zenou."


Miyuki has nothing to say.


Sawamura rolled his eyes at him.


"Don\'t ignore me, okay? I\'m resting."


Sawamura did not let go of every minute and every was trying his best to regain his strength.


Miyuki didn\'t care.


Game start.




"Please advise!"


"Please advise!"




In the first half of the game, Kiryu High School took the lead.


In this game, Qingdao High School\'s starting lineup hardly made any adjustments, that is, the pitcher was replaced by Sawamura Akatsuki.


Of course, this does not mean that there is no adjustment at all, but the adjustment is so subtle that it is difficult for ordinary people to perceive it.


Sawamura adjusted from the original fifth to the seventh. )!!