Ace of Diamond: The Pitcher Returns

v2 Chapter 24: :Score! Score! ! !

After the ball was passed back to Sawamura, Sawamura threw his second ball without much preparation.


The small white ball, like laser light, rushed towards the hitter.

On the strike zone, the muscles of Matsumoto Kenen\'s body suddenly tensed. His body, like a high-speed motor, turned on its full power instantly.

All of Sawamura\'s pitches, Matsumoto Kenen had studied very carefully before. The more he studied, the more surprised he became. Sawamura\'s ball path, although on the surface there are only two types of straight **** and change-up balls, if we investigate carefully, there are actually more.

The speed of the ball is 130. Although the ball cannot be shot perfectly, the inside and outside corners are clearly separated. In addition, Sawamura\'s straight ball has a variety of stalls. Can float to varying degrees…

Now, Matsumoto Kenen has completely forgotten the Sawamura pitching information that he had collected before. He has completely digested this information, and for the next blow, he only needs to swing the bat with all his strength.

As far as mental thinking is concerned, batters are generally divided into two groups. One is the theoretical school, guessing the opponent\'s ball distribution and then betting on the ball route is the most obvious feature of this school. The other school is the intuitive school.

Standing in the strike zone, don\'t think about anything, just follow your own feelings.

Any batter can have both. The difference is that some batters use slightly more brains, while others prefer to trust their intuition.

Matsumoto is different from the two. When he prepares, he is a standard brain school. All the materials are prepared in great detail, and the countermeasures are very comprehensive. But when it came time to strike, he completely trusted his intuitive judgment.

This kind of thing sounds absurd, but in fact, that\'s what it is.

In the men\'s basketball team, there is a very powerful marksman who is short-sighted. It is said that without glasses, even aiming is difficult, let alone shooting three-pointers. But when people don\'t wear glasses, they shoot accurately, but when they put on glasses, they can\'t find the feeling.

Not only in basketball, but also in other sports, there are many such things. The same is true of hitting, it just depends on a feeling.

Matsumoto Kenyuan\'s feeling came, and he couldn\'t believe how good he was now.

It seems that no matter what the ball is on the opposite side, he can hit it.


The small white ball was hit and flew out like a fleeing rabbit.

The ball flew so fast that even Oda, who was on first base and had a very solid defense, didn\'t have time to defend and watched the ball fly away from him.

"The outside world!"

Fortunately, this ball, like the previous one, did not fall into the strike zone.

On the strike zone, Matsumoto Kenen\'s face became solemn.

The power of the ball is heavier than he imagined. Originally he thought he could pull the ball back, but he didn\'t expect the ball to fall out of bounds.

At this time, Matsumoto Kenyuan discovered a very strange thing, that is, if Sawamura continued to use corner kicks to entangle him, it would be difficult for him to steadily score the ball into the strike zone.

Sawamura\'s pitching is not only about the speed and change of the ball, but also the power of the ball is difficult to grasp.

To break this deadlock, his swing must be stronger!

With a decision in his heart, Kenen Matsumoto clenched the bat even tighter with both hands.

And at this time, Sawamura\'s last goal also came.

His legs were lifted high. In terms of height, this time Sawamura lifted his legs much higher than all his previous leg lifts.

Raise your legs high!

Although there were not many clear thoughts in his mind, Matsumoto intuitively adjusted his preparation posture when he saw Sawamura raising his legs. The high leg raise is Sawamura\'s signature move for throwing a float.

Although raising his legs high does not mean that Sawamura will definitely hit the floater, Matsumoto\'s intuition tells him that the next ball will be Sawamura\'s highest floater.

The direction that the bat is aimed at is the two **** above the straight ball!

There was no clear circuit in his mind, but Matsumoto\'s swing didn\'t have any hesitation and hesitation. He unceremoniously aimed at the position of the two **** above the straight ball and swung.


The low sound of swinging the stick was accompanied by the faint sound of wind and thunder.

Among middle school students, there are very few who can have this kind of swing.

Hearing the sound of swinging the stick, Akagi\'s little friend couldn\'t help but sank in his heart.

Only Sawamura on the pitcher mound showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, the floating ball was guessed.

But unfortunately, you are still too young.


The bat hit the small white ball and hit the ball high and flew out.

The ball flew so amazingly that it never landed in the sky.

The audience of more than 4,000 people stared at the sky intently, and were stunned by Matsumoto\'s strong swing.

Unexpectedly, middle school students still swing like this.

What was even more unexpected was that in the face of such a swing, Sawamura actually threw such an amazing shot.

Finally, the baseball fell.

On the pitcher\'s mound, Sawamura unhurriedly opened his glove and caught the belated pitcher\'s frontal fly ball.

"Get out!"

on the strike zone.

Matsumoto\'s face turned purple.

He looked at Sawamura on the pitcher mound in disbelief, lost in confusion.

If it wasn\'t for the powerful anti-shock force in his palm, he almost thought he had hit the center of the ball. Unexpectedly, Sawamura threw a high fly ball, but the height of the ball was even higher than he thought.

If it was just that, Matsumoto wouldn\'t be confused. What surprised him the most was Sawamura\'s power.

With his swinging power, UU reading www.uukanshu. There was no way for com to force Sawamura\'s ball out.

How heavy is this guy\'s ball power!

With Matsumoto out, Dabei Middle School, which had an amazing morale, lost its backbone at once.

Sawamura easily scored two strikeouts, giving Dabei Middle School three strikes and three strikes.

"Three outs, the offense and defense are exchanged."

In the second half of the second game, Akagi Middle School attacked.

At this time, the audience was still immersed in the duel between Sawamura and Matsumoto, and they didn\'t notice that Sawamura, who had just been on the pitching mound, surprised them, and now stood on the strike zone.

No one out, no one on base.

Sawamura was the strike zone at this time, and after standing in the strike zone, Sawamura unceremoniously put on a bunt stance.

Now no one is out, and the batter is Akagi\'s four sticks.

Dabei\'s pitchers never dreamed that Sawamura would use bunts.

Could it be that the power of his pitching made Sawamura, a top player in the country, have to guard against it?

Thinking of this, the young man was still a little excited.

Then he threw a bad ball unceremoniously, and Sawamura had to bunt the first ball. How could he make Sawamura happy.

The ball fell below the knee, which is a standard bad ball.

Sawamura, who was on the strike zone, threw his bat against the bad ball unceremoniously.


The baseball was hit and landed behind the shortstop, right across the center of the midfielder and right fielder.

After the ball was hit, Sawamura hit second base non-stop.

No one is out, there is someone at second base!

Next, it seemed like a matter of course, Akagi used bunts to walk Sawamura back to home plate.

Akagi, won the first point of the game.
